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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I got to spend some extra company coin today. This puppy will run you around $300/hr! After 3 hrs we still didn’t find the gas main we were looking for.
  2. Gronk said it best, “live by the sword, die by the sword.”
  3. These two turnover on downs are going to haunt Campbell if they lose.
  4. If the Lions lose I’m blaming you. 😁
  5. Welcome aboard @Vantage Tackle!
  6. @Darren. I thought that too! We’ll see what the off-season brings, a lot of free agents.
  7. Detroit moving the ball pretty easily so far!
  8. We don’t let Hank sleep outside because he would bark too. Once in a while he’ll want out in the middle of the night and I too have made a trip out there in my underwear to get him back inside. It’s kinda funny how we worry about them waking the neighbors but we don’t worry about the neighbors seeing us in our underwear! 😂
  9. The statute of limitations is over so I guess I’m safe. 😂 There were plenty of dumb things I did as a kid. Thankfully I survived them all and I have no criminal record. I was probably 14 or 15 and my parents went away for the night and I decided it was a good idea to search for the keys to my stepmom’s keys to the Blazer. I found them and went for a joyride to my friends house about 5 miles away. A couple friends and I used to make Works bombs. Mailboxes and bird feeders are no match for a Works bomb.
  10. @slonezp I’ll take my whitetail mount, put in in the passenger seat of my boat, and go get a small sink, put it in the livewell and I’ll start getting tax breaks. Can you confirm this with your son? 😁
  11. Probably had a heart attack!
  12. Somebody hasn’t missed a meal!
  13. @RipzLipz you need to show your two squirrels @TnRiver46 picture and let them know if they ever try to get in your attic they too will be in squirrel jail!
  14. Shawn Ryan Show has plenty of good episodes
  15. On my way home I drove past a lake that was half open and there were two guys in the middle of the lake less than 10’ away from open water. Not smart!
  16. I hunted in NW Nebraska for a few years. Out there it was huge tracts of land. To put it in perspective we hunted a 30,000 acre buffalo ranch. My first year we’re out there opening morning waiting for daylight and in the distance on neighboring land I see cargo lights on top of hills. That’s how the locals hunted, out of their trucks. We’d sit in high probability areas or spot and stalk. We’d always tag out with big bucks. At the tagging station we’d have comments along the lines of how’d you all get big bucks. 😂 Not everyone out there took advantage of what they had, they didn’t want to work for it.
  17. I see what you’re saying. I’ve shot one deer on the run and that’s the only deer I’ve shot at more than once. The deer ended up dead but I’ll never shoot at a deer moving faster than a walk, not my style. When I’m out hunting I’ll hear multiple shots from the same person and some I even hear them unload the whole gun. When I pull the trigger I have 100% confidence my shot was well placed and even though the deer almost always takes off I know the bullet hit its mark, it’s not going far, so there’s no need for a follow up shot.
  18. @DaubsNU1 @gimruis If you have a rest why wouldn’t someone keep their left hand on the gun and rack the bolt with their right hand. Doesn’t seem bad or awkward to me. No rest or support sure it would be a pain. Keep in mind I’ve never shot a bolt action so maybe I’m missing something.
  19. @gimruis I’m left handed and have owned all right handed guns. My guns are pump or semi auto so I’ve never (that I can remember) used a bolt. I could see if you’re shooting free hand it would be a pain, but from a rest I’d think it wouldn’t be an issue would it? The only issue I’ve had is shooting a semi auto rifle, once in a while I’d have a random shell hit the bill of my hat.
  20. This past summer our high school fishing club had a car wash to raise money. I decided to go through my stuff and pull out a box of lures and soft plastics I hadn’t used and won’t use and dropped them off to them. It was nice to see the kids digging through the box and smiling and the coaches coming up, shaking my hand, thanking me, and talking fishing for a quick minute. I’d go this route, it’s worth more than you’ll make selling the lures.
  21. 44 inches so far this year according to the local news.
  22. I got mine today!
  23. Sounds like fun! Did your wife happen to ask the doctor if they found your head up there? 😂
  24. Me after the Bills loss
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