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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. And a lot of his shows are geared toward natural lakes and how to approach them, unlike a lot of shows and information out there that’s geared mostly towards river impoundments. ?
  2. @Abby @MIbassyaker I’m in Cedar Springs today and was yesterday. I checked out the area behind TSC and it’s been leveled out, there’s catch basins sitting by the road in preparation for storm sewer, and there are a couple job trailers there and that’s it. So something is going in just not a confirmation. There’s no equipment so I’m guessing no more work until the frost leaves the ground. Thats all I've got.
  3. The best thing to do is educate yourself on what Down imaging, side imaging, create your own maps, CHIRP, 2d sonar, and so much more can do and if and how they fit your needs. Then educate yourself on Lowrance, Humminbird, and don’t forget Garmin. The more YOU learn the better of a decision you’ll make and the happier you’ll be. I could spend your $1000 in a second and you won’t have a clue what you have. So educate yourself so you can spend your money. I hope this helps.
  4. We used to have some oak trees and they were a pain, because they always held their leaves forever unless we go a good late fall wind storm. It it always seems no matter how on top of the leaf game you are there’s always like you said a fat soggy mess of leaves come spring.
  5. The shedding is bad. The one my wife had before we met, we lost him 2 years ago. He was 17. We’ve lost 3 over the course of 12 months. Now our newest and youngest was diagnosed with Mast cell tumors. She’s having surgery next Friday, the prognosis is guarded at this point, we’ll know more after the surgery. They are are a good breed, they’ve grown on me. The two we have now don’t snort unless they are really worked up which rarely happens. i think the Pug breed is trying to take over the world though. Every commercial on TV with a dog in it, there’s a Pug! Every internet advertisement, every magazine there’s a Pug!
  6. They showed a recap of our winter this year for West Michigan last week on the news.....from November 1st to January 18th we received I believe it was 7” of snow. From January 19th to last week it was around 2-3’ I don’t remember the exact amount but it was pretty substantial for that short about of time.
  7. If momma ain’t happy nobody’s happy. If daddy ain’t happy nobody cares. ?
  8. Just about everyone is, the sad part is this season has only been about 6 weeks old. I think we’re all getting impatient and grumpy in our old age in regards to winter.
  9. He does seem like a cool guy. Last week my brother had a driver (FedEx) call in last Friday. He sent me a photo of a big box from TH Marine addressed to Mark Zona. I said everything addressed to him should be forwarded to me and I’ll get it to him. ? He’s talked with him a few times and said he’s a pretty cool guy. He didn’t know who he was, just he got a lot of “outdoor stuff” all the time.
  10. The only time I’ve seen this presentation is when Zona does it. I’ve seen him do it several times over the years, and I watched the latest episode of The Bass Pros and Zona was doing on his segment.
  11. This better be the last of it. ?
  12. That was last weeks episode I believe. They were up in @A-Jay‘s neck of the woods ‘crack tubing’ I believe. It’s always interesting watching crack tubing.
  13. Bugged me at first now I don’t even know they’re there.
  14. She’s a Pug freak. I hated those dogs. At one time we had 4. Now we’re down to 2. She gets these dogs and they get attached to me.
  15. My wife. Better than crazy cat lady I guess....
  16. There’s nothing better after working outside in 0 degree windchills than kicking your feet up and watching Zona’s Awesome Fishing Show on the big TV. Sadly this is the last episode for the year which is a major bummer! I’d be good with a 20 episode season. Thankfully I have a nice Z-Train DVR library going on.
  17. Ding ding ding! It’s a portable sub station. The electric company is upgrading the substation in town and will use this one while the permanent one is overhauled. I had to mark my gas before they drive their ground rods in the ground. I will now PM you 0 points, use them wisely.
  18. @Jigfishn10 just got back from a trip to Florida and even managed to get some fishing in, then comes on here wanting sympathy from us frozen northerners because he got a light dusting of snow. ?
  19. Close, but that only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. ? I don’t mind sharing this lovely weather.
  20. It looks like it’s their rod and reels only. All their misc. products are still full price. 50% off isn’t bad though. I’ve never used an ardent product however.
  21. Zero points awarded to the first person who can name this piece of equipment.
  22. Hopefully it’s nothing serious because the chances of you getting a workman’s comp claim now is very unlikely. I’m outside every day walking along the road and at construction sites and our project manager say several times a year “big or small report any and all injuries”. I told a guy a few years ago when he called and said he twisted his knee to report it. He didn’t listen to me and woke up the next day and it was swollen and he’s SOL. Even if it’s a small cut I report it because you never know. CYA
  23. My years of walleye fishing as a kid I learned if you’re targeting them you’ll catch something else. I’m not sure if that’s the norm or my step dad just isn’t a good walleye angler. I’ll give him credit at almost 70 he still chases after them at Saginaw Bay and Canada. For the 2 plus hour drive one way I’d want to catch more than he does though. Good luck on your future trip.
  24. Single ply only two squares, gotta make it last. ?
  25. Minnesota sounds good. It’s unfortunate that northern Michigan is void of smallmouth because the scenery is nice. ?
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