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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. If it's brand new it should be under warranty. So besides the inconvience of not having the TM for a bit there shouldn't be an issue.
  2. Yup the Grand is pretty flooded. Lincoln is about 15 minutes west of Greenville so about an hour for you.
  3. Lincoln lake is the one I was referring to. Not too far away from you. I drive a lot during the day and that's the only one I've seen so far. I'll keep an eye out and let you know of any others if you'd like. I mainly cover Leonard and the beltline north to the county line. I hear ya. First world problems are hard to deal with lol. With the warm temps. Comes overtime at work and Saturdays for the next month or so until we get the NUGs trained and on their own.
  4. Sunny and 48 here already ?. I had a job at one of the larger lakes around me yesterday. What I saw shocked me.... 50% of the lake was open water! This itch keeps getting worse!
  5. You might want to edit that....you add and "h" and you'll be all by yourself in that boat. ?
  6. LOL never thought about it but yup you're nesting for sure! Hopefully the delivery goes smooth and isn't too painful. Who's going to be your delivery coach? Have you practiced your breathing exercises?
  7. With over 11,000 lakes and over 52,000 miles of creeks and rivers I can't think of anything better to do than fish. ?
  8. I hear people on here talk about pickerel so I had to look it up. It looks like a cross between a pike and walleye. I learned Canadians call walleye pickerel. Some place in Minnesota has a pickerel tournament each year even though they don't have pickerel. The top thing on the Google search says it's another name for a walleye then goes into detail about walleye. The second or third one I read explains that they're more closely related to a pike than walleye who is a part of the pirch family. I'm going to go with this guy on what a pickerel is, but then again it is the internet so who knows. Either way cool fish and congrats!
  9. Central Michigan here. Our 12" of snow is completely gone, temps. are well above freezing (57 today), the load limits are on the roads which means the ground is thawing, and work is getting busy with excavating (overtime). Now reality, there's still a ton of ice on the lakes, and were in the cross hairs of a snow storm the end of this week. Conclusion: I'm in Michigan and the cruel woman mother nature is won't let us off that easily. But the glass is always half full here at my house, and we've never been closer to fishing than we are now! The itch is getting worse, I think I'll clean the reels this weekend and reintroduce myself to all of my tackle.
  10. Of course there was no effect. Why would anyone want to travel to northern Michigan especially in late summer early fall for world class smallmouth fishing? Truth be told the fishing is lousy and the scenery is hideous. ?
  11. That's not a cow it's a largemouth bass. This is a fishing forum not a farming forum. ?
  12. Thanks buddy. Words can't express how grateful I am you gave me two likes! ?
  13. That's exactly what I said, but you made it sound smarter so naturally you'll get more likes. Or is it because you're not as disliked as we previously thought? ?
  14. FWIW I don't doubt mercury probably has the highest number of warranty claims. I wonder how they would match up if you compared it to units sold? A lot of people shy away from Tracker because of all the negative reviews, but you're not necessarily comparing apples to apples because Tracker is the number one selling boat. So naturally they're probably going to have more complaints and issues the same can probably be said for Mercury because I'm guessing they sell more outboard than anyone else in the U.S. Good luck on the search for your new rig.
  15. Are they selling for $11k or asking $11k? They can ask whatever they want. No one in their right mind would buy a 16 year old Tracker for that much.
  16. Take a video camera every time you go. If he does any of that he could be charged with hunter harassment like @clayton86 mentioned earlier. If this happens maybe you could work out a deal, he buys your land you drop the charges? I would let him know every time you go and record every second. Let it happen a few times so you can show it wasn't an isolated incident.
  17. Unfortunately he has the upper hand in my eyes. He has you land locked, he won't let you on to get a deer, or to access your property. He'll have no reason to buy your land at any price which is why he's suggested donating it which unfortunately I'm guessing will be the only way you'll be able to unload it. He's not going to cough up $1 for 2 acres that he has blocked by his 5000. It's truly an unfortunate situation.
  18. Signal boosters for score tracker
  19. Everything I've read says there's virtually no difference in image quality.
  20. I'm just NE of you then.
  21. Beyond my pay scale. Maybe @Sprocket will chime in and help out. If the map card works in the 9" I would think it would work in the 7" model and that would solve your problem.
  22. As a fellow hunter I understand the desire to have your own land. I struggle to find good land myself. I'm a total optimist but honestly I don't see this ending well for you. If you fight you'll most likely win. Here's the unfortunate problem I see happening. He's obviously made it clear he's going to be a major thorn in your side. You use a cross bow, say you shoot that deer, can you guarantee you'll drop it where it stands? If not chances are that deer will run on his property. He's going to make it tough to get that deer back. If you go over and get it you're trespassing. It's really unfortunate he has to be like this.
  23. Hello from Montcalm county. What part of Michigan are you from?
  24. Yes you can. The artist you choose can get it fairly close. Typically under normal circumstance fish grow fairly close to the same rate. The molds I've seen don't vary a ton as far as weight/length/girth go. Considering you don't know the length and girth and have a picture I think you'd be pleased as long the the details are spot on.
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