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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I agree. I would go for the Helix as well. I can't get enough of the MEGA imaging screen shots either.
  2. Awesome write up and sounds like you had a great trip! Going to buy a piggy bank today, destination Lake Baccarac.
  3. Only $300 more for MEGA? That's a no brainer. Still at a price I'll never be able to afford. Lol
  4. With Garmin units you can record a million acres I believe without a card. Humminbird you need to buy a zero line card.
  5. Garmin bought Navionics not Lowrance.
  6. Autochart is Hummingbirds. Like @iabass8 said get the biggest screen you can afford. If you haven't seen a 5" in person it's basically like taking a pop can turning it sideways, that's the approximate size (pretty small). Like others have said go to Garmin's website, LakeMaster, Navionics, and check and see if your lakes are available. Garmin's Echomap units have around 17,000 lakes already preloaded which will save you around $150 if you were to go with Lowrance or Humminbird. Humminbird you have the option to upgrade transducers to get better imagery. With Black Friday coming up look for some awesome deals. You really can't go wrong with any of the units. Just do your research and decide which one best suits you.
  7. Awesome job sir!
  8. This is exactly why he is one of the very few who don't have to cash a check and can still support their family. Not saying I could do it, but you have to admit it's worked for him. Not to mention he's done what nobody else has. Federation Nation Classic champ AOY
  9. Holy smokes! Just looked them up.... 70" tall and have a $2500 price tag. Yikes! Big question I think would be how much do they weigh?
  10. That's what your kids say or that's what you use? ? sorry I had to
  11. I see him on another forum so he is doing good.
  12. Go Lakers! Good place to watch a hockey game! Had a friend who played basketball a LSSU back in the early 2000's too.
  13. Very interesting stuff. I think Bill Dance and KVD are apples and oranges. While I respect Bill Dance and enjoy some of his shows, take his advise, and respect his accomplishments his stock isn't what it used to be. KVD probably has the highest stock out of any angler on this planet. Maybe your rumors have some merrit. My opinion, I'll bet Lews is chomping at the bit to get KVD (who wouldn't). Like the old saying goes you can want in one hand and ? in the other and see which fills first.
  14. Not a chance (my assumption only). If that were the case he wouldn't be with Quantum, Oakley, HUK, and I'm guessing many others that would be a conflict of interest for Mr. Morris.
  15. Mine was a rhetorical question. Trying to make a point with it. You probably figured that out. ?
  16. What TM does KVD use? What brand electronics does he use/sponsored by? Zona just went to Diawa, he's sponsored by SK. I'm guessing KVD has enough pull that he can do what he wants. If any sponsor gave him an ultimatum he could just walk away and get picked up by whoever he wanted. KVD is a loyal guy. He's been with Nitro, MG, Quantum, Bass pro, and I'm sure many more forever. You can't tell me another company hasn't offered him way more money to plug this or that.
  17. I'll start by saying I'm not a business person and don't pretend to know anything about it, but here's my experience. I used to work for a very large (employee wise) nation wide company that was/is worth over 200 million. Every few years you'd get a group of investors buy the company or a majority of it, ride the wave for a few years sell it and walk away with millions in profits. Nothing really changed except for growth. The same standards were still there. On our end you'd never know. You see it all the time, this doesn't appear to be any different. You have a group of smart suits who see great potential and a good return on investment. I think it's better that they aren't anglers, less likely they'd try and put their 2 cents in. The one investor I told you about had their money in Bannana Replic, some watch company, and other carp and bought my company which was a infrastructure company, talk about polar opposites. This is no different than flipping houses. Invest a little make money back. Why not do it? Again I'm no expert and it's only my opinion and we know what those are like. ?
  18. From what I read in a nutshell.... It increases the ping speed thus giving you a better image in 2d.
  19. I think what @moguy1973 is referring to is why didn't the engineers think of a way to run a cable or why didn't at least one person think someone would want more than 2d sonar up front. Sounds like an awesome TM clearly somebody in the engineering department had to have thought of that?
  20. Ask her what's zero divided by zero. ?
  21. If you find some good structure or big enough fish take a screen shot and post it. I can't ever get enough MEGA screenshots!
  22. That looks nice! The Lowrance unit looks awkward next to that big Bird! Have you been on the water yet with the MEGA unit?
  23. I didn't read that you could do that. Doesn't mean you can't. That would be a cool option to have.
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