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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. There ya go Rich, the heck with the Opens go through the Federation Nation!
  2. Visually I can see where it would be appealing. But way to noisy for me. I'd like to do it once or twice. In Philadelphia like Ike and Dave Mercer did on his show? Absolutely not! That wasn't visually appealing at all, looked like a dump (sorry anyone from Philly). Chicago looks cool and Fishballer's pic of the Steel city looks cool too.
  3. Are you a monk or someone who writes Chinese proverbs? I'm not a smart man, while what you said no doubt sounds encouraging. I'm finding it rather difficult to translate to laymen terms. I won't lie, lol
  4. They say building a house is a major stresser! That's our plan in the spring. On top of that my dad and I are going to build it. We'll see what happens. Great advise as usual A-Jay. No matter which situation you always manage to come through.
  5. It is a sellers market for sure! My first house I was fortunate, we had friends who were the Realtors and my wife worked at the mortgage company so it went extremely smooth and quick. Our second and current house we bought back in the recession or tail end of it and not too many houses were being bought and even more were going on the market. Hit the jack pot on that one. In the spring we're looking to sell and build a new house. Would building be an option?
  6. Interesting! I checked out the link and they have quite a bit they offer. What is the mold made out of? Have you tried their sinker molds?
  7. Here's my final take. No matter what brand you go with you're going to get great tools to aid in your fishing adventures. There's things you'll get with a Humminbird unit that Garmin won't have and vise versa. Same goes for Lowrance and don't forget Raymarine (though both of those seem to be a little steeper in price). My advise is to read, read, and read some more to better educate yourself on what 2d,SI,DI, mapping, and record your own maps do. I've been reading, asking questions, and watching videos for 8 months or so and I still haven't purchased any units. I won't be making a boat purchase and electronics purchase until spring. One thing I can assure you is when I do make these purchases I'll know my boat well and I'll know my fish finders well. There will still be a learning curve for both, but I'll know what I have and at the end of the day the only regret I'll have is that my budget wasn't bigger. Good luck, and if you have anymore questions just ask.
  8. Yet! ?? That's what opossums are, giant nasty rats. Fast fact of the day: opossums are north America's only marsupial. ?
  9. I'll bet there isn't a penguin.
  10. Assuming he's looking for 2 units any of those would blow his $1k budget out of the water, otherwise I'd be focusing on a couple bird units.
  11. I had to take a bot fly larva out of a kitten before. Most disgusting thing I've ever done/seen. I'll gut a deer all day long but I'd have a hard time taking another bot fly out. P.s. people can get them too
  12. Welcome from Central Michigan!
  13. I was watching an old episode of Zona's Awesome fishing show last night. He was on Toledo Bend with Harold Allen. Toledo Bend looks like it would be a hoot to fish. I'm not sure where they were on the lake but it was tree stumps sticking out as far as the eye can see! It would be fun pitching and flipping them all day long. It was pretty amazing to see Harold Allen picking this stump and that one and telling Zona those ones are no good. I don't know if it was the diameter or what but he was right on them. Pretty cool episode. I'll be putting Toledo Bend on my bucket list for sure!
  14. 2 Garmin Striker 7sv. No mapping but you can save waypoints.
  15. Easy Rich. I imagine everyone is just joking and having fun. I know I was. Ford vs Chevy has been an on going thing forever. They both produce quality products. You have to admit though the new Super Dutys aren't as tough looking as the previous model years. ?
  16. Budget? I'm sure we all could help you spend your money.
  17. Water pump?
  18. Let's take predictions on next years. I say a penguin!
  19. Ford backwards Driver Returns On Foot
  20. Their lateral line. They feel it.
  21. Hmm sounds like Michigan minus the conspiracy. They didn't exist in the Lower Peninsula despite several sightings and pictures. Then one was spotted, photos taken, evidence collected so the DNR had no choice but to admit they're here. "Just passing through" they say. Lol
  22. Thanks. I actually read a post of yours on another forum answering the same question. Sharing waypoints is all I'm really concerned with, so that works out. Anything in the near future as far as upgraded transducers?
  23. Looks good! Is your screen name going to change now? ?
  24. Would you rather have a 12v trolling motor and have it be too small and basically useless? You have a 25' toon. That's basically a big sail. I'd rather have too much than too little and a 12v trolling motor would be way too little.
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