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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. If you're already signed up for fantasy fishing, then you have to set a team (which you can change up until the day of) before you can join the group. Hope this helps.
  2. Did you get this idea from Rick Clunn the other night on The Bass Pro's?
  3. Don't worry. We all have fun with it.
  4. I'm in. Took it conservative this tournament.
  5. I May be alone on this but I don't think this is really the time or the place to have that discussion.
  6. Yup exactly. ?
  7. We have zero good lakes here in Michigan. There's nothing to see move along. ?? @A-Jay @MIbassyaker will vouch that.
  8. It's going to be close to 50 and rain Thursday here then a high of 17 Sunday. So much for the Speedo. ?
  9. Welcome fellow Michigander from Montcalm county. If you're ever this way let me know I'll steer you in the direction of some small state land lakes where there's no speed boats and few anglers but plenty of fish.
  10. Microwave. Hotplates are the other option but like @Jig Man said you're likely to scorch and waste a bunch of material.
  11. Congratulations Michael!
  12. Over the course of last year and this first episode this season Fletcher Shryock has grown on me. He seems like a really down to earth cool guy, and he takes time to explain things. I don't know what's up with the Lane brothers and their tempers. From Bobby snapping rods over his know to throwing undersized fish over his shoulder last season to Chris throwing a temple tantrum and slapping his rod on the water on this episode, it isn't a good look at all. I really like both of them Bobby has had some good episodes last season and explained things as well. I just wish they'd get their tempers under control.
  13. I'm good with either starting a 2018 thread or keep this one going. I wish they would pin this to keep it at the top and maybe bring some more interest to it. The more I think about it maybe doing a 2018 one might be better so any new comers don't think that they can't get in? Just thinking out loud.
  14. Our weatherman said it's the first time in 3 weeks we've been above freezing and the first time in almost 2 weeks we've been above 20. That's a heck of a cold snap. On the bright side @A-Jay we've never been closer to spring 2018 than we are night now! ?
  15. We're having a heatwave! 33 this morning, for cast is for temps in the 40's to almost 50 by the end of the week. Some rain is forecasted as well. By Sunday high temps are in the teens. Translation....our white winter wonderland is going to turn into a slushy nasty mess as everything melts. Then come Sunday everything's going to freeze and one big sheet of ice we'll have. ?
  16. What are you expecting? )Lowrance is the same. Humminbird is the same. You upgrade to the HDSI transducer on the Humminbird you get better quality images, add MEGA imaging you're comparing apples and oranges even the Garmin and Lowrance guys will admit to that! Give it time! What are you expecting?
  17. Outdoor channel has the new episodes
  18. This summer was a big wake up call for me when launching my boat and the rope snapped. There went the boat. I was a great swimmer as a kid and hadn't swam since I was 20 or so. Fast forward almost 15 years and my 7 year old and I are the only one's on this secluded lake with no houses and I had no choice but to go after my boat. I stripped down to my underwear so clothes were no issue. But factor in added weight over the years, totally out of shape, like @slonezp a destroyed shoulder from hockey, and the fact I hadn't swam in almost 15 years I'll be the first to admit I wouldn't make it too long with clothes and no PFD. Quite honestly if it weren't for my ability to float on my back (which I wasn't sure I could still do) and rest I might not had made it to my boat and probably would've drowned right there in front of my son. My point is just because you could and did as a kid doesn't mean you still can. Like @A-Jay said try it out in a controlled environment with somebody else. Swimming isn't like riding a bike!
  19. Bummer. I have a temporary fix for the flame sensor but not the inducer motor. Good luck in your search. Cracks me up! They give you good drugs for your tooth?
  20. Just recorded it the other day probably going to watch it tonight. Those two movies are close to the top of my list.
  21. Lol I'm still learning too. The top one appears to be a bridge. The other two appear to be a bunch of rocks on the bottom. @Comfortably Numb you see the top image is from a 7610?
  22. Pulled these off another forum. Pretty good images.
  23. -10 this morning. Up to -3. 28 tomorrow that'll be an almost 40 swing in 24 hours. Getting close to Speedo time!
  24. It isn't the flame sensor is it?
  25. Thanks to whoever added 2018 to the title! Only have 2017 was a little short sighted on my part. LOL
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