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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I too was quite shocked Lake Menderchuck was not on there.
  2. Word on the street is only 50 or so marshals showed up so BassTrak is going to be useless and with the extremely poor cell service the weigh-ins will be entertaining like they should be.
  3. I just read on Bassmaster that the cell service is virtually non existent on the majority of the lake, so Bass Live might suck and BassTrak probably will too.
  4. I just noticed you have CD's on your visor! You're just a bit younger than me so that makes me feel better. I thought I was the only one with CD's in my truck these days or CD's at all! I might just drive my truck until it dies or the government makes me get rid of it and get a flying car in 2048 because the new vehicles I've driven around don't have CD players. ?
  5. Work it girl! ?
  6. Like a hot knife through butter she was.
  7. Although it may not feel like it at the end of the day I bet they're keeping you young! ?
  8. Didn't catch anything eh? I always take scenery pictures when the fish are non existent. ?
  9. The MEGA imaging comes from the SI/DI transducer. MEGA refers to the frequency used which is in the megahertz. As of right now there is no MEGA 360 imaging.....yet. I could see where having MEGA SI/DI paired with 360 could be benifical.
  10. Wait until you're using a Senko or any stick bait and you cast and watch your worm go flying and hear your hook land 20 feet in front of you, meanwhile your spool is spinning at 5000 rpms and you don't know it until your worm exits the stratosphere and you finally look down. Don't worry it happens to us all. ?
  11. Save yourself some money and buy a Garmin Striker if you don't have to have mapping. The striker units have GPS but no mapping. The Striker plus units give you the ability to map your lakes but I don't know how well that would work on a Kayak.
  12. I don't think the 'gen1' strikers can share waypoints. I believe if the units you named off were the new Plus units you'd be good to go with linking all together.
  13. I've never seen it. Pretty cool flag!
  14. I've searched and searched. It's going to bug me now. I'm going to keep looking.
  15. Isn't Frank's over your way? Have you ever tried Jay's in Clare?
  16. There was a lady in Floriday last week that was killed by an alligator while walking her dogs. Are the animals banning together to take us over?
  17. Hi buddy! Its been a while! ? You hit the nail on the head with this post. After everything is said and done you're basically left with a chunk of skin that's almost void of any color except grey. Almost everything else is a replica. I sometimes wonder if the skin mount crowd are dead set on them because to them it's the 'actual fish' and not a plastic toy or fake. To be honest my wife was that way When I started looking into replica mounts years ago. After I showed her there's barely any of the actual fish used and it all is painted she changed her opinion. I also played the skin mount or replica game and she didn't do too well.
  18. Absolutely horrible for me. I've only launched the boat twice this year. First trip dunk fest but caught fish, so I'll take it. Second trip out was last Friday, my goal this year was learn to fish jigs and put down my crutch (Senko). Well I fished the jig 90% of the time and SKUNKED! My other goal was to fish for smallmouth this year. I haven't done that yet because by now I was supposed to have upgraded boats but the winter was a rough one and setbacks have delayed that, hopefully in the next month there'll be an upgrade. My son and nephew have found some smallies off from the bridge. All in all I'm not where I want to be, but I'm vertical and we're fishing so I'm not complaining.
  19. I heard on the radio yesterday somebody paid $60m for the exclusive breeding rights for this horse! Now that's a gamble! Absolutely crazy for no guarantee. Lucky horse though, he'll always have a smile on his face I bet. LOL
  20. God bless America!
  21. My brain tends to be a little more creative when I've had a few 'white pop's. With that said as of I've aged I'm not as short sighted so you won't hear me say "hold my beer watch this". Life's to short not to enjoy it! I came to that realization at 19 while getting pumped full of chemo. Life always works itself out and everything happens for a reason so there's no need to stress, worry, or get down. I told my mom when I was sick and she was bawling (understandably) and she asked "how are you so strong?" My response "you just gotta role with the punches". @Choporoz go out and have fun life will take you where you're supposed to go, it's up to you to enjoy the ride! ?
  22. Hopefully Garmin will introduce a trolling motor. Been hearing rumors for months now.
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