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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. From what I've read with the Active Captain app paired with these units you can sit in your house with a tablet or phone and go over the lake you plan on fishing and mark areas of interest and transfer them to your unit you have. There's plenty of other cool upgrades.
  2. I'm not sure what route I'm going to go. If still available in the spring I might get 2 93 sv echomap if they're still on sale. If not I might go with a 73 sv echomap Plus unit and get a Striker 9 sv. From what I've been reading the ActiveCaptain app paired with these units is pretty cool. Match that with Quickdraw and I think I could get by just fine with a Striker 9 Plus unit. The pricing on these units aren't much different than before. According to Garmin's website they're supposed to be available by the end of the week.
  3. Lol. Yes it is. My head was spinning.
  4. We do have a good population of dogs around here. You can hear them several times a week across the road at night or early morning. Between the coyote, fox, and farming I haven't seen or heard a pheasant in almost 10 years.
  5. I was doing some price checking a few weeks ago trying to decide which route I'm going to go. Anyways I emailed BBG marine told him what I wanted to do and within a couple hours he replied with some great pricing and a list of everything I needed to network the units together. Universal Mania is another company with great pricing and knowledge from what I hear. Give those two a shout and they'll hook you up and explain everything to you if needed.
  6. That is a pretty good deal. I'm wondering how long it'll last? I can't pull the trigger until spring. I was going to go with the 73 sv but hey if I can get a couple 93's for the same price of course. Fingers crossed!
  7. I'm not sure when they're coming out, it just said quarter 4 of this year. I would guess soon with the holidays coming. It sounds like the 9" echomap will be around $1200, if I remember right.
  8. I just read that Garmin has announced a new line of Striker and Echomap units. That's right @NHBull days after your purchase. The Striker units will have quick draw, wi-fi The Echomap units will have touch screen capability, wi-fi, add a 6" unit I'm sure I've missed some things. They sound like some nice additional features. If I were a smart man I'd post the announcement.
  9. Not on purpose I haven't. First time I was Turkey hunting and one came up while I was calling. DEAD Second time opening day of goose season a doe came crashing through the woods into the field where we were, with one not too far behind her. We saved her life. Third time was this spring turkey hunting again. I was calling a group that was a few hundred yards away and one came 15 yrds from me and my 7 year old son and sniffed our decoy. I didn't shoot because I didn't want to scare the birds. He noticed us took off and tried getting the birds. Ended our day pretty early but my son liked having one that close. I've wanted to go out and try calling some in but I've never gotten around to it. It looks like fun and we have a ton around.
  10. At $3500 a pop they better include everything needed. I can't see them not including a particular chord that would keep it from running. Maybe he's referring to the chords needed to network it to other units and you TM? The Helix MEGA units don't either. I'd give him a call and ask what it is he's referring too.
  11. I'm going by what I've read, like with everything you read these day I don't take anything as gospil. I agree with you and that's the main reason I'm going with Garmin is because of the lakes that are included. I don't have a clue how many lakes Navionics and LakeMaster have on their cards, but 17,000 doesn't seem like a whole lot when you think about it. I'm assuming that wasn't enough for Garmin either. As an after thought you're right that would be a dumb move. Might explain why I'm not a business owner. ?
  12. I could see them doing it to Lowrance for 2 reasons. 1: to kind of get back at them for the lawsuit Lowrance filed against Garmin a while back 2: with the exception of the high end models (which I know nothing about) Garmin and Lowrance are pretty close to being on a level playing field. The only reason Humminbird isn't in the mix (in my opinion) is the have MEGA imaging which gives them the nod over the other two. I think you'll see a lot more Garmin units being sold now. From what I've read a bunch of consumers big hang up with Garmin was the fact that they couldn't use Navionics or LakeMaster. Now you have Navionics with Garmin. Garmin is making big strides over the past couple years with Panoptixs, Quickdraw, everything they include in their cheaper units, and the affordability of their units.
  13. That Jeremy guy who asked the question sounds like a pretty cool guy! ? Thanks @Glenn thanks Hank Parker.
  14. It's hard to fathom getting cabin fever in the summer, but it makes sense. We start our vehicles on in the winter for them to warm up, you guys start yours in the summer to cool them before driving. What a difference a thousand miles or so makes. BTW, I hate ice fishing (snooze fest, and a lot of work) ?
  15. Awesome! That's a heck of a deal!
  16. Very interesting!
  17. You poor thing 75-80 must be tough! ? Chance of snow tomorrow here in Michigan.
  18. I know nothing at all about servers, computers or anything like that so excuse my ignorance. Is there anything we'll notice or is it more on your end?
  19. That's a pretty good price. If it were to go down to 700 I'd be all over it. Check with BBG marine and Universal mania as well. I got a decent quote from BBG for the 73sv echomap a couple weeks ago.
  20. Nice find! I've yet to find anything cool or worth anything.
  21. Cabelas has the Garmin echomap 73sv on sale right now. I don't remember the price but it's a good deal.
  22. Nice! Can't wait to see the new rig and everything you're putting on it.
  23. I wish I'd get near you. I'm about 24hrs north of you. Lol
  24. The 73sv echomap is the direction I'm going too. I finally got my hands on one last week. Actually seeing it in person and playing around with it at the store pretty much sealed the deal for me. It looks like a great unit with awesome features. You can link it with another similar unit with a $20 cable. A lot more with other units. To get features like this with other units you're talking $200 or more. There are several guys on here who have this unit and are quite satisfied with it. Did you decide to go with Garmin for your new boat or are you still) deciding?
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