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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. From what I've read so take it for what it's worth but Legend boats was in trouble before Mr. Morris bought it. From what I've read the Legend sign has been taken down from the factory but 'now hiring' signs sit outside the factory where Legend boats are made. The Johnny Morris hatrid is ridiculous in my mind. He is a modern Thededor Roosevelt. He has done more for conservation than anyone else on this planet hands down! Ranger is going nowhere! Their sales have never been better. From what I've read and again this is what I've read the jobs are safe and the Triton boats are being ramped up in the factory because Triton boats are popular and Legend boats were an anchor.
  2. I've traveled through Iowa and Nebraska on my way to hunt in northwest Nebraska. Traveled into South Dakota while up there and it's so boring once you get west of the Mississippi river. I imagine it isn't much better the further west you go. I couldn't do it. That being said I could move out to a small town in one of the plains states. Just not travel through them very much.
  3. Leter rip! You might get a little razing but it's all in fun. This forum isn't like most. This place is all about having fun and talking about fishing and life, not about knocking people down and pushing agendas.
  4. Oh I dug through my archives and found it. I've never met you but I trust that you won't tell a soul about and upon seeing it will immediately delete it! Remember....not a soul.
  5. Don't get me wrong, I'm just like everyone else. I got into Abu Garcia because Ike switched over to them and I happened to come across the Black and Pro Max reels and I like using them and they're well within my budget. I have a lot of Strike King lures, if KVD throws them there good for me. I just started throwing the Strike King bladed jig and I for the first time I bough a couple packages of the Rage bugs because @A-Jay was using them in one of his videos. Good enough for me. Do I follow they hype and think these are "game changers"? No but something I get turned on to and give it a shot. The Hydrowave and Livingston lures that make noise who knows if they make a difference. I guess if it gives you confidence then go for it. Confidence has been discussed on here a ton, so if it gives someone confidence in their fishing then I guess you could say in a way it worked.
  6. See I told you we have a club. We have good membership numbers as you can see. ?
  7. I sure did. I remember the day like it was yesterday. It was pretty big. I think I was 8 or 9? Made the loudest noise I had ever heard! That's a day I'll never forget.
  8. Well you caught me. Sounds like a good way for someone trying to be funny to get shot by someone thinking they're the first to get Bigfoot. I did see Bigfoot once when I was a kid, I even got a picture of him. It has been verified by several Bigfoot "experts" to indeed be a real Bigfoot.
  9. A bunch of the professional anglers use them to they must be effective. So much so that they proudly wear the name on their jersey's and on their boats. Heck they believe in them so much they talk about them all the time in articles and TV shows! Seriously though there are so many accessories and lures that are "game changers", "must haves", and "I've won more money with this one lure" on the market today. The life of a professional bass angler is not that glorious and tournament wise only a tiny percentage actually make a living doing it. The rest make their living sell product. A guy wrote the other day about his experience marshalling for Fletcher Shryock a few weeks back. Fletcher told him there's not that much money in tournament fishing. Merchandising is where the money is, which could explain why you see Fletcher with these bright colors. Same with Skeet and Swindle. Ike he's loud. It's all marketing and selling themselves which sells merchandise. I kinda trailed away from the Hydrowave a tad, but hopefully you get the point.
  10. Jeez it's almost as big as you! Nice catch! Seems like you're living the dream right now traveling the country bass fishing and catching different species in your neck of the woods. Enjoy it! ?
  11. I'm guessing money talks.....
  12. Now were on the same page. At 120v system you could run the TM, run an A/C unit in the summer, and a heater in the spring and fall. With all that hooked up the Lund would look sweet! ?
  13. Do it! You did say in that video the your rig is rated for 200 hp. The tag doesn't say how many 200's does it? So I'd say you're good! ?
  14. Gpsstore.com These aren't the Plus units, but still a $999 unit for $599 is pretty good.
  15. Right now you can get a Garmin Echomap 93sv for $599. This has a 9" screen, SideVu, DownVu, 2d sonar, over 17,000 lakes, and Quickdraw which all is you to create your own contour maps. Hard to beat that.
  16. Did you happen to see the price tag?
  17. http://www.thefishingwire.com/releases/b1ba1ddc-8b63-4bc4-974c-c2bde3c6d03f @A-Jay before you repower with a new Merc. You might want to look at this before you make your final decision. ?
  18. Senko Frog Frog Frog Senko ? I'm a simpleton
  19. 0. Sorry I don't get it. My cousin has made a d**n good living in Vegas and traveling the world doing opra but not my cup of tea. Here's a little Justin Moore. I like him he for the most part keeps his music fairly traditional.
  20. Yes they do grow fast. It seems like yesterday my son had his Spongebob pole. Last week he graduated from a spincast to a spinning combo. Next time I blink he'll have baitcasters piled up in the boat and pitching grass and skipping docks. Enjoy your fishing buddy! I do.
  21. Welcome to the club. We have T-shirts. ?
  22. Hartwell is and isn't new. They've never had an Elite event on it but have had 2 or 3 classics on it. So a lot of the guys have fished it but there's quite a few who haven't.
  23. Let me retract my statement and say I know Motorguide has trolling motors with wireless foot control. I'm not familiar with Minn Kota's models but I have to imagine they have at least one model with wireless foot control. Trust me you're not missing much. I just use my key fob which can be a pain when fighting a big fish or cranking on windy days.
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