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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Right from his website he said 5 broken ribs, concussion, and a separated shoulder. He'll be out a while. Lucky he's alive.
  2. From what I've read from several who are Garmin die hards there's no difference unless you're fishing really deep water (I think they said 60' +). Some will say otherwise, but I believe Humminbird does the same with some of their units and there aren't too many who have a problem.
  3. Fresh snow last night. I give up mother nature you win, I'm just going to embrace it from now on and see what happens.
  4. That must be only for use after a week strait of nothing but cheese in the diet.
  5. My season starts in a couple weeks up here. It's been cold and wintery so hopefully they won't be hened up by the time I get out.
  6. Bump your budget up to $600 and you can get a 9" Garmin Echomap.
  7. You would almost have to triple your budget.
  8. Well it looks like you're stuck with an anchor and rope then. It works just fine.
  9. Trust me I can't see them very well either unless they're pointed out. There are times I can see them bust mostly not yet.
  10. Time on the water is key along with watching videos on line and reading. What I've seen that makes the most sense and would be pretty helpful would be to have clear vu and 2d split screen. The 2d shows the fish pretty well then look over to the clear vu. They're not as pronounced as in the 2d, they show up as specks on the screen. If Garmin couldn't show fish returns on Clear Vu they wouldn't be in the marine electronics game. They would've been blown away a long time ago.
  11. I bet those tracks are nice on the snow blower. I could've used tracks this morning on mine, the self propelled didn't work too good in the ice, sleet, snow mixture we have. Those tracks would be been the ticket.
  12. Looks like you were only feet away from getting a total white wash compliments of the Otsego county road commission.
  13. Maybe the reason the winter won't get the hell out of here is this thread. @J Francho maybe you need to lock it down so we can welcome spring with open arms. ? j/k we're all scraping the bottom of the barrel here trying to get spring to finally show up. I won't complain too much, after all I could put my boat in the water. Some of you guys could tow your boat across the water with all the ice you still have. ?
  14. Well we made it through. We didn't get the inch plus of ice. It was mostly sleet thank god! School has been cancelled tomorrow so the roads must be a little slick. There are some power outages and most should be back on by the end of the day tomorrow. @A-Jay how did you fare?
  15. Pretty windy here too. Just got home from work and I have 3 downed trees behind my house. The ice is starting to build on the roads signs. We're getting a break in a couple house then the main event starts tonight.
  16. Holy crap buddy you have a mess up there! There's a big bullseye right over me. Like you we have 30-40 mph winds. The rain is coming in sideways and stings a little. Yup I'm working ?. Days like today I wish I had an indoor job. Anyways back to the really depressing stuff...it switched over to freezing rain and now sleet. They're uncertain of the forecast, one model has mainly sleet (which I'll take) the other has freezing rain with ice accumulation of over an inch here in Montcalm county and the winds will continue. The next 24-36 hours will be interesting and nerve-racking to say the least. If the ice gets too bad thankfully I can move our vehicles to my neighbors so they'll be safe from all our trees around our house. Fingers crossed. Good luck to you over the next 24 hours, heavy wet snow for you won't make things enjoyable either.
  17. Almost spit out my breakfast on that one!
  18. I love the looks of the Tundra but I've hear they don't get squat for gas mileage. Is this correct?
  19. What part of Nebraska you from? I used to deer hunt in Chadron. A Merriam is on my bucket list. They are beautiful birds in my eyes.
  20. The tips of the tail feathers makes me think it's a Merriam, but isn't there usually white tips on the feathers on the tail feathers closer to the body? Either way nice bird. I love chasing them around. Our first season starts the end of this month.
  21. Here's my vote at 8 mpg and the fuel capacity to drive across the country non stop. You can thank me later @Sam ?
  22. You're right 12-16" is no joke or fun at all. The trees and power lines are what I'm worried about here. Fingers crossed they're wrong for both of us.
  23. Well I'm regretting posting the Simpson's meme when @slonezp posted the picture of snow the other day. Our forecast for the weekend has taken a drastic turn. The forecast calls for rain tomorrow, rain/freezing rain Saturday switching over to all freezing rain through Sunday afternoon with ice accumulation up to 1.2" of ice. It's pretty deflating weather man uses the words "incapacitating" in his forecast. ? @A-Jay you better turn the dogs around, I think you might fair better than me.
  24. I have a spare room. ?
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