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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Oh boy that’s one heck of a drift! Is that near your house?
  2. Yup the “huge” part caught my attention too. Don’t worry a couple nights on the couch and you’ll learn! Congrats!
  3. Schools closed today around here too, mainly due to the icy roads. We only got around 2-3” but that was enough to plug our road up in spots where it’s open field. There were a couple spots I had to hit the gas and not let off until I got through the snow drifts. Thankfully we didn’t lose power and only about 50k lost power in the entire state, there are crews from Kansas, Kentucky, SD, and a couple other states here so the outage should be short lived for the ones without power.
  4. If it were a number two just hold it then?
  5. I was going through all my tackle I’ve ordered over the past few months and completely reorganizing everything and I came across a package of Norman Lures quick clips I purchased a while back. Anybody ever use these? Do they hold up well? They were cheap enough that if they’re a no go I’m good with that. Just seeing what you guys use or simply just re-tie?
  6. 4lb test! That had to have been nerve racking!
  7. My company gives us Yak Traks every year, I have a pair very similar to the ones you posted. Those things work awesome and have saved my hind quarters more than once.
  8. Well we woke up this am to see the updated forecast for the next 24 hours and I wish I had stayed in bed. We’re at our high 48 right now, rain, and a sw wind of 20. By noon 31, snow, and sustained winds of 40-45 and gusts up to 70. Not good!
  9. That would be a very fun catch!
  10. My wife had just said “Blizzard conditions up north”. Good thing you stocked up yesterday. Stay safe!
  11. Stock up, hunker down, and hold on to you britches! That’s all we can do. Spring is only a couple weeks away. That’s how I get by. ?
  12. What about number 2? That would be my big concern. What if the breakfast burrito wants to say adios? ?
  13. Woohoo! We have a break in the winter weather! Yesterday was sunny and 34 you southern boys don’t have a clue what sun does for your mood when it’s cloudy for 75% of the winter. Today sunny and upper 30’s, tomorrow rain and a high of 48. Then ? hits the fan, our high of 48 is going to come around 11 pm Saturday then the wind picks up and 2-3” by 11 am Sunday and sustained winds of 35-40 and gusts up to 60! Flash freeze before daylight Sunday and blowing snow with whiteout conditions. You betcha I’m going to soak up as much sun as I can today.
  14. What dates are you going this year?
  15. That looks like a very warm blanket. If only it would stay still.
  16. I give credit to the kid for digging his heels in and calling his Dad’s bluff on leaving him there. ?
  17. Even as a big Ike fan that’s hilarious!
  18. I went to my local Meijer and they had their fishing clearance on an end cap too but it was facing the fishing section. Unfortunately nothing I was interested in. Mostly pan fish and walleye stuff. I really wish we had an Academy sports, the deals I've seen are ridiculous!
  19. Graphite on the wheels for less friction. 2nd place in my 1990 pinewood derby! That was a fun time.
  20. When you turn your TM is gets a little blurry but clears up real quick. If you’re constantly turning it’s not going to work well, but if it’s little adjustments here and there it’s not a big deal.
  21. After a long night of ‘protecting’ the house it’s mission complete for this nocturnal puppy and nap time.
  22. It’s probably hard for the southern boys to comprehend but I stepped outside this morning to get one of the dogs and thought “it’s not too cold out this morning. It wasn’t until I got in my truck did I see how cold it was. When there’s no wind at all these temps don’t feel bad at all....in moderation.
  23. I’ll take your Revos off your hands and I won’t even charge you for the disposal of them and I’ll even pay to have them shipped to my house. ?
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