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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I have faith that you'll find them sooner than later.
  2. They have confirmed it. @Glenn posted it on here Wednesday I believe. They're replacing them with some TBA events in the Southeast.
  3. I know I'm an outsider but those new Evinrudes and the Mercs look sweet. I saw a picture of a white Vexus with a white rude and that was one sweet rig!
  4. That thing looks wicked and it sounds wicked!
  5. Greatest response ever! I almost spit my iced tea up on my computer in my truck! Thank you!
  6. The bait monkey says so. Good enough reason for me!
  7. Fish farts? Just kidding I say baitball too.
  8. Yup it appears @A-Jay was a good boy this year and Santa came early. He's like a kid who got that one toy he dreamed of and can't put it down for nothing. I'll bet he dreamed of 4 stroke outboards in his sleep last night. ?
  9. The Bandit is going fishing!
  10. Hitchcock was called the master of suspense. @A-Jay is leaving us in suspense. ?
  11. We'll start calling you Alfred Hitchcock. ?
  12. Are you saying you're retiring? Seriously though this does sound like a pretty good gig, and I'll bet it gets even sweeter after all the details are revealed. I'm wondering if they'll reveal the payouts which I think MLF typically keeps quiet don't they?
  13. Link, I'm technology dumb as you know. ?
  14. I agree with your statement completely. Have you seen the episodes in Alpena Michigan where KVD and Aaron Martens found schools of fish offshore? It was fun to watch. When things get dull is when someone pulls away with the lead and dominates. It's great action when it goes down to the final minutes. I hope they find a happy medium, because I love the back and forth action, I also love seeing actual "giants" being caught! Time will tell and I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of this in the coming weeks.
  15. I don't mind seeing them catch 'dinks' because lets face it That's what the majority of us catch on a regular basis and I soak up every bit of info they feed us on where to find them. I like seeing them catch numbers because that's where I sometime lack, I might catch 3-5 on a 4 hour outing where these guys can catch 4x that in the same amount of time. Sometimes a 6 plus fish is really nice to see too. With the possibility of a practice period maybe that will change it up. Maybe MLF listens to the masses and are trying to tweak things here and there. That's what every good business does to stay viable and there's great business minds behind MLF.
  16. I too agree with this. I would like to see them fish some 'big bass lake's and not catch 1-2 pounders all the time (even though that's all I catch). I did enjoy when they were in Alpena a couple years ago and A-mart found a school offshore and went on a tear. I'd like to see more offshore structure fishing and how they break it down.
  17. If they keep the MLF format which it sounds like they're going to do I don't know how you could make it without having a camera in every boat? Look at Jordan Lee's classic win, he came out of nowhere to win and there was hardly footage. Same with Steve Kennedy last year, nothing because he was so far back. In MLF every fish counts and we've seen enough times where a guy at the bottom finds a school and goes on a tear and comes back. You can't have, say 20 cameras and bounce back and forth between guys, I don't think anyways.
  18. BASS typically doesn't have a hard time getting people to pay to watch anglers, so I doubt MLF would have a hard time getting people to weigh fish and be a part of the action. I'd do it in a heart beat! Yeah but 40 cameras and cameramen? I assume that's what there going to do but whew that might be expensive, and logisticaly a nightmare, but we reap the benefits so I'm not complaining. ?
  19. I'm guessing there's a ton of details to work out, like if they keep the catch, weigh, and immediate release format how are they going to cover every competitor? Things will be interesting these next couple days, weeks, and months. I'm guessing there will be a bunch of overlapping in schedules MLF, FLW, and BASS. So who's in who's out?
  20. Man you guys are quick! This might make for an interesting week!
  21. I was in my senior year of high school. We were in between classes and it was on the TV's in the commons area and the teachers were a glued to them. Once classes started we watched the news broadcast in our classrooms. Shortly after that we were sent outside and loaded on buses. We sat there for a couple hours until school was dismissed early. Driving around town seeing gas stations lined up for blocks with people wanting to get gas, and businesses closed was totally surreal to me. We watched the news footage the rest of the day and night. I had and have never experienced anything like this and hope I never do again.
  22. Rumor is they're going to cancel the western swing. I'd say that would tick some people off. That's been a touchy subject with the western guys and rightfully so. On the flip side it sounds like there were some who weren't too happy about it. We'll see what happens the next couple days.
  23. Bingo. Thanks! Doesn't sound like he's too happy.
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