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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. The lodge is the only one with access to the lake? This is a pretty big lake isn't it?
  2. 1: I feel bad for your scale, that poor thing got a pretty good workout LOL 2: The scenery is breathtaking 3: Are there other anglers on the lake or just you guys?
  3. Brent Chapman said in a another site article the other day the he's qualified for 16 or so Classics won the AOY and all it would take him is one bad year and he'd be broke! Granted he doesn't have the presence like others that draws the big sponsorship money, but still Brent Chapman is a great bass angler.
  4. I like the idea! I don't have time to bow hunt and rifle season doesn't start for another 2 weeks and then all we're shooting this year is for. Way too many and they need to be thinned out.
  5. I love the Pro Max, great reel great price! Replace it with another Black Max or a Pro Max
  6. That's it right there. There's been a ton of spectulaion and it's human nature, but that's all it is, is speculation. I'd almost bet a paycheck there is so much that we don't know. Hell this thing just got on it's feet two months ago? There's a ton here that these anglers know that we don't otherwise they wouldn't have left.
  7. They just basically gave themselves a $48,000 raise which should more than cover their expenses for the year, So they basically put more odds in their favor to make money this year. Add in the money sponsors shell out to them and if I'm looking at this right a lot of these anglers have already made money before they ever wet a line this year, which is more than some have made in a couple years. Yes they both did go to MLF/BPT.
  8. I would hope they are all mature enough that a situation like that would never happen. In the event that someone throws themselves on the floor and has a tantrum I'd be the first to volunteer to drive their rig back to wherever their perfect world is.
  9. Holy Bleep! Those are some insane numbers! Can't wait for the videos and more pics.
  10. At BASS the Marshals pay $150 to get up at 3 or 4 am pay for their own hotel, gas to and from event, and miss work to sit on a boat for at least 8 hours a day in any kinds of weather. Most events there's a waiting list! So the $150 is probably closer to $1000 if you figure everything else into it, and all you get is a couple hats, maybe a shirt, some food, exhaustion, and if you're really lucky an angler that's going to make the cut so they're somewhat social. FLW is doing this same thing this year with the added incentive you get your name in a hat for a boat at the end of the year. So after looking at all that the MLF official gig doesn't sound too bad for someone who's retired. For the record I would do the BASS Elite Marshal experience. These anglers in the BPT aren't idiots or children so I don't see favorites or a "they're being mean to me" scenario happening. Most of these guys are businessmen and quite a few have some sort of marketing or business degree so they know what they're doing and what they're getting themselves into. I hear people say frequently how it won't last three years or once Johnny Morris's money runs out it'll be over and on and on. My take on this whole thing is we don't know squat about the details. There's something there that has made almost every big name in professional bass fishing jump ship and in wasn't all because of BASS some probably. Like I said these guys know what they're doing and if they have enough faith in what they see then BPT has something potentially big here. Then again they may all fall flat on their faces in a few years, I doubt it though.
  11. Looks like that fish was snagged. LOL
  12. Good to hear, looking forward to it. Big question is, were you able to watch your Sox win another WS?
  13. Those boats are purrrrrty!
  14. I love apples and fresh cider. We have orchards all around us. I've never really paid attention to the different kinds, but my favorite are the sour ones the best.
  15. Conveniently shaped too. ?
  16. Yet I agree with you. I ocassionaly watch BASS Live from time to time and enjoy it. But watching MLF you do get to know the anglers better. Keith Poche and Andy Montgomery are two that come to mind. Poche all I really new about him was his 'interaction' with Ish. After watching him on MLF he seems like a cool guy. He explains things well and I've learned a thing or two from him. Andy Montgomery I've learned from too. He's another that seems pretty cool and he's pretty darn funny. Another thing I've learned from him was he is one hell of a dock skipper! I watched one episode last year where he skipped it between an outboard and a toon on a pontoon! Blew me away. The more a person gets to know an angler the more apt they are to buy a product that angler is using, this potentially increasing that anglers value. I personally don't buy products because a particular angler is using it or pushing it, but a lot do especially the average Joe angler.
  17. The orange/red means a hard return doesn't it? If so then there has to be a few fish in there. There's no way air bubbles are going to give that hard of a return. Just my guess. The orange/red means a hard return doesn't it? If so then there has to be a few fish in there. There's no way air bubbles are going to give that hard of a return. Just my guess.
  18. Yes, I'd adjust it as needed. The more you turn it down the less you'll see.
  19. Incorrect, ClearVu and SideVu show fish too. They're sometimes not as noticeable compared to 2d but they show up. It looks like three staked on top of each other are fish.
  20. I've never fished LSC, but I've watched Zona's Awesome fishing show where he's been out there several times. He never says where on the lake but says to look for anomalies like a rock in the middle of nowhere, a piece of wood, a patch of weeds, a contour change even if it's a foot, a change in bottom composition. All these will hold fish. That's the extent of my knowledge of LSC.
  21. I agree you'll be ice fishing in March. The rivers could be open but the smallie most likely will still be in the lakes. If I remember correctly @A-Jay can't get on the water until late April early May. Down here in mid Michigan ice out isn't until early April. Mid May until the end of June is going to be your best times up north. A-Jay will be back in a week or so and he could give you a better idea on how things work for him up there.
  22. Uh oh! I haven't watched the news/weather in a few days. Is there one heading his way?
  23. We have a small population in the Alpena area, enough for lottery licenses but I've never made it up there to hear them. There are some in a pen about 10 miles west of me but that doesn't count.
  24. What I wouldn't give to hear a big bull bugeling in person.
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