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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I think you might have the cart before th horse at this point! You've made some valid points and as Maryland as consirned it might be valid but I think after one event and a couple comments from the pros I think it's pretty early to freak out. JMHO
  2. The same thing happened on Saginaw Bay or Lake Erie years ago where a bunch of ice anglers were ice fishing and a big chunk broke free and it seemed like 15 anglers had to be rescued by the Coast Guard and had to leave their gear, 4-wheelers, and side by sides on the chunk of ice that was floating away.
  3. The 'trash talk' is all that it is. I'd bet you won't hear anymore. As far the no livewell tournaments I don't see that ever happening in my state or any in the Midwest or the majority of the country for that matter. The MLF/BPT format I agree isn't feasible in the everyday tournaments.
  4. That can't be cheap. I saw an episode of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe where they removed a truck that had fallen through. Pretty interesting how the guy did it.
  5. It's almost impossible to compare apples to apples, so I don't know who has the advantage with their average the Elites or BPT? The Elites only weigh the 5 biggest so does that bring their average up? Or BPT weighing more fish does that help or hurt? At the end of the day it doesn't really matter. I say win win for us viewers/fans because it gives us something totally different and more fishing to watch.
  6. It is lower but not by much from what I've seen. I saw someplace last week where last year the average bass caught over the entire Elite season was right around 2 lbs. The BPT average for last week total was 1.70 lbs. It's not apples to apples and to answer your other question, no it doesn't matter. I enjoy the format, I loved the coverage what I was able to watch. I also look forward to seeing what the rest of the season brings and I'm looking forward to seeing the edited polished version of each event months later even though we know who's already won.
  7. Give @Team9nine a little bit he's crunching the numbers. I do know the avg. Bass weight is on par with the other tours.
  8. A fish finder, if you don't have one your results will continue to be the same. I don't have a fish finder for ice fishing so I always bring this....
  9. It'll hit our shore around midnight and my area around 2. Looks like it could be a mess. It's looking like the worst will be south of me, fingers crossed it stays that way. Some of the southern boys are probably freaking out at your picture....."that crazy guy has driven his truck onto a frozen lake!" ?
  10. I get it too. It just hard for me to accept I'm getting old. ?
  11. How about Jimmy Houston or Roland Martin, those names ring a bell?
  12. Oh trust me I'm used to those guys. We got 11 inches last Monday, so there was plenty at the end of the driveway.
  13. Sstupid auto correct LOL it was supposed to be 5-13 feet and it sounds like you figured that out. That's some crazy snowfall. How do you do any type of snow removal? Bigger shovel? LOL
  14. Localized amounts up to 13 feet! Not too shabby. What is the population of these counties where the 5-13 deer is expected?
  15. We came home one night to see our son (8) and sitter watching American Sniper and I wasn't disappointed. I said you guys remember him, he was a true American Hero. I've watched the movie several times and it still brings tears to my eyes at the end when they show actual footage of the funeral and motorcade.
  16. We can't thank him enough!
  17. There's a nice pinned thread in the smallmouth forum titled Brown Bass Tools that should help you out. It's a work in progress that @A-Jay and I are doing. There will be more to come.
  18. I read on another site if you call Cabelas they are already selling the 93SV for $599, but you have to call them, it doesn't show on line, and last I heard they had less than 1000 in stock so it might be wise to try it now.
  19. I spent almost 4 hours at the Chevy dealership waiting for my work truck to get fixed. Usually I'd be annoyed at the wait but hey, I was getting paid and I used their WiFi and switched between Zona and BPT. They got the truck done shortly after one so I'm in the dark now. It was good to see Ish so relaxed and animated. He really is having a good time.
  20. Unable to watch it. BR is the extent of my social media. ?
  21. I did 2 hours of snow removal last night at -5. It's funny how even at that temp if you dress for it you can still break a sweat. My cheeks were the only thing exposed and they burned after they thawed.
  22. The last day of the cold. Tomorrow is supposed to be a high of 17, that's a 32 degree swing! Monday is a high of 47 that's a 62 degree swing or to really make it eye popping figure in the wind chill and we're talking about an 82 degree swing and it'll only be 47! ?
  23. Yup 40 here Sunday and 45 Monday and steady rain.
  24. I did HVAC for one year and was on call for one winter, that was a bitter cold winter and a busy one. I don't envy them at all. Then years later I got into the field I'm in now. My previous company we did on call and winters like this water mains were popping like crazy and never during the day, I did that for 5 years. Thankfully now I only respond to emergencies during the day.
  25. Wow we're actually colder than you, that's probably a first. My bosses boss lives in Cadillac and said he got 20" Monday night, I think we ended up with about 8 Monday and another 3-4 yesterday. This snow was really fine so with the crazy wind the drifting is unreal! I wonder if there's going to be a Midwestern baby boom in late October? ?
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