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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I dare say B.A.S.S. has put themselves on a slippery slope.
  2. I point my bow to the wind set my TM just high enough that the wind is barely pushing me backwards. I obviously control the speed of my TM to how fast I want to drift. Side arm cast keeping the bait low and not directly into the wind but at an angle. If it's really windy I don't go.
  3. Don't forget the cheek meat!
  4. Wet day but it looks like it turned out pretty good.
  5. I've been reading that at your other online hang out. That's too bad, because they are really nice boats.
  6. IT'S ALIVE!!! lol after 5 months somebody responds! Thanks for your input! I still haven't bought a pair. My cheap renegade Fletcher Shryock sunglasses are getting pretty beat up. They weren't too comfortable after an entire day of wearing them, so I think I'm might spend a little more and try a pair of the NINES out.
  7. From what I've been reading the Ranger tins are very popular, and I'm guessing the the Renegades are going to be some good competition for the Ranger boats. It looks like they're priced pretty close to the same.
  8. Black Friday. Also check pricing with Universalmania, BBG marine, BOE marine. I'm guessing you'll find better pricing with those stores over the big box stores.
  9. Exactly. The new majority owner has been a minority owner for a while. That's why I'm not too worried that things will change.
  10. Scratching my head too. You take that house and move it around my area it would go for $700k? I've seen houses in an area I work and if you had that same house in my town $200k less. Area matters and different strokes for different folks.
  11. I hadn't looked at the Renegades at all because they have the Lund name plate and that spells out of my price range. I looked at the 1775 and the 1875 and they aren't priced bad at all. I don't think my "financial manager" will push the budget that far, but I'm impressed. The only I think I'd change is put the rod locker at the center. Other than that I like it a lot.
  12. The days are few and far between now. I want to get out at least 2 more times, but the fall rush is here at work and everyone is getting the last bit of digging in before the snow flies and the ground freezes. I'm not much of an ice fisherman either. Too much work to move spots. Much easier hitting the TM and cruising to a new spot.
  13. I've heard the Solix units weigh a ton!
  14. Welcome to Bassresource from central Michigan. Where in Michigan are you from?
  15. Loons are one of my favorite birds. The only bird more majestic in my eyes is the bald eagle. It's been over a year since I've had the privilege of sharing the water with a loon. If you could take the call of the loon and put it on an eagle I think we'd have the perfect "super bird".
  16. The larva burrows into your skin and feeds off from the inside of your skin. Once it reaches maturity it'll come out. They have little burrs on them that makes taking them out a bit tricky. Pretty gross.
  17. It says 1986: Helen Sevier and group of investors purchase B.A.S.S. from Ray Scott You're right though at this point it is all history.
  18. B.A.S.S. has changed hands 5 times now. I read it on Bassmaster's website, in their "history time line" Ray Scott Helen Seiver (could be wrong spelling) ESPN Jerry McGinnis Now new investors (don't remember the name) Hope this helps
  19. I asked a similar question of my fellow Michigan anglers. Our state record is 11lb 15oz set back in the 30's. Most who responded thought there were DD bass in our state. I imagine there are but I think they're very very few and far between. The biggest LMB one reported if I remember was just over 7lbs and that was a LMB on a small lake stocked with trout. That says a lot right there. If there's going to be a fat and happy bass it's going to be snacking on trout.
  20. Digital oasis, BBG marine, Universal mania are places I'd check as well
  21. As you know I don't have any units yet but will soon. For me the reasons I'm going to go with two units is simple. 1: I want to be able to putt around a lake Mark waypoints and be able to go to those at a later time. 2: I want mapping up front as well as at the helm. Having mapping at the bow helps you see possible "fishy" spots. 3: I want all the tools with me up front that I have at the helm. Some people only use one large unit at the helm and just turn it when at the bow. Another option to save money is go the route I'm going and get a couple units that are linked instead of networking. If I had the budget I'd have a TM and a couple units all networked together. As long as I can share waypoints I'll be good.
  22. I wouldn't mind that at all! It's always good to change scenery and experience new things. It would be a once in a while thing but I'd fish it.
  23. Those are pretty awesome!
  24. How long can they hold their breath for?
  25. 40k bass boat isn't that high end these days. Add another 40-50k and you're there. Test drive different boats and walk around on them and see what best suits you. Everybody has there opinion and only you can decide what works for you. If it were me I wouldn't leave my boat whether it be a $5k or a $90k bass boat in the water for more than a couple days unless it were covered and on a lift. Even then I'm not sure I would do that. That's just me though.
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