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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Congrats, welcome to the club. Almost 15 years cured for me. The scans for the first year or two can be nerve racking waiting on the results, but eventually become second nature. Life seems a little sweeter after dealing with cancer first hand doesn't it? Enjoy life like you never have before and get that bass boat. Merry Christmas
  2. Congrats on the new pup. I've always wanted a Shepard, I love those dogs.
  3. Move on? When I was a kid I got a helicopter for Christmas that ran on nitro methane, once it ran out it would slowly decend. The very first time my dad and I did it, it took off never to be seen again. We looked for almost two months for it with no success. It was hard to give up the search but we did.
  4. Good thing you didn't wait until the last minute. ? I kid I kid
  5. ? everyone from central to the western part of the state are at the mercy of Lake Michigan. Same scenario with the poor people of Buffalo New York. If things line up just right it's nothing for them to get four feet or more of snow in one storm!
  6. Michigan winters come with a double whammy. If this is an El Nino winter then there's a good possibility Lake Michigan probably won't freeze and will stay 'warmer' than usual. Here's the catch 22 if that happens the Lake effect snow machine will be in over drive, so even if the inland lakes thaw early chances are @A-Jay will still be buried in deep deep snow. Lake effect snow is very unusual phenomenon. One area will get dumped on and two miles away there will be little to no snow. The east side of Michigan doesn't get nearly as much as I do in central Michigan, I get a fair amount less than the lake shore. It's hard to predict but one thing is for sure, once lake Michigan freezes that machine stops and we can go weeks or months without snow.
  7. If they have no insurance at all I think you might soon be the owner of a tree trimming company! I guess it'll give you something to do with your approaching retirement. ? Glad everyone is ok.
  8. Keep in mind it's easier to stay warm than it is to stay cool. Winters wear on my too (Michigan has I believe the second worst winters in the country) but that d**n humidity gets to me more than the cold or snow.
  9. To Michigan, If so anywhere in particular?
  10. I'm glad Michigan implemented catch and release all year. Up until a few years ago it was the third Saturday in April. It has probably only bought us a couple weeks to a month extra buy I'm still glad they changed it.
  11. It's not about winning J, it's about having fun. ?
  12. Being from Michigan what choice does the poor kid have? He's quickly realizing that the Lions are hopeless no matter what, which is how I became a Bills fan from the Jim Kelly days.
  13. This winter is going to be a tough one for me. As you know I bought a boat so late in the season I couldn't even launch it, I did fire it up and hear her run just before winterizing it. So she is inside hibernating. As you may or may not know we sold our house this fall and we were on the hunt for a house. As if buying at boat just in time to put her to bed for 5 months wasn't bad enough, I doubled down and we are in the process of buying a house on a lake. A private lake at that, with no speed boats or jet skies! I'm very familiar with this lake having briefly lived on it years ago, pretty quiet as far as traffic and fishing goes. Soooooo hopefully the winter goes by quick, which it should considering well be closing on it this week or next, then moving for the second time in two months, then getting settled in to the new house. I'm shooting for the last week in March for ice out here. Fingers crossed!
  14. The dogs will be happy when Christmas is over and my wife quits decorating them. LOL
  15. What he explained is what they do on the Detroit river when the walleye are in there. They'll be lined up like an assembly line. A recipe for disaster and hot heads if you ask me, but there's big numbers in there, and giants too if you're after them.
  16. Someone isn't to happy about her outfit her mom bought her.
  17. Those Army uniforms are really awesome looking!
  18. It's not a photo but well worth sharing.?
  19. Whew we're in the clear. Thanks for the heads up!
  20. Right from the horses mouth. https://www.humminbird.com/news/article/humminbird-announces-new-dual-spectrum-chirp-sonar
  21. LOL my 20 pound female Pug rules the roost! My 160 Great Pyrenees cowers when she comes around. He can't eat until she says it's ok. He could kill her with one swipe but he's scared to death of her. Quite hilarious!
  22. Who's up for Pugs in a blanket?
  23. Private land it very difficult to find here in Michigan as well. I'm luck my parents have 52 acres. I don't know how public land is for you guys, but before my parents bought their land it was public land or don't hunt. The first year I could rifle hunt by myself I got dropped off on state land, I go sit in my ground blind. About an hour after daybreak I hear shooting close by, I see orange off in the distance and deer running between me and the orange. I hear one more gun shot and hear a zing then hear the bullet hit a tree 10 feet away from me and about 8 feet up! I laid down on my stomach and waited the 2 hours for my ride to pick me up. That's the one and only time I'll ever gun hunt state land.
  24. I did the same thing you did for several years. I didn't use a fuse (I probably should have). I just bought an Everstart from Wal-Mart probably $60 or so. You need a battery box like you already mentioned. I used a Schumacher battery charger. I simply unhooked the TM from the battery, hooked up the charger, and that was it. You should be able to find and inline fuse at Wal-Mart too, along with a battery charger. Everything is relatively cheap, if I had to guess you could get everything for $150 or so, not including the TM obviously.
  25. I saw today that Humminbird is releasing MEGA+. It's supposed to be able to see deeper up to 240' I believe and 240' to the side. The image is supposed to be more clear as well. So with that coming soon and the Gen3 release I really wonder if they're going to introduce a new 360. Time will tell
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