You hit the nail on the head! My line of work will chew you up and spit you out if you don't approach the job like you described. Year in and year out we retain our "core techs." As my boss calls us. Everybody else quits by the end of dig season.
To the OP you have a construction background as do I. I'm guessing you enjoy working with your hands, being outside, and using your brain. I would look into the utility industry. I'm a contractor for a large gas and electric supplier here in Michigan and I absolutely love my job. I'm actually trying to get into the utility supplier as we speak. As a contractor the money could be better, but who doesn't say that. Getting into the actual utility company you'd be set.
Look into being a lineman for an electric company. There's a nationwide shortage of about 5,000 lineman. A couple years of training you'd be around $40/hr. Great insurance and benefits.