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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Ok ok I'll say it, at -40 temps I say it's only fair we shut this thread down until mid-March. It's only fair. ?
  2. There's a reason golf is called "the gentleman's game" true gentleman play the game and 'trust' eachother to police themselves. Cheaters happen in ever game but in a true game such as fishing and especially golf gentleman penalize themselves you see it all the time in golf, and you've seen Brandon Palanuik and a couple other penalize themselves.
  3. Pretty? When you get 10 inches overnight and 2-3 foot drifts it's not pretty anymore! ?
  4. Anybody watching the Live coverage? I saw the beginning of the second period until the feed cut out. The coverage looked good, the commentary wasn't bad the little bit I saw. It didn't look like anyone was beating the banks. ?
  5. After looking over yours a ton and seeing 'others' there's a noticeable difference and many of the 'others' I've seen almost look cartoonish or just a random cookie cutter mount that someone did in a few hours. It's not just replicas. I have a huge pike skin mount on my wall that my BIL caught that lacks any true detail that makes it come alive. My step dad has walleye and perch that have some detail, but look like they have an inch of clear on them to bring that little bit of detail out. I've only seen a couple others that have the detail that Dave's have, so he truly is in a very very small league of true artists.
  6. Ttomorrow is going to be our coldest day, they're already canceling school for tomorrow because of the deadly wind chills. Around my house we're looking at -30 and where I work we're looking at -45. There's an area in SW Michigan in Mark Zona's neck of the woods that's looking at almost -60! The actual temps are around -15. The forecast for Sunday is 40 and rain. If we actually hit 40 that would a 55 degree swing, if you figure in the wind chill we're talking almost 90 temp swing and our high will only be 40! ? If we do hit 40 we might have to break out the shorts, tee shirts, and open the windows!
  7. I know you're just joking around. Plus 2WD can be a lot of fun on back roads and parking lots in the winter.
  8. It wouldn't take long for that 1% to surface. Just like pillow talk, I'm guessing they know who to trust and who not to trust, and I'm guessing the heads of the BPT know as well.
  9. With the exception of unusually high snowfalls like today it's really not needed. My dad is 67 and just bought his first 4WD truck a month ago, the rest have been 2WD. If you have good tires and know how to feather the throttle 4WD is not needed in every day driving. I use it when fishing the hard to get to boat ramps that are sand but that's about it. There's been talk in our company about getting us that work the west side of the state 4WD trucks, company wide isn't needed and would be expensive considering we have over 500 trucks in 6 or 7 states.
  10. The previous company I worked for doing the same thing I am now I'd have to work. With this cold weather I'd be responding to water main breaks. When it's this cold they're popping like crazy. The company I'm at now doesn't respond to emergencies on the gas side of things. The citizens of Chicago commend you Super Paul! Hopefully the mayor gives you the key to the city! I'm guessing your Super Duty handles the snow a heck of a lot better than my 2WD company owned Colorado. ?
  11. Good idea. Wednesday isn't going to be very productive either, our high is -4 and our wind chill is going to be -35 and further south of the state it's supposed to be -48 f. Way too cold to be outside.
  12. Well with visibility less than a half mile, snow now up to 2 inches and hour, and winds blowing around 20-30 mph I decided to play it safe and stay home. Plus if I were to put any marks on the ground/snow they'd be gone in less than a couple hours so only makes sense. Plus it's warm under my blanket! ?
  13. Looks good! I'm thinking this spring I'm going to install a flag pole.
  14. Yup it appears that the bullseye for our storm is right over me. We are looking at 11" by noon tomorrow. Then Wednesday our high is 4 and wind chills around -35.
  15. Since learning about the possible long term negative effects of fish laying on carpet, dirt, and any foreign (to them) objects I've made it a point to take care of them the best I can. Accidents do happen like you said, but safe handling, the occasional photo, weight taken, and immediate release is about all I can do.
  16. What about when you set the hook and the hook pierces their mouth or when all three treble hooks pierce their body? Don't get me wrong I'm more conscious about my fish care and I make sure to keep them off from the carpet. Just wondering your take on the hooks.
  17. I'm left handed and I'm always reeling with my right hand and casting with my left hand, with spinning and casting. I'm not sure how I ended up this way but that's how I roll. ?
  18. My goal is to get rid of my crutch this year.
  19. I'm guessing the Humminbird images you're referring to are from the MEGA units which are awesome. You won't get that from Garmin. It's not comparing apples to apples, different frequencies are being used. As far as the Echomap units go they're a good unit. The images are good, rocks look like rocks on CV and SV. You can see fish on both. The plus side in my eyes is the Quickdraw capabilities, you can create your own maps and the store is something like 3 or 4 million acres which is more than you'll ever use. Other units you need to buy a $90 card to save more than 8 hours of mapping. Hope this helps
  20. Who's the jerk that started this thread just over two weeks ago tough talking Old Man Winter?
  21. Here's something to think about.....you get single digit lows over night, some of us won't see that for a high for almost a week. To top that off your single digit lows will still be 20-40 degrees warmer than some of us. You better be in shorts and a tee shirt if you're that much warmer than us! ?
  22. You can thank @Glenn for her finding out, after all he did make this site public. LOL hopefully she doesn't read the post where you spent $10k on tackle last year. I won't say anything! ?
  23. Welcome aboard! There's several St. Clair guys here to try and help you.
  24. 5" Senko hands down A top water popper A spinner bait
  25. Winter finally showed up and has brought with it the potential for record breaking temps and wind chills next week so I'm saying June. ?
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