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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Notice how a lot of the big names are missing from this video? Skeet, Swindle, A-mart, Wheeler......KVD was on there in two different clips for a total of about 5 seconds, however his image was very skewed almost to acknowledge him and his accomplishments and to not catch hell by leaving him out, but distance him from BASS because he's leaving.
  2. BPT sent out around 70 or so Elite invites. Obviously some will decline but I imagine BPT vetted most of these guys before they sent out their invite, so I'd guess most will accept. I'm pretty sure I read BASS is reducing their field to 80 anglers not the 100-106 we're used to. The $75k entry fee was reduced years ago I believe. It's now like $43k? Along with the reduced entry fee they introduced something new after the whole MLF/PBT to try and make the decision to leave more difficult. I don't remember exactly what it was, but it made the entry fee extremely cheap (relatively speaking). I think you'll see some guys stick around like you're saying to better their chances at frequent big paydays. The Lee brothers, Gerald Swindle, Brandon Paulnuik are a few I think will stay. Time will tell.
  3. Edwin Evers Timmy Horton Zach Berge Boyd Duckett (of course) Gary Klein (of course) Sounds like Alton Jones will tonight Another interesting thing I read from a post regarding the Duckett interview today, Duckett said 'they' approached BASS and FLW about a merger but were turned down, which is why they formed the PBT.
  4. Boyd Duckett was on Bass Talk Live today. I didn't listen to it but read on another forum that he said the list of 80 will be released with in the week.
  5. Pure fishing particularly Abu Garcia and Berkley have had a great year and a HUGE week! Jordan Lee signs with them, then Justin Lucas and Josh Bertrand go 1-2 in the AOY race. Congrats to Justin Lucas and Pure Fishing Abu Garcia for life
  6. There's a lot of season left and Brady and the Pats will turn it around like they always do. I don't follow the Lions closely at all, so when I heard our local news say Gronk said he'd retire before being traded to the Lions, floored me! I didn't know it was in the talks, and I never thought New England would get rid of him. I know he's injury prone but two players come to mind when you think of New England....Tom Brady and Gronk.
  7. Uh oh @A-Jay! I shut the TV off at 10 last night and thought I'd wake up to the usual 'Lions blow another lead', but holy cow! The Pats seem to always start the season slow so I can't imagine you're too worried, BUT THIS WAS THE LIONS! ? While I'm not a Lions fan I do follow them and I was thinking they might not win a game or at best 2 wins. In now thinking we night see them play in February. ?
  8. It's 46 Fahrenheit right now @Raul with a high of 65 today. It's like a day of celebration here in Michigan the 80's and high humidity and hopefully mosquitoes are gone for 7-8 months.
  9. Great to hear! Thanks for updating us.
  10. Ned would be disappointed in you. How do you sleep at night using a different lure? ? Nice bass BTW
  11. They might end up with a better record than the pathetic Lions! You're hired! I'll pm your my address and which rooms I need done.
  12. I was thinking yesterday.....if there's a mass exodus to the PBT next years Elites/fantasy fishing is going to be full of names most of us have probably never heard of. Could be interesting or very frustrating.
  13. Yup she's steamy here too. By late afternoon it's supposed to cool down. I think 65 tomorrow for us, and the next week will be average or below. Thank God!
  14. Yup Our first chance of frost tonight, which I'm glad for, these mosquitoes have been horrible the past 2-3 weeks.
  15. Yesterdays news. Check out the 'new tournament trail announced' thread, there's a good conversation going on over there.
  16. Come on A-Jay......why do you have to do that now? I say that as I just got done outside where it's 80 extremely muggy and I'm ready for it to go away. But I'm not ready for the white stuff, so keep it up there until December. ?
  17. https://twitter.com/FLWFishing/status/1042826282927632385?s=19 Here's what FLW has posted.
  18. Another great example. ?
  19. BPT is taking a big step and asking these 80 anglers to stick their necks out and make a 3 year commitment (from what we hear). To make this viable and not crash and burn within the first few years you need more than just fish catching. In order to do this with a relatively small field there are going to be some good anglers who are left out. There are going to be some less accomplished anglers invited because of their personalities and followings. Let's face it this is a business and people with big followings bring money. Look at Gerald Swindle (I don't know if he's been invited) but he has a ton of fans and has made a great living fishing. He's won 2 AOY but has never won an event. He's managed to stay viable because of his personality. Everyone tunes in to see what G-Man is going to say on the stage. Then there's other guys like Derick Remitz who won a few Elite events and looked to be an up and coming star. He along with others virtually disappeared. He was a quiet guy who didn't have a loud personality like Skeet, Gerald, and Ike. It's a cut throat business where the only way you're going to make a career out of it is sponsors and to get sponsors you have to be seen, if you're not winning on a regular basis. As far as Scott Martin not getting an invite, that's beyond me. The only thing I can think of is some bad blood, but that's only my assumption. Just my .02
  20. I'll bet a lot of those guys are. It would be fun to hang out with a few of them.
  21. I would recommend getting a transducer mounting plate. That way if you need to move it to get the perfect image you're drilling into the mounting plate and not the Tin. I thought I read somewhere that if you want to save a few bucks you can use a plastic cutting board and cut it down.
  22. I don't think BASS is going anywhere either, they're just trying to prevent a mass exodus. It'll be interesting to see how this whole thing plays out. Who is the author?
  23. Sounds like a, 'the ship is sinking grab a bucket' article. I don't blame BASS one bit. They are in the business to make money. My company was giving me 3-5% raises every year because I was content and didn't say anything. We were in a very bad spot with manpower in late winter just before our busy season, I saw an opportunity and took it....and got myself a 20% raise. I don't expect them to give me that kind of raise every year. On the flip side from the sounds of it the angler had been speaking up for a while and BASS didn't listen. I see both sides of this situation.
  24. Are these confirmed numbers or hear say at this point?
  25. Old school vs new school boards?
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