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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I just heard this. Great news for the both of them. Great to see a company like KastKing growing the way are.
  2. Interesting. I did not know that.
  3. Exactly which is why I used "their" instead of the. To be honest I never knew they made high quality reels at one time. I always thought they just made low end cheap reels. I used to be big into golf and always associated them with golf.
  4. Must be they reached their Pinnacle..... ? can't believe no one beat me to it.
  5. I'm getting the itch to take it out. There's a 'chance' of a 50 degree day next week. ? But I'm most likely just going to winterize it this weekend. ?
  6. I was just thinking today "it's getting close for me to fire up the sub-zero thread". I went by a waterfowl marsh today and the waterfowl were walking on water.....because it was FROZEN. ?
  7. I did a search and I found that Cabelas is advertising the new Elite 9 ti2 with the Totalscan transducer for $1069 which if you look closely on the above ad that the everyday price shown. Then I looked on Tackle warehouse and their Elite 9ti (the first gen) with Totalscan and it for $950 or close to that. So I have to assume the one in the above add does indeed have the Totalscan transducer. I agree with you though, the way Lowrance advertises or offers their units is very confusing.
  8. It says on the add he posted above that it has the total scan transducer.
  9. Thanks! I can't wait to get it on the water. I really wish I could put an Ultrex on it. The guy I bought it from just got a 2018 Skeeter which he ordered with the Ultrex and he said it is absolutely awesome and a must have. Unfortunately I told the wife whatever I didn't spend would go in the bank with the down payment for a house. She got a car came under budget and put that in the bank, so I guess I should too?. Plus the couch isn't too comfy. ?
  10. If you can swing it, it's a perfect time. That's a pretty good deal for either of these units.
  11. I'm kind of torn. I'm pretty sure the Lowrance Elite can't draw it's own maps but the Helix can. That being said the Helix can but only has an 8 hour memory so if you want to create your own 1' contour maps you'll need to cough up another $80-100 for a Zero Line card in order to create more maps. So if mapping especially 1' contours isn't a deal breaker (maybe your lakes have 1' contours) the Lowrance is your winner.
  12. Does the Lowrance have the capability to draw it's own maps, or at least have basemaps? If it has both I'd go with it. If it only has basemaps I'd see if you can get a map card for it and IF your lakes have 1' contours. If it has basemaps but you can't get 1' contours then I'd go with the Helix.
  13. I'm not familiar with Lowrance at all or their terminology, but that price seems too cheap for Lowrance. Does this indeed have the Totalscan transducer? Does it have basemaps or able to create your own? The Helix 7SI G2 you get all of that. You won't be able to network a second unit If you decide to get another in the future but not a deal breaker for me anyways. If the Lowrance has the Totalscan transducer, and at least able to create your own maps I'd go that route, because bigger is always better. If it doesn't (which it could the Elite ti has been out a couple years and they could be moving product to make room for a new unit) then the Helix unit is the one for you.
  14. Yeah that doesn't make sense at all since 75hp is the max. Another thing that doesn't make sense is why he wouldn't want to do the work? This time of the year I imagine is slower than normal, plus I imagine he'd make a pretty good coin off from you. I'd go somewhere else and see what they have to say.
  15. It's pretty amazing how smart they are. Evey buck I got on camera last year was between midnight and 0500. The leaves change and almost like clock work the bucks go nocturnal.
  16. The cold appears to be here to stay and this snow puppy is ecstatic! Mmmmm snow!
  17. "Trapped in paradise" Because I have more lakes around me than I know what to do with.
  18. I was off. They haven't changed frequencies, they made the transducer longer in the new Helix models which will give you a more crisp image.
  19. LOL yup I do know there are 2 in the boat world and I experienced both in the last couple weeks when I said adios to the old one. I picked her up Saturday night took her home. Sunday morning we went out took the cover off to inspect it, check it out, and threw the cover back on (25 degrees out). That's all I've done. This coming weekend I'm going to winterize it and store her in my neighbors pole barn for the winter. It won't be until spring before I start organizing it to my liking. Like you I'd for sure bet left with a memory from that bump board if I left it there. Good eye!
  20. That sounds like a good idea, but with house hunting and being put in charge of a pilot program at work I'm going to be busy this winter which SHOULD make it go by fast. But you're right 5 months is too long.
  21. The picture below I pulled from the internet. It's from "The Big Spring" located in Michigan's upper Peninsula. This is directly over the center of the spring it's 40' deep. I highly recommend if you're in the U.P. check it out and see the huge trout swimming around in there too. The depth is very deceiving with that clear of water.
  22. Along with the Solix gen2 Humminbird released the Helix gen3. I don't know a whole lot about them except I believe the introduced a MEGA 8 and are using different frequencies? To give an even better image? I could be totally wrong, but that's what's sticking in my brain.
  23. How much you looking to spend? Give Brian at BBG Marine a call, he has some good pricing. I'm not sure how good of a deal you're going to find since the Plus units just came out last year. I had your e-mail at once time when you sent me screen shots. I can't seem to find it. Send me a PM with it or an email if you still have mine and I give you another lead.
  24. What your grandpa told you was accurate. That being said if you know anything about the time period he grew up in you'll know everything back then and until around the end of WWII was about what you needed. It was mere survival, and saving everything you had so if things went in the tank again you'd have a sort of cushion so to speak. After the war and the rebound of the nation life became more about wants than needs. A good example that was recently brought to my attention from my mom during my house hunting, look at almost all the houses that are say 70 years old and older. One bathroom (usually) and siblings almost always shared a room. Now a days almost everyone has their own room and there are always at least 2 full bathrooms. Bottom line is if you can afford it and it sounds like you could, go for it.
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