Hank doesn't even guard against other dogs. He cries and wants to play with them. He'll guard against the endless supply of critters we have around here. He'll bark at cars and people walking down the road, but they're at least 100' away. He's a tough guy from a distance.
These guys are primarily nocturnal which most people don't read about the breed before getting one which is why people give them up so much. Anyways he roams our house all night. He stays in my son's room for a while, then ours, then the living room, then the dining room where our entrance is. He does this all night every night so he still guards and patrols every night.
We have three pugs as well and he is so gentle with them and with my son. He absolutely loves kids, which is probably why they have the nick name "gentle giant".
I hope we never find out but I do wonder what he'd do if he ever sensed fear from one of us, or if there were an intruder when we were gone? I've seen videos on YouTube where these guys didn't back down from a grizzly or a moose.
Guard dog or not, we rescued him and he has a forever home.