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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Better you than me. ?
  2. I have a really hard time getting my butt out of be in the morning. If it's a hunting or fishing day....I'm usually up before the alarm. I've noticed my son is the same way.
  3. Usually I'm a patient person, but when it comes to stuff like this I want to see it all now. They're going to make tin boats too. Not sure if I can wait. Makes you wonder if there'll be and big names at the classic fishing out of a Vexus? These guys must have something big and innovative to fork over the cash to put up and brand new building and dive in head first with doing both glass and tin right out of the gate.
  4. Hmmmm. As @J Francho knows I'm no businessman lol.....wouldn't you at least have a model to show or prototype when you have a launch like this? These guys are big wigs from Ranger so obviously they know what they're doing but I for one am pretty bummed and left scratching my head because there is to see is words for now.
  5. You da man! Crazy though less than 10,000 boats bass boats sold in the U.S. ?
  6. There better be something very cutting edge with this company/boat to keep this company afloat (pun very much intended, sorry). I don't remember who it was who posted bass boat sales the other day but I was absolutely floored how few are sold each year. I don't see how a new company with such a limited market make it today if they aren't holding a trump card. On the other hand I could see all these people who despise Mr. Morris for whatever reason buying these boats to spite him. As far as the price goes on these boats it's absolutely out of control! But the consumer is mostly to blame. Kind of piggy backing on what @slonezp was saying, it's the consumer who needs all these add-ons. They need 10k in electronics, 7k in shallow water anchors which now include 15' talons, 4k on a TM, 2k on a Ridged ins. Light kit, we could go on and on. Simple economics if people are going to pay for the high prices then why not sell them at the high prices? I have no problem with people having a 80-100k boat and the shallow water anchors, 15" fish finders. All of these are luxury items and you've obviously worked hard to be able to afford those luxuries and I salute you. Bottom line if people didn't buy at a high price the price wouldn't be so high.
  7. I've seen "die hard" Garmin guys who are hair splitters complain about the clear view. Most of these guys who are complaining about the clear view started this complaining about they found out that the CV transducers didn't have a dedicated down element and that Garmin "lied" to them for not disclosing this information from the get go. From the other forums I've seen there wasn't too much grumblings until that whole mess started. JMO
  8. I've seen plenty of images of Garmin CV and SV that are absolutely great. I've even seen where they've out performed Lowrance and Humminbird. With that said I've also seen where they couldn't compete with either. Pretty sure they're all pretty close to the same. If you throw in MEGA imaging or the HDSI transducer then of course Garmin won't compete.
  9. From the quick Google search I did it sure looks like one, especially because of the "knob" I'll call it at the bottom of the bend. Have you spoken or reached out to a local archeologist or university? That would be the route I'd take. I'm an American history nerd so I myself would be curious.
  10. I've played with a Helix 7si and I didn't mind the menu system. I've played with an Echomap unit as well and I preferred it over the Helix. Both were pretty easy to navigate though (IMO). The reason I'm going with Garmin is if you figure in the 17,000 plus lakes, and the 1 million acres worth of Quickdraw you can save to your unit, then Garmin is way cheaper. If Humminbird offered the same then it would be a toss up. Almost forgot the fact that you can link two units together for around $20 with Garmin is a huge bonus! Like I've said before both are great units, it's more about preference and budget than anything.
  11. No need for buyers remorse you got a very good unit. You even got the HDSI transducer.
  12. I've never been shopping on Black Friday. On my way in to work this morning our Wal-Mart didn't seem busier than normal. Kmart was busy there were about 15 cars in the parking lot LOL. And our Meijer (regional store) didn't seem overly swamped and this was at 6:30 prime time for the crazy Black Friday people.
  13. That old bruiser has some mass to him! I'll take a guess and say 130" class? Congrats.
  14. That is a pretty cool pic. That would be a cool pic to hang in the man cave or to use on business cards, flyers, or web page for your guide service. ?
  15. Garmin just came out with new units....Striker plus and Echomap plus units. CHIRP is an acronym which I don't remember what it stands for. If I remember correctly what CHIRP does is use multiple frequencies together which is supposed to help give better seperation of the lake bottom and fish or structure and fish. Most are saying it works best in water deeper than 30 feet or so. I don't fish that deep so I haven't done too much research on it.
  16. Don't feel bad I have a giant pumpkin head too. 7 7/8 ?
  17. ClearVu is the new proper term for Garmin's "down seeing" sonar. Lowrance downscan, Humminbird down imaging. DownVu is what they used to call it but can't anymore is the way I understand it.
  18. I'm getting less tolerant of the Michigan winters but one thing I can say, I work outside all day everyday and it's easier to stay warm in the winter than it is to stay cool in the summer. With that said my flag is staying planted in Michigan....for now.
  19. Do you ever sleep? With working nights, really young children, and fishing when do you sleep my friend?
  20. May I ask what was it that you read that's making you rethink things a little?
  21. He's got all the DD bass he wants now up in heaven. RIP.
  22. I don't currently have any. I've just been doing my research on "down seeing" sonar and "side seeing" sonar. In general terms that's what I call them because each brand has their own name. I will say I was dead set on Humminbird at first. Then I found the Striker units and loved the price. Then the Echomap units were found and I'm sold. Each unit has their positive and negative. I read about side by side comparisons as well. I watched a video Lowrance put out (maybe you did too) where they did a side by side with a Garmin unit. Basically IMO it was a smear campaign. If seen the same where the Garmin unit picks up things the Lowrance unit doesn't. The same can probably be said for a Humminbird and Raymarine unit. The whole lawsuit deal is irrelevant to me. I don't care about what was done, some people who rant and rave on the forum we're both referring to have nothing better to do. Besides I believe it was dismissed and all that came from it was the name change from "downvu" to "clearvu". Like I said before no matter what brand you buy you're going to get a great unit. Each brand has something the other doesn't. For me Garmin is the route I'm going to go. It's in my budget, I getting mapping where I'd have to cough up I've $100 if I got another unit. I only have to spend $20 to link two units together to share waypoints. Again over $100 with another unit. So like a lot of us it comes down to money. As far as the imaging goes, @slonezp set me strait, I don't need a pretty picture. I can see rocks, wood and others. I don't need to see the fish turd on the third largest rock. Don't read too much into what this guy says or that. You can't go wrong. The best thing to do is keep reading and keep an opened mind. The more informed you are the more comfortable you'll be with your decision. Sorry it's so long.
  23. Nice one! The G2 on the right how long is that? 13-14"? Guessing by your screen name Oklahoma? Those deer in the SW Oklahoma and Texas are funny with their giant antlers and tiny bodies. @lonnie g a quick tid bit for the next time you do trivia night at your local pub..... Deer have antlers. Antlers are shed every year. Mammals with horns don't shed them. Horns continue to grow for the life of the animal. Now ya know, pass on the knowledge. ?
  24. Glad to hear she's fooled them again Lonnie! You have a good holiday season as well!
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