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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. As you know I saw the price, but was after I posted the video on here. I'm surprised too at the price. Out of my price range but for what it can do it's not too bad IMO. I can't wait until people start getting these and posting videos of them.
  2. I just saw this video. This looks unbelievable and pretty darn cool. The Panoptix guys love their units, honestly I've never used one maybe that's why it hasn't blown me away. Watching this video blew me away! I imagine the price tag will too. It appears Garmin is saying they're here to stay and big a big player in this game.
  3. What concerns me is he stated he had been hitting submerged object all weekend. That's fine and dandy if you want to run 70 mph by yourself but you have a marshal with you. I'm sure they sign waivers and are made aware of the risks, but still doesn't seem like the best idea to run around with your hair on fire when there are submerged objects when you're toting around another human being. JMHO
  4. From what I've read on other sites he was hitting submerged obstructions all weekend long which I find pretty disturbing that he always ran WOT and it was no big deal. The article blames it on a broken skeg. If I remember correctly jet motors don't have skegs. Also if I remember correctly there was a Skeeter commercial where the boat did a 180 while hauling a$$! Maybe I'm being quick to judge but I'm leaning towards operater error and not a broken skeg.
  5. I had Chris Lane my reasoning for my god awful picks were because I remembered at 5:30 Thursday morning I hadn't set my lineup. I picked Chris Lane because if I remember correctly he won there last time and it seems like he was the only one who could really put together a pattern.
  6. I'm not much of a fish eater except for walleye and bluegill.
  7. Seriously? The title of your thread "Is Bigfoot a hoax" what did you expect? Maybe if you worded it differently the jokes wouldn't have been as frequent. You had to expect there would be jokes, after all there isn't any hard physical evidence that he exist except for this one.....
  8. This is how bad I bombed..... Ike made the cut and hopefully will today too. My other four 93 or worse! ?
  9. If threads like this are going on right now, this coming winter is going to be one for the BR record books! When this one stalls out we'll move on to the loch Ness monster. Maybe save aliens for winter? Or maybe we shouldn't put off aliens just in case they take over the world before we talk about them. I don't want to be held captive by them with regrets. ?
  10. Even though I had Wheeler and it sucks for me he was DQ'd kudos to him for being honest and calling in on himself. Pretty stand up guy, I've always thought that, even more so now.
  11. There's no way the second picture is real.....if it is God help us all. It would solidify my post a week ago that the human race is DEvolving!
  12. Nice catch. Looks a little too big for a tasty meal which isn't a bad thing. Do you ever keep a walleye or two for a nice meal?
  13. Ha I'd much rather take a turd floating in the punch bowl than the overflowing porta potty that's fully engulfed in flames that makes up my line up! ?
  14. Can we get a redo for this tournament? At the beginning of the day I had no one higher than 42. ?
  15. I could probably work this into my busy schedule. I'm willing to bet two things would happen..... 1: @A-Jay gets back his finger nails are chewed down to nothing 2: the whole time I'm on the water there's a white and orange helicopter hovering 50' about my head with a camera pointed right at me. ?
  16. Has the fishing been slow? I'm all caught up on your videos and I'm left with nothing to do on my lunch.
  17. @A-Jay is from the Gaylord area. I think he might be as close as you'll get to someone from Grayling.
  18. What a small world, the last two years my step-dad went to CO elk hunting and of all places they were in Meeker. He got the over the counter license. Both years came back empty handed. 2016 I guess was really warm so the elk stayed up in the mountains. Last year it was 'you should be been here last week' deal. I don't think he's going back this year. He pondered going to Canada to hunt moose this year.
  19. Sweet rig sir! Probably won't even feel the Lund behind that.
  20. That picture is indeed worth 1000 words. LOL
  21. Tell me that was intentional..... Sure looks like a position to me.
  22. As of right now things are working. We didn't do anything different they just started working.
  23. My GP and I go for a walk every night and he goes in the tall grass all the time. As you know he has a double coat. So how do you guys check your pups for ticks? Obviously I check him as soon as he comes out, and I'd think they'd be pretty easy to spot with his bright white coat but I still check of course, but his coat is so dang thick!
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