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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Well when you put it that way, It's only around the corner. ?
  2. Check out BBG marine. Or the GPS store, best prices you'll probably find.
  3. No safe ice here either. A lady died just over a week ago falling through the ice.
  4. I fish with her more times than not.
  5. I live in a rural community, always have always will. However the area I work in is blowing up like crazy! It is pretty sad to see all this land being bulldozed and turned to strip malls and housing developments. All the land development keeps me really busy at work but I also hate to see all the habitat be wiped out.
  6. My 2019 goals are as follows 1: Fish way more than last year (won't be hard to do) 2: break the 6lb green bass mark 3: smallmouth bass 4: smallmouth bass And finally 5: smallmouth bass
  7. There are no more perfect words than this @slonezp!
  8. Can't beat cousin Eddy!
  9. Oh crap wrong thread. My bad! ?
  10. Round 1 from Santa. He's a nice guy.
  11. Thank God Santa found our rental house! Now I need to get home!
  12. I know all too well how that is. I feel for Lynn, and you. She has a good support team!
  13. She's right! Does the one in the picture look ornery? Nope!
  14. Save yourself the time, money, effort, and hassle and send them here! ?
  15. After 8 years I still have those moments where it hits me "I'm responsible for that human!" Or "I can't believe we created this human being". At times it's really surreal. He's my fishing buddy, my hunting buddy, my shadow and so much more. Maybe some day he'll join this site and have the screen name 6poundbass, until then I have the pleasure of teaching and showing him hunting, fishing, and life.
  16. Pretty tough to narrow it down to one person. I'll bend the rules a bit and give you my list. 1: KVD 2: Zona 3: Ike 4: Jacob Wheeler 5: @A-Jay I've been invited to fish with one of these guys and now that life is slowing down hopefully I can check one off the list.
  17. I'm not the jersey wearing type, but I do have an Abu Garcia sweatshirt, tee shirt, and a couple hats. I've seen Abu Garcia and several other companies sell jerseys with their branding plastered all over it for sale to the average Joe. How is this any different? I see and understand your point about representing a company in the most professional manner. By selling shirts, hats, decals to anyone is getting them free advertising, Who objects to that? Again I see what you're saying and one bad apple can spoil the bushel, so what's the difference between my Abu sweatshirt and hat and the weekend tourney angler with no sponsors but a custom made jersey with his favorite products on it? Do the companies really care?
  18. We all loved boxes as kids. I remember a water heater box I got to play with when I was 5 or 6. Man I miss that box. ?
  19. Personally I'd go with the Abu Garcia Black Max or Pro Max reel. Absolutely great reels for the money!
  20. Yup he is the best dog I've ever had too. I think I'm a GP owner for life.
  21. Dear Santa, I don't remember being bad So I'm not sure why you couldn't bring me my bass boat this year and why I had to buy it myself. I'm guessing it was you that made the lake house we're buying available, so thank you, but again why do I have to buy it, You're Santa I thought everything from Santa was free? I guess my only wish and I'm not sure you're the right person for this, I think Mother Nature is the right one to talk to, either way can someone make spring happen sooner than later so I can use the boat that I bought, and enjoy the lake house that I bought? I don't think that's too much to ask. BTW no milk and cookies, my Great Pyrenees will eat them so carrots, celery, and a vegetable smoothie for you. Merry Christmas Santa
  22. The lakes I fish don't get sprayed. The house we just bought is on a private lake and it gets sprayed every year. It's a no wake lake so the dead weeds don't disappear very fast because the traffic is minimal.
  23. As of right now a Booyah frog. Nothing better than throwing a frog into the thick slop and waiting for a blow up!
  24. My wife sent me the same one except it was a puppy and said barked.
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