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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I read on another site the Coast Guard have called off their portion of the search. Looks like the search has changed gears. Prayers for his family.
  2. Yes you are the only one. It's very deceiving out. Hardly a cloud in the sky the sun shining bright, then I get out of my truck to a balmy 7*F
  3. I did some reading on another site and it sounds like the wind picked up and it got pretty rough. Water temp. Was in the mid 50's.
  4. What the heck happened? I'm not familiar with Okeechobee besides what I see on tv and read about. Are there sand bars scattered around that are hazards? Obviously it wasn't two boats colliding, what else is there to eject them?
  5. Our forcast for the end of next week I believe Friday and Saturday is 40, 35, then Sunday 17. Wonderful mess is an understatement.
  6. I'm pretty disappointed in mother nature this morning....it was only -1. They were saying last night it was supposed to be around -10 by the big lake and -14 in my neck of the woods. For some crazy reason they canceled school this morning. I imagine it was because of the cold because several schools were closed, however it was open 2 weeks ago when it was -16. Oh well, they still have a few snow days left before they'll have to start making days up in June.
  7. Yikes! Women want these things but don't want you to get them as a gift. My sister in-law years back had been talking about getting a stationary bike to start exercising. Her boyfriend at the time thought he'd be nice and surprise her with it. Oh boy that was the wrong thing to do! I'm married to her sister so of course I had to hear all about it for hours LOL. I personally thought it was nice that he got it for her. Thankfully for me other guys make these mistakes and I get to learn from them.
  8. It's no longer called global warming, they call it "climate change" that way they're always right no matter the weather. ?
  9. Yikes! -10 for us not sure of the wind chill. Usually for us when it gets that cold there's no wind. Wind coming off the lake will keep it "warm" for a lack of better words.
  10. Have you seen the 5" units in person? It's basically the same size as a pop can turned sideways, not very big. Just something to think about.
  11. Dang! It's good that It's gone but now the tooth saga continues. I've never had an implant but I can't imagine they feel too good either. On the bright side it's not costing you a dime except pain, if that's any consolation.
  12. You hit it on the head. Exactly my set up with the pro Max. A nice fluid cast is required. If you try and toss it to the other side of the lake you're picking line. Great advice Lo I started out throwing weightless T-rigged worms with the Black Max (cheaper little brother) and it works great. The Pro Max is even better! The Silver max I can't and haven't tried too hard to dial in for weightless worms.
  13. The forecast for Grand Rapids is -10 Thursday night and -14 Friday night. They are closer to the lake than me so it could very well be colder where I am. As far as the snow goes I'm pretty lucky the lake effect isn't reaching me at home but it is at work. I put around 120 miles on my work truck everyday so it makes things slow going to say the least. With these frigid temps. I'm hoping the lake closes sooner than later and shuts down this snow making machine that's been working overtime!
  14. 3-8 Brown Bass (family effort all 3 of us had a hand in catching this one) 5-4 LMB (I don't have a pic on this phone)
  15. @A-Jay out of curiosity what's the draft on your Pro-V?
  16. That is a great baitcaster I have 3 myself. Don't let the $200-500 casters make you feel bad about yours. These are excellent and will serve you well for years.
  17. So sorry for your loss.
  18. Hank doesn't even guard against other dogs. He cries and wants to play with them. He'll guard against the endless supply of critters we have around here. He'll bark at cars and people walking down the road, but they're at least 100' away. He's a tough guy from a distance. These guys are primarily nocturnal which most people don't read about the breed before getting one which is why people give them up so much. Anyways he roams our house all night. He stays in my son's room for a while, then ours, then the living room, then the dining room where our entrance is. He does this all night every night so he still guards and patrols every night. We have three pugs as well and he is so gentle with them and with my son. He absolutely loves kids, which is probably why they have the nick name "gentle giant". I hope we never find out but I do wonder what he'd do if he ever sensed fear from one of us, or if there were an intruder when we were gone? I've seen videos on YouTube where these guys didn't back down from a grizzly or a moose. Guard dog or not, we rescued him and he has a forever home.
  19. My Great Pyrenees Hank. The unemployed guard dog. LOL
  20. I'm a utility locator and I used to do the on-call for emergencies. This time of the year is always crazy with water main breaks. When the frost goes in and goes out is always super busy.
  21. Go to a store that has them and check them out. Only you can make the final decision.
  22. I watched an episode of Facts of Fishing the other night and Dave was fishing with Simon Frost on lake Erie. A quick search shows Simon guides on Erie and the Niagra drive. Might be worth checking into if he's good enough for Dave Mercer.
  23. That really suck! I say yank them all out and start over or just gum away at tender steaks from now on.
  24. I'm uglier too and the cul de sac on top of my head is pretty much an island with a causeway.
  25. Happy new year to you too buddy! You ended your year on a positive note with your new job. Keep that positivity going my friend!
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