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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Yup! Bridge fished last night. My wife the die hard Senko fanatic women she is caught 4 brown bass on you guessed it 4 Senkos. She's expensive LOL.
  2. Pre spawn you say? How big did you get? No state record I'm guessing?
  3. Santa just showed up!
  4. I haven't received the baits yet, it says by the end of the day. I haven't launched the boat yet. Was planning on it tonight but the wind is picking up here which spells bad news for my little tin. If it doesn't calm down we'll probably head to a friends house and go out on their pontoon with them fishing. I have one brown bass to my name that's it so far. Work has taken up so much time this year.
  5. Greenville (central Michigan). Unfortunately due to work being so crazy this year I haven't launch the boat yet and I've only been bridge fishing a couple times with only one brown bass to report. I was talking with a friend of mine a couple weeks ago and he said the water was 60 in one of the bigger lakes in our area, so I'd guess the spawn might have come and gone. Today kicks off the season every Michigan angler hates.....boating season! ?
  6. Yup I ended my MTB subscription (not because it's bad, it was actually great) so I think now I'm going to go TW shopping once a month or so until boss lady says other wise.
  7. Maybe it's changed over the years but from what I remember back in the day if someone said that to me I'd run for the hills. ? LOL
  8. I'm impatiently waiting for my first ever Tackle Warehouse order to arrive today. In the box will be some rage bugs and rage draws first time having them amongst many other things. I know I know I live under a rock. Better late than never. ?
  9. My wife kicks my a$$ all the time fishing. She strictly sticks to her watermelon 5" Senko. How do you compete with that?
  10. I pretty sure it isn't the plug. The wire harness at the hitch was loose and I'm thinking it might need to be replaced. I'm hoping to finally launch this thing this afternoon so we'll see. When I unhooked it last night everything was working great and the lights were plenty bright after connecting the ground so fingers crossed.
  11. Thanks everyone! I wish I could say for sure what it was besides gremlins! I get there and we hook the wires up no different then last week and they worked with and without the ground. Solder and shrink tube them button everything up and head home. Park the boat and check the lights and no dice! Head back over and he wiggled the harness from my truck and they come back on. I get home and they aren't working. Hook up the ground and they're working great and brighter than ever! Gremlins! LOL
  12. Will do. I'm going to pick up shrink tubing on my way home because the other I had was too big. Is trailer lighting wire typically 14ga?
  13. My BIL is the wiring guru and we were going to try that but we didn't have enough wire at his house. We ran out of time last week but I grabbed some wire from my house so we can try that when I get out of work. Thanks for the help!!
  14. Yes to make it easy I just put my hazards on and check both sides and it's a 'blinking' 12v like it should be. I turn my lights on it's a solid 12v like it should be.
  15. Ok so the short white wire (that should be green lol) connects to the trailer. When I do connect it to the trailer the light goes out on my adapter plug but I still have 12v to the lights but no lights. Any ideas there?
  16. I'm calling the white wire the neutral and that's short and attaches to the trailer. It kinda confused me and I assumed it should be green and the ground. I read in the instructions when we started to trouble shoot that the ground was through the lights attaching to the trailer so that was the other reason I'm assumining the white short wire is the neutral.
  17. Standard. I looked at them and they appear to be good. The instructions said the ground was through the lights connecting to the trailer. Let me add this.... I have a round to flat adapter that plugs into my truck. It glows to let you know you have power. When I hook the neutral to the trailer the plug quits glowing. I still have 12v no matter.
  18. I checked the left blinker fuse and it was blown, replaced then we went to checking the power down the line. I didn't look at the other fuses because I assumed if there's 12 volts all the way to the lights the fuses would be good. Can there still be 12v even if there's blown fuses?
  19. I rewired my trailer because the old lights and wiring were well past their prime. Got it done, pretty simple and strait forward. Hook it to my truck and nothing. Long story short, I have power going to the lights, I checked and there's continuity at the lights so it isn't the lights. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  20. Humans are devolving? ?
  21. I was hoping you were going to get paired with Ike..... I know what a fan you are and a dream come true it would be. ?
  22. I've been out once and saw nothing didn't even hear any. I'm heading out in the morning so hopefully I see some birds. My season go to the end of the month, but I have a feeling they're hened up already. BTW nice bird!
  23. Stage 4 lymphoma survivor here! Six months of chemo under my belt. Never give up and stay strong. if you have and questions or anything shoot me a PM. I try to help anyone out who's never been through it first hand, because I would've liked to have an ear to bend when I went through it.
  24. I missed the last three games and missed tryouts for baseball so I had all the time to heal. But my 17 year old dumbs$$ though I was 10 foot tall and bulletproof and didn't do the rehab and physical therapy I was supposed to and I'm sometimes reminded. My good friend in schools dad was a doctor and said it would be arthritic no matter what and would start to bother me by 40.
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