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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. LOL! Holy cow! Epic fail! I've got nothing.....? It's so bad I won't even edit it. ?
  2. Let it grow! Chicks dog it! Or at least my wife does a!
  3. Thanks! I was trying but gave up.
  4. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DMfz3kFNVopk&ved=0ahUKEwia54ecjLPbAhVH5YMKHfNmASIQ3ywIJTAA&usg=AOvVaw27lO0KzkJBCBsUfCeHrSop I always get a kick out of this skit. It's so true!
  5. Looks like sale will be way down on the Pro 170 for a little while. Screw up of the year there. LOL
  6. Interesting. I guess we both taught each other something today. I never thought it would be constructive but none the less thanks to each other we're both a bit smarter! ?
  7. You should've saw the look on my face when I first read this. I always forget you're on the other side of the pond. I love the way the British, Scotts, and my Irishmen speak! ?
  8. It kinda gives you a warm fuzzy feeling knowing a bowling and billiards company own Mercury and MG doesn't it? ?
  9. Brunswick owns them all. The plant in Lowell, Mi is Attwood and a large majority of MG is there amongst other things.
  10. I could make some signs for @Bill Blackwell and head to Attwood first thing in the morning and protest for him? Ruffle some feathers and see where that gets me?
  11. I'm confused now....help us out @Sam. Originally you stated the ball went from the bat to about 6" foul then back fair. I explained my interpretation of the rule which goes along with what @deaknh03 is saying which makes sense why it wasn't foul. Can you clear this up so I'm not scratching my head anymore? ?
  12. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. ?
  13. MG Xi3? It's new, and the specs suggest it could be a cool TM.
  14. Congrats! My favorite way to catch a bass!
  15. I'll second that!
  16. I agree with @RichF if those two weren't so close in the standings I'd say get the heck outta here to the guy who doesn't have a chance at winning. As far as unwritten rules go I'm an old soul and I'm from a small town and now live in a relatively small community where a hand shake is all that's needed and you know who's word can be trusted and who's can't. With that said I know big time money can make people do things they normally wouldn't. What I'm trying to say is I would follow the 'unwritten rule' and trust everyone else would too but if I got burned I'd be ticked but would have no one to blame but myself.
  17. From what I read it's similar to what you're explaining but with a few more details.... This was a 'community hole' These guys were 1 and 2 on the leaderboard Both had fished that spot several times throughout the tournament The comment he made when asked about it afterwards about having better things to do and he'd much rather go install flooring at work tells me he had a kid moment, threw a tantrum. Days later sponsors or as @A-Jay said ex-sponsors come calling he releases this as a CYA. Again as @A-Jay said there should be a plan b,c, and d. You're a pro angler you better have a back up plan.
  18. Ok. I guess I wasn't aware that if it's starts foul it can be deemed fair ball if it crosses back into fair territory before crossing a bag. Interesting situation to say the least.
  19. Blackmax has been a staple in my arsenal. The promax is a great choice too but you're pushing the budget, I'm not the biggest fan of the silvermax.
  20. Hmmm I'm confused too. I sounds like it was clearly foul. The way I understand the rule if it rolls foul before crossing the first or third base bag it's foul. If it's caught or touched after crossing the foul line but doesn't touch the ground then it's in play. So in your example I'd say it should be foul.
  21. Thanks! All the ones we pull out of that river are really dark.
  22. Our nephew never gets to go fishing unless we take him, so we decided to take him and my son bridge fishing. Well it was a good night. Until last night a bluegill was it for him. He caught a 1-14, 2-4 and this 3-1. My son got a 2-5 and surprisingly enough a 3-1. Thankfully they were both exactly the same weight so there was no pouty or gloating boys, just one who was on cloud 9 and another who was pretty geeked too.
  23. I made it 45 seconds then something got in my eyes.
  24. Dude you're long arming your 7 pound fish the wrong way! LOL j/k. ?
  25. Nope I'm thinking of donkey punch
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