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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I've often wondered the exact same thing, and have noticed this many times as well. I honestly don't put a whole lot of stock in the being or needing to be virtually invisible.
  2. I feel your pain. Michigan has the second worst winters in the country. This isn't due to snow or cold but because of the lack of sunlight. There was a time last year we went almost 3 weeks without sunlight. That takes it's toll on a human.
  3. Weather guesser are another in this group where you don't work very long and aren't very accurate. The excuse here is "lake Michigan always makes it hard to predict the weather".
  4. Yup not very accurate. He sees his shadow 85% of the time. I think he just isn't very social and prefers to hide in his house.
  5. Not a bad gig for a woodchuck. I'm not a fan of him either especially his cousins that hang around my house.
  6. Congratulations Michael, you absolutely deserve it. Good luck!
  7. Holy cow how much did you get?
  8. Dang it @A-Jay shut the freezer door it's cold down here! 34 this morning and 7 this evening is a bid ridiculous. That little critter better not see his shadow tomorrow!!!!!
  9. It always cracks me up when I see these tiny little birds chasing after an eagle, hawk, or any other large predator bird. I have a 25 lb pug and she bullies my 120 lb great Pyrenees. I have to give the pug a spoon full of canned dog food so she'll let my great Pyrenees eat.
  10. I asked this question last year when someone posted the video of an aquarium bass gorging on a fish 3/4 it's size.... How do bass actually kill it's prey? From the video I referenced as soon as the bass strikes it appears the fish is dead. They don't have teeth that could kill, and it doesn't seem that their bite pressure is enough to really do any damage. It would be a miserable existence if you had prey in your stomach moving around while you wait for your stomach to kill whatever you ate.
  11. Somebody on another forum pointed out KVD's name tag above his cubicle. Anybody else notice it?
  12. 10-4 a case of Megastrike is on order! ?
  13. I had read that it wasn't 'trimmable' also. If it were me I'd probably wait until that issue is resolved. I assume that's something they're resolving. That's a lot of coin for a TM that would have a high likelihood of bottoming out. No big deal for those guys they have a spare in the back of their truck.
  14. That's one nice man cave! That's one nice set up! It appears that he primarily relies on 2d and 360 up front judging by the transducer he has on his TM. There's a very very smart guy on this forum who told me he does the same thing. ? What I really like about KVD is he seems really down to earth and doesn't need to have the latest and greatest on the market. He held out as long as he could with MG. Obviously he was at a major disadvantage not having an Ultrex. Also he just now upgraded from Helix 10's to 12's. No Solid units just a few Helix units. I wonder if there's a reason other than he has no need to switch to something completely new to him. Watching the video makes the itch to fish worse! I can't wait until the Elite season starts either.
  15. I thought the TM transducer was an even swap minus shipping. I knew the swap for the HDSI was more money.
  16. No need to be sorry.
  17. So it's for the Gen2 units. That's good to know, thank you. I looked through it and my lakes are on there and my assumption is they're the same as the Garmin Echomap lakes as far as detail. This might change things for me come spring.
  18. Interesting. I too was always under the impression that the basemaps didn't have contour lines. How many maps are on the basemaps? That was pretty much my only hang up with the Helix models.
  19. It's not a cable steer. It's electric steer. It's kind of both. It does have cables that help steer it but from what I've read electric sensors and motors are what tells it to move and actually move it.
  20. I know I know J I don't buy products based on who's sponsored by who either. I was merely sharing information. ?
  21. Well it's official KVD is going to be rigging hit boat with Talons and a Minnkota TM presumably an Ultrex. I'm somewhat surprised considering he's been so loyal all these years to his sponsors who he's been with since almost day one. At the same time I'm not surprised because he runs Humminbird and although there's the rumors that Motorguide has something in the works it's just that rumors and MG has fallen to the wayside when it comes to TM's and bass fishing. The walleye guys like the Xi5 but you don't see any bass pro with one.
  22. The best $500 unit for you is the one you choose after researching the units and you deciding what's best for you. Everyone can and will give you their biased opinions. What are opinions like? I know my response sounds like a copout but it's the truth. Knowledge is power and you'll be the most happy with the units you picked based on what YOU read. Plus the more you research the better you'll understand what each unit can and cannot do, and IMO will save you some time when you finally get it on the water. Good luck, give us a review when you get one!
  23. If it's true which it appears to be. Either way Minnkota has an announcement today sometime.
  24. I thought I read on another forum something was in the works (clearly speculation). My brother in law used to work at Attwood where most of the MG tm's are made, since he left I've been out of the loop. I know he still talks to a couple guys there I'll see if I can find anything out. Of course if I do find anything out it'll most likely only be yes or no on a new TM. They're pretty tight lipped there for obvious reasons.
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