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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. He already has his own tackle box and he gets some overflow baits from me.
  2. Nice bird! First thing I thought of when I saw the Turkey in your yak was this..... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D-4GgMLiRP_Q&ved=0ahUKEwiAvcyt9evaAhVj0oMKHcyWC5wQuAIIKjAB&usg=AOvVaw2Dbqs_nTtum9hHcdp8yCdb
  3. Oh he was bit by the bug by age 3. The hunting bug by age 5. I get reminded every day that our turkey season starts Tuesday.
  4. I posted on the tournament thread that there is a 250 boat tourney going on along with the Elites 2 out of the four days. Might be interesting. I'll bet there's going to be a lot of upset anglers on both sides, a lot of accusations of stealing spots, and maybe even some name calling LOL. Could be interesting.
  5. I hear ya. They grow quick. Almost 8 years ago my son was 9 weeks early and like your son was on a ventilator. Now.....
  6. I read there's a 250 boat tourney on Kentucky lake for 2 of the 4 days of the Elite tournament. That might make things interesting/tough. Of course he can....he's a Michigan boy!
  7. The boat hasn't been launched yet, so in order to quench our thirst to get a few lines wet we went bridge fishing to see if we could get a couple brown bass. I came up empty handed, momma bear caught a small largemouth, and our cub caught a largemouth and this pike. It was his first pike. Thanks to my wife and her dislike for toothy fish it took some convincing to get him to hold the line for the picture.
  8. Yup turned on the A/C last night too. Made it to 83. When's the Lund getting launched? 0700? ?
  9. Facial expression is priceless!
  10. If the rain heads your way tonight/tomorrow that should finish it off for ya.
  11. If your forecast for this week is looking anything like mine your ice should be gone by the end of the week? I'm way behind the 8 ball because of work. First launch is scheduled for Friday evening. Fingers crossed.
  12. I've been so busy at work I thought today was Wednesday. Big goose egg for me this week! ?
  13. Another sign of spring here. Picture quality isn't the greatest but if you look closely you can see two little chicks. We happened upon them at a pond just down the road from us. I've never seen their chicks before.
  14. Mine shows Sand Lake in Lenewee like you previously stated. Horseshoe was the lake not Rainbow like I had previously stated. Either way both are fairly close to us.
  15. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ifTaVJErd2ToZNu2gx3Oc5quj8M1gHHa/view?usp=sharing Found it! It isn't as detailed as I remember but never the less Rainbow lake isn't too far from either of us.
  16. If I'm not mistaken the last time I looked at our state records there were some fish that were only measured and said (C&R). I don't remember which particular species they were, so maybe just maybe we have or they recognize C&R? On a side note the smallie record that was just set a couple years ago wasn't too far from A-Jay country. On another note the MIDNR released a 'survey' I guess you could call it, where every bass tourney held in Michigan last year reported several different things including size. The largest largemouth caught during a tourney last year was 8 lbs. Far cry from the 12 lbs mark but still really impressive for Michigan. I tried looking for this 'survey's but I can't seem to find it on line and it's no where to be found on the forum I saw it on. It had some pretty good info on it though.
  17. Good question. I'd assume they'd be available to the public, how would one go about getting those results?
  18. Michigan: 11lbs 15oz (hence my screen name) set back in the 30's about a half hour drive from my house. Like @Team9nine said probably wont be broken in my lifetime if ever at all. I'm kind of suspect of it, but I've heard stories from reputable people that there have been record breakers spotted while doing electro shock surveys. We'll see.
  19. I'm not declaring victory just yet over old man winter, but today might break 70 and won't dip below 55 for the next week. I did rig up my spinning combo I picked up over the winter. I'm going to give finesse fishing more of a try this year. I have a couple FC combos to respond yet also. Depending on the weather and work I might launch the boat Friday.
  20. Are those 4-5' tall snow mountains right in front of the ramp? If they are why in the world would somebody do that? The water could potentially be open and you couldn't launch because of the snow mound blocking your way.
  21. I'm turning over a new leaf and looking at the bright side. Or have I lost it?
  22. So true....so very true! ?
  23. Cool. I'm in and around Rockford everyday and up and down 13 mile all the time heading to Sparta.
  24. I'm getting old and my memory isn't what it used to be....I'm not sure if I've already asked you but what part of West Michigan you from? I'm from Greenville.
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