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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Is she a Husky?
  2. If it were Live PD it would be 'I love a man in uniform'
  3. ^8. @slonezp you played a version of this by someone else a while back, not sure who did it first but love the song. The sax solo is great. As said before I can't get enough CCR. They were way before me but their music stands the test of time.
  4. Must've been a good bar if you couldn't remember the name of it.
  5. This sums it up right here. I started a thread last year about this. You read about how this pro does this, and this TV show recommends this lure at this time of the year. It's been said on here plenty of times it seems that the fishing industry is more about catching anglers than helping them catch fish. I used to fall for this (and probably still do to an extent). I used to think I had to have 20 rods on the deck, some with this pound test, some with that pound test, and braid for others. Then I needed to stock up on 15 jigs in 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, and 1oz in 10 different colors. Same with lipless cranks, spinner baits, and everything else under the sun. Plus I needed this rod for that, and this year ration for this presentation, because these pros said so. I now take what I have and make it work. I can't tell you my gear ratios, I can only tell you what 3 rods are built for, the rest I have no clue but they do what I need them to do. I've simplified things quite a bit and it's made things a lot better. My experience might be better if I had a rod that was made for worms specifically, or spinner baits, paired with the right gear ratio reel but I don't know any different so it works for me. I take everything I learn here and read and soak it all up store it in my thick skull and adapt it to my fishing style and my preferences and try to make it work. It may not be right but it works for me. I enjoy fishing and that's really all that matters.
  6. We live in a world where the answer you're looking for is right at your finger tips. It may not be the correct answer but the answer YOU are looking for is quickly found. Admittedly I sometimes fall victim to that. I have so many unanswered questions, but I will usually find them on here or by reading. I prefer to take the "why did this work" or "what is he doing differently" approach. This winter I've picked up a book and trying to expand my knowledge that way.
  7. Looks like there's going to be a ton of guys on here to chat with in a month or two.
  8. The fishing season is also my busy season at work so my time is quite limited. When I get out I may only be able to get 3-4 hours in, so watching MLF made me realize that under the same circumstances these guys go a quantity. Yes it's usually a drink fest but average Joe me enjoys watching how they approach a lake with very limited time. The times I do get more than a few hours I try to apply what I learn here and other resources to chase after the bigger fish.
  9. Lol that's our Saturday family night routine, is watching Live PD. We have two Pugs who think they'd be better Police Dogs than the ones on there. My GP Hank he doesn't have little dog syndrome like the Pugs.
  10. -2* this am when I left for work.
  11. How do you sleep at night? ?
  12. Yup that's how things are here too. There are pot holes that could probably swallow a smart car and no one would ever know. There are pot holes around that have their own names. They blow out tires, bend and crack rims, and will absolutely destroy a front end.
  13. Finally he reveals himself.... Dale Gribble himself! Lol
  14. That's option 3. I guess I left that one out....
  15. You're post just reminded me of the bitter sweet thaw. I'm happy when it arrives because spring is here and work is going to pick up. But on the flip side the frost leaves the ground which makes my road and especially driveway one giant muddy mess. Due to the outrageous price of land around here we aren't selling and building this spring. Instead we're remodeling and building a garage/home for the boat that I'll be purchasing sometime in the spring. Another thing on my list is redoing the driveway so it's not so messy and miserable when we get the thaw. Of course that won't do me any good this year, but I'll still welcome spring.
  16. Sounds like some added insulation in the attic or a roof rake is in store for you.
  17. I too drive all day usually 100-150 miles a day in my area so I'm always crossing paths with lakes. I usually don't pay a whole lot of attention to them until mid April. I saw some of the same forecast you did. I don't foresee it doing a whole lot except making a big mess. I took my son ice fishing yesterday at my parents house and there was 10" of solid clear ice so that's not going away any time soon unfortunately. We're one day closer to spring!
  18. Thanks. I'm not sure if I've totally lost it, or I was in the beginning stages of hypothermia but I believe I actually enjoyed ice fishing a little bit yesterday. My son has been asking for a while, so we finally had a chance to get out. My mom and step dad had a small pond dug a few years back and planted pirch, gills, sunfish, and a couple walleye. It's so small that he was getting them one after another so I didn't get to fish much because I was unhooking them for him, which I was glad to do. He had fun, and we got to check on the growth of the pan fish which are doing really well.
  19. Final total was 11.5" since Friday. There is around 16-18" on the ground. I work outside and walk along the road right of way, you know where all the snow plows throw their snow from the roads. These next few days are going to be exhausting, oh well I need the exercise! It was 0* this morning, 40 and rain towards the end of the week. I think I'm starting to lose my mind! I mentioned in another thread that I even went ice fishing yesterday. It's been a rough winter, I'm ready for spring.
  20. I went ice fishing yesterday if that says anything about my current mental state. ?
  21. CeCole doesn't wish to reveal himself? Either way, you killed it!
  22. Yup we got another 3" or so and it's still snowing. Forcast shows my area should get a break for a few days. I'd say he did pretty good for his Elite debut.
  23. I'm no pro at this (obviously I thought they had the same transducer. But with my line of work the frequencies kind of go hand in hand. So basically the higher the frequency the better the picture but the shorter the distance. The lower the frequency the deeper you can go and the image quality is lacking. So the lower frequencies for the coastal units makes sense because salt water tends to be deeper. Saltwater is more dense too not sure if that plays into the equation or not.
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