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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I have a lake with a launch like this except there's swamp and thicket on both sides. It's about 100 yards long. Well worth it though. That lake is where to quote Mark Zona "is where leprechauns and unicorns live".
  2. I've never used 360 or Livescope or seen them in person. From my untrained eye the 360 images are sometimes difficult to make out and almost look smeared for a lack of better words. Everything has a learning curve and take some tweaking and getting used to. I think once you get it dialed in and used to it, it would be a deadly tool to have. Livescope I can see where it could be a very useful tool and be a load of fun. I can see where it would be very very useful crappie or bluegill fishing. The technology that these units have is unbelievable compared to even a decade or two ago. Like I had said to the OP each brand has something the other doesn't. A guy with deep pockets and patience sure could have a nice set up it he went with a couple brands or all three in their boat. Of course that could get expensive and probably frustrating learning the difference units and switching back and forth several times a day.
  3. I think it's a matter of time before we see MEGA 360, or something similar to Livescope from Humminbird.
  4. You're right that you don't need two SI units. I don't know how well I'd like having my only SI transducer on the transom and it being 20' away from where I'm looking. I get you could drop a waypoint and go back and fish it, but I'd like one on the TM too, that way you can turn your TM if you wanted and see in front of you or to the side.
  5. As far as the networking and what can be viewed on what unit is way beyond me. My thinking and I don't know if it can be done ( I assume it can be), was to have SI and 360 up front. Maybe that would be redundant?
  6. A typical bass angler (assuming you are) spends the majority of their time on the trolling motor so I'd spend more up there. If it were my money I'd buy a Garmin Echomap 93SV Plus and a Livescope transducer up front. At the helm I'd go with another Echomap 93SV. And just like that you just blew $3500 maybe more on electronics that will be 'outdated' by the end of 2019 ?. Another option would be to get a couple Humminbird Helix SI units and add 360 imaging at the bow. I'm not too familiar with Lowrance so I can't comment on them. These are my opinions. Like I said before, the best thing for you to do is research what each one does. Livescope is pretty new and pretty d**n cool! 360 imaging is pretty awesome too. See what best fits you.
  7. What's your budget? That makes the difference. At the end of the day it's a Chevy vs Ford debate. The higher end of each brand including Garmin has something the other doesn't. The lower end units are a little more equal, but still each has something the other doesn't. The best thing for you to do is figure out your budget and decide what is important to you. Do your research, the more you inform yourself the happier you'll be with your decision.
  8. I had a 14' flat bottom for around 15 years that I bought when I was 19 and that's all I used because that's all I could pay cash for. This year I finally upgraded and got a bigger newer boat with electronics. Stick with what you can afford. Paying cash is a good idea.
  9. I know it doesn't mean anything to some but it was 10 or 11 in the morning. I guess everyone was ok and it gave me something to do in the cold months. The electric company charges about $6000 for that pole for a situation like this. Better him than me!
  10. LOL The crazy thing was it's a nice sunny clear day. The sun was to his back, no fog, no ice, or snow.
  11. I love going to these emergency calls! The guy got some air, took out limbs on a pine tree about 5 feet up, and buried the truck trying to back out. Oops!
  12. Awesome news and just before Christmas! Welcome to the club, 15 years cured for me. Enjoy this next chapter in life, it's been the best chapter for me.
  13. Santa came early for me with the new to me G3. There's something else in the works that is going to be almost perfect, I'm not counting my chickens just yet but they're getting real close to hatching. As far as the family goes, TW gift cards and an Autochart Zero line card that will come in very handy if all the chickens hatch. ?
  14. The one closest to us is huge! The other one is a nice one too. Even in the animal kingdom the presence of a women will make the men do some crazy things. ?
  15. Ahhh that makes perfect sense. I knew something wasn't quite adding up, and there had to be a detail missing. ?
  16. @A-Jay told you where Lake Menderchuck is and you're still alive? Unbelievable! The only logical explanation for that is the directions he gave you put you in the middle of a landfill or the National Guard base up there! ?
  17. My 4 lures for winter are: Sweat pants Sweatshirt Slippers Recliner ?
  18. I love these conversations between you guys. I'm hoping there's a couple more who join. Ding the popcorn is done, you may continue.
  19. I'm a big Senko user, it's my crutch. That being said the Senko is known as the one fish lure. If you nose hook it, it would become the one cast lure. LOL
  20. Fellow grammar Nazi here, although I tend to hide in the shadows because lately I've put way too much faith in my autocorrect and it's came back to bite me a time or two. BTW welcome Tyler!
  21. Ended up with about 7 inches in 12 hours. Our first real snowfall of the year. Then to top off the day we just got power back on, only 45 minutes without. As you know at 22 degrees you don't want to go too long without.
  22. I always used the Palomar knot and would have an issue here and there. I now use the 'shark' knot and have zero issues. That being said I'm willing to bet all of my issues were from me. As far as casting goes you're right! It's almost always user error which is why I almost always use braid, because I suck at casting! ? I don't use a leader, I haven't taken the time to learn how to tie the proper knot for leaders. To be honest if/when I learn to tie the proper leader knot I'll probably only use it for finesse fish. That's not even a guarantee I'll use it then.
  23. This was my thought forever until a co-worker said "casting nets have been catching fish for hundreds (if not thousands) of years." Not 100% the same but it made re-think my approach. Now I'm 90% braid 10% fluorocarbon.
  24. I got the boat winterized Saturday and put her in the barn just in time. This is what we've gotten so far today.
  25. I just saw that. $600 for a 93sv plus is a steal!
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