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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. That one made me shutter a little. Most things I can read or watch no problem, but knees, Joe Thiseman type leg breaks, and teeth make me shutter. ?
  2. That's what I'm scared of. At almost 35 I'm starting to feel the separated should injury from hockey 15 years ago in my right one, and I can barely throw a baseball or football anymore because my left shoulder is messed up from baseball. I'm not looking forward to the next 30 years. ?
  3. Big swing and a miss by me! ?
  4. I haven't checked myself but if heard water temps. Are close to that magical number, and with the full moon I think tomorrow will the green bass begin the spawn?
  5. Sounds like an absolute blast! Enjoy the trip and a full report is required upon return. ?
  6. With the exception of a couple guys on here we should all feel thankful that no mothers have came on here and simply said "try giving birth". That would make most of us look like a bunch of cry babies. ? When I was born I was a Frank breech birth. (Look it up). Sorry mom!
  7. Don't quote me on this, but I think the reason they mount it under the offset is so you can get readings on plane.
  8. You and your family are in our thoughts @Bluebasser86.
  9. Good news! Keep us updated.
  10. Nope he found RVD's honey hole. That would be Randy VanDam Kevin's brother and Jonathan's dad. He's the one that @Brian Schram is referencing and who holds the Ohio State record (I believe).
  11. Migraine from a spinal tap
  12. I thought the same thing when I first read. I don't remember the last time I saw a payphone.
  13. Hmmmm the green is throwing me off. I'm no expert. The eyes say smallie but the green is throwing me off. I'll be the first to admit I'm no smallie expert but I've never in person over Tv/magazine seen a smallie with green. They're either brown or black/brown. Interesting to me. The jaw says smallie, but the green...
  14. You and Ike separated at birth? ?
  15. Another option for the same price as the Lowrance is the Garmin Striker plus 7sv. It has everything the Triple shot has and you can make your own maps with the Quickdraw feature and save around 2 million acres.
  16. Where in mid-Michigan? That's where I am.
  17. The tripleshot looks like a good unit. Lets us know how it goes. I don't think we've have anyone chime in on the new tripleshot yet.
  18. Nothing will be affected by mounting it to the TM
  19. At the bow for sure but if the budget is available I'd go bigger. You're looking at a 5"? You'll be standing (I'm assuming) and that 5" unit will be pretty small and making details harder to see. A 5" unit is about the same size as a pop can turned sideways. Just something else to think about.
  20. A well placed emoji clears up confusion. ?
  21. Who doesn't? I don't know a single angler who doesn't. I'm a hunter and if I harvest a big enough animal I'm going to get the right angle to make it look bigger. It's lying or deceitful, it's taking advantage of angles and situations. Nothing wrong with that.
  22. This winter I applied for a position with the second largest natural gas supplier here in Michigan. To echo what @TOXIC said, it is what it is. If this is your field of study just relax and you'll do fine. The position I applied for was the same job I'm doing now, just with a different company. My testing started with an on line assessment test, then 2 weeks later at a testing facility I took three written tests, that dealt with like your math, science, problem solving, and a few other things. I had pre test jitters like most do but once I started I relaxed and found my groove and it was fairly easy. The interview is where things went south for me. I was informed ahead of time by the company that their interview process uses the STAR format of questioning. If you're not familiar with this format check it out. From my research a bunch of large companies are using this format. The questions had absolutely nothing to do with the job at all. Basically this format is supposed to help this company see what kind of person/employee you are. Long story short I totally bombed the interview and didn't get the job. I had the most experience and the most qualifications for this position and I'm a contractor and I already do the job as a contractor for the exact same company I applied for, but this STAR format said John Doe was more qualified and a better fit than me! Was a salty? Absolutely I was. It was a major blow to me, and knocked me down for a few days. A month and a half later I find out that after the new union contract was signed with this company the starting pay was less that what I'm making now. The benefits would have been better but I would have been bringing way less home because there's no overtime there, so it all worked out for the better. I know this was long winded and I apologize but sounds like you're a detailed person like me. My whole point of this is I wouldn't focus so much on the testing. See if you can find out what the interview is going to consist of and if they use a certain format like the STAR format, then practice practice practice.
  23. A guy down the road from me traps about 8 a year. Doesn't put a dent in the population. We hear them every morning. My turkey season starts Tuesday so maybe I can get a couple coyote along with a bird.
  24. No launch for me Friday or this weekend. Friday a major cold front came in and brought 60 mph winds and knocked power out. Consumers Energy was saying Sunday for restoration. Left work early to go get a generator, hooked that up (wrong the first time). Got power back at 11 yesterday. By 12 realized I killed the washing machine with my screw up Friday. So that was a $500 mistake! Got the house back to normal yesterday afternoon. Today is yard work and my sons flag football game. Some day soon the boat will be launched.
  25. Congrats on the boat. There's a 44 pages thread for this boat on here, check it out.
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