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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. No matter what kind of fish it is (I'm guessing they're bass) a top water at dusk especially this time of the year is always a good idea. Most of the lakes I fish I know for a fact don't have carp. Every time I go out there, there are fish boiling the water before and during dusk. I'm almost certain they're bass.
  2. I wonder how the no info. Rule works for the college boys?
  3. Nightcrawlers have ears....don't they? LOL I do remember doing this as a kid! Brings back some good memories.
  4. Play this and you'll have more than you know what to do.
  5. Awesome job! It seems like everything feel into place for you guys. A couple questions.... 1: did you guys have a camera boat following you around and any idea when it might be on TV? 2: when is the bracket tournament going to take place? Again awesome job and the best of luck to you in the bracket. I'm guessing the entire Bassresource family is pulling for you!
  6. I'm not seeing anything on Bassmaster about any fishing today. The team tournament ended yesterday with them finishing 3rd. All that's on Bassmaster is the team tournament results.
  7. Gotcha. I looked at Bassmaster after you posted and didn't see anything about it.
  8. I'm not sure what the fish off is....I know the tournament ended yesterday with them finishing 3rd. In the tournament section @A-Jay posted a pic of @everythingthatswims and his partner holding their trophies and Abu Garcia gear they won.
  9. @everythingthatswims and his partner finished 3rd at the national championship. Congratulations to you guys job well done!
  10. If you want to see a mayfly hatch of epic proportion go to northern Michigan. You drive a mile at night and you won't recognize your vehicle. It'll kill a walleye bite for days. That was always our luck the hatch would happen just before or during our walleye trips up there when I was a kid.
  11. Looks like they're sitting in 9th place going into today! Keep on 'em @everythingthatswims! I also saw Grand Valley State is in 3rd, this is a team in my neck of the woods. Good to see some Michigan boys keeping up with the southern boys down south!
  12. I get that. It's a great lake and I'm only 45 minutes from Lake Michigan and the local news is 20 minutes from the lake so I see lake footage all the time. What I have a hard time grasping is the size of these impoundments. My big lakes around me are 200 acres so when the wind blows 60 mph you get maybe 2'. Lake Michigan I don't consider a lake for a boat that we think of because it's basically an ocean. The footage I saw was almost like a great lake or an ocean. Hard for me to comprehend.
  13. I've never seen a big reservoir like TR so I was quite shocked at the waves! Holy cow they were big, that poor boat didn't stand a chance. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.
  14. Good luck to @everythingthatswims!
  15. Old news here folks. Plus he hasn't been on since May so there's no point.....
  16. Pretty cool!
  17. Just to clarify I'm not implying they were dirt floor poor. They started out like me and I'm assuming you just an average Joe. They weren't like a Boyd Duckett and extremely wealthy. There are many more like the three I mentioned. My point if this is the route you're considering you can do it. You don't need top of the line anything. You need skill, dedication, and the desire to be the best.
  18. This is false especially for the Elites and now the FLW. The FLW up until the change a few weeks ago if you could pony up the cash you'd get on a waiting list and make the big leagues. Elites you've always had to qualify. Mike Iaconelli, Gerald Swindel, Jacob Wheeler just to name a few worked their way from hardly nothing to where they are today. You fish local tournaments win those save cash. Go to the next step, win frequently at that step, go to the next. Win tournaments where first place is a boat. Up grade boats or sell it to fund the next level. Where there's a will there's a way. It's a long rough road that isn't that glorious the more you look into it.
  19. Zona has us all beat. Granted he probably gets his all for free. Would it be nice to have that man cave?
  20. I messed with it a little. That's when I originally saw the suspended school of fish. I was showing him that we were coming up to the pot hole because the bottom was dropping out, and I saw a bunch of 'glowing' dots and said look at the school. We looked over on the DV and saw the same thing. I've been researching the Echomap units for a year now so I'm kind of familiar with them and their capabilities. He on the other hand doesn't know a whole bunch about them except from what I've told him about the Echomap units and any down and side seeing sonars units for that matter. So he just turned it on and had the mapping and 2d on the screen. It's his unit so I gave him time, but I couldn't take it anymore and took over. ? I didn't get the chance to go around any docks to 'look' under them. Like I said hopefully soon I'll have a bigger boat and a couple of these because the short time I had with it, it was a blast! I want to go around a look for ice shanties that fell victim to an early spring and irresponsible owner. Surprisingly enough I have the wife very intrigued, so my sales pitched worked. All I had to do was show her some screen shots and told her we can look for things like shanties and she was sold! Thank God! LOL
  21. My step-dad bought a Echomap 93sv CHIRP (non plus unit) for a walleye trip he's leaving for Friday. He hooked it up last week and I finally talked him in to meeting me at the boat launch. To be honest I just wanted to play with it! I've played with them in the stores and a Helix unit my brother in-law bought 3 years ago. This was the first time I've used one on the water. It was awesome! The only change we made so far was to slow the scroll speed down. This unit was the first new tech. expensive either of us had used. I started out reading the manual and he grabbed my rod I brought that had a bladed gig tied on and was fiddling around with that and quickly noticed he could see it in traditional 2d which he liked because he does a lot of jigging while walleye fishing. After messing around with little things here and there I noticed there were two pot holes on the map of the lake that went from 30-35' to 56' in the middle. I had him go over this pot hole, I switched to DV and SV and could clearly see a nice school of fish suspended 20-25' over this pot hole! I wasn't expecting to see them without adjusting the settings. This was just on auto. Needless to say he was pretty impressed too. All of our lakes are natural and most are pretty featureless and mucky bottoms so I didn't expect to see a whole lot in the form of structure. Plus this lake is about 15-20 acres in the little town I grew up in. We spent 2.5 hours on the lake messing with this unit, a little fishing, some talking, and mostly staring at the screen. I wish we could be spent more time out there but he had things to do. I could've spent the entire day out there getting acquainted with the 93sv. I was really impressed with how easy it was to use. I was also impressed with the images we saw, like I mentioned before the only change we made was to slow the scroll speed to medium, everything else was auto. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that very very soon I'll be upgrading boats and picking a couple of these up because they're well worth the money!
  22. Golf On a regular basis no but the Opens and the Masters yes.
  23. I'd be interested. Possibly fall? Some place centrally located? I think it would be cool to do a get together and meet everyone and fish.
  24. I'm interested in this too. I've been trying to get outside of my comfort zone, so I've tried tossing jigs but the thick weeds on the bottom make it annoying and frustrating. I have been throwing a 3/8oz Strike King pure poison bladed jig thanks to @A-Jay. Last Sunday was the first time I've really had a chance to throw it. Results were mixed. I was getting bit quite a bit but quite a few come off close to the boat. Any thoughts or ideas from anyone is much appreciated. Mr. Frog has been producing some decent ones.
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