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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. I hope so. I’m ready to pull the boat out of hibernation and bring her home. I’m also ready to get on the water, tired of looking at frozen water.
  2. You think all that ice will be gone in two weeks? What are your overnight lows going to be? Our temps will be a little cooler than yours, but we are getting rain this afternoon and tomorrow. A few days around or just above freezing and a couple days in the 40-50’s and they’re forecasting Thursday with a high of 63. That’s a ways away and will likely change but encouraging nonetheless. After that back to just above freezing. If we can get all this snow gone today or tomorrow, then the sun can start working on the ice. The sun is close enough now that you can feel the warmth of it so even the days where it’s around or below freezing it’ll still do it’s job on the ice.
  3. Whatever you do don’t open a bag of Berkeley Max Scent and take in a deep breath. I love the smell of most soft plastics.
  4. Don’t forget Garmin. Good units and very user friendly. You really cant go wrong with any unit. Best thing to do is do your research and learn what options are out there. The better you educate yourself the more comfortable you’ll be with your purchase.
  5. Smallmouth. The warmouth looks like a sunfish or bluegill and have the same shape and also the warmouth has the distinctive black dot on the gill plate that you see on the panfish.
  6. I concur. I thought he was the bump in the field where the NY Jets play?
  7. The transducers on the Striker and Echomap units are universal so you can mount them on the transom or trolling motor. No swapping and waiting on shipping them. ? We’ll see who the better salesman is, how about that? ? j/k you really can’t go wrong with either brand these days.
  8. QuickDraw? It’s where you create your own contour maps. You can map over 1 million acres of lakes. The contour maps created are 1’ contours.
  9. The Garmin Striker Plus units have QuickDraw mapping though.
  10. You mean there is no magic lure that will catch fish all day every day? ?
  11. I have a Garmin and the side scan is comparable to both Humminbird and Lowrance. They are very user friendly.
  12. Isn’t that par for the course in that field? ?
  13. I think you’re looking a little too far into this. I’m chalking it up to an honest mistake. Nothing more, nothing less.
  14. Probably the best post of the day right here! LMAO
  15. Ok so possibly a photographer posting the wrong picture is plausible. Not that it really matters. He was using a hook with a hard metal head that was painted with pretty colors, that had rubbery dangly things that looked like spaghetti, and the hook thingy had a bug looking thing that had pinchers on it to catch his fish. ?
  16. Was this an article or video? If it was an article then this hiccup could be the result of the writer/photographer using the wrong photo and not necessarily David ‘misleading’ you or using a different bait. It doesn’t bother me one bit if they use other lures than what they’re saying. You don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Maybe I'm in the minority here but I would have never know the difference. I can’t pick out what bait is made by who and what model it is. There are a few hard baits that I might have a fighting chance a guessing. Soft plastics other than maybe a Senko nope not a chance. Blows my mind when someone on here posts a picture asking what lure this or that is and 2 seconds later there are 5 replies with make, model, and color.
  17. It looks like you guys are going to get hammered especially northern Nebraska and SD in the coming days.
  18. Sure did. I stole that picture from him when he posted it over a year ago, so now every time my project manager sends out a text to us tech. Saying he’s sick and won’t be in I reply with that picture.
  19. Dude you are giving me way too much credit! I’m not smart enough to intentionally come up with that. I am pretty proud of myself for coming up with that though. ?
  20. Well it will cook anything that touches it. Several years ago I had to respond to an emergency where a raccoon got into a substation and got zapped and caused a major power outage. I asked one of the linemen where the raccoon was and he said he must have walked away. I was completely shocked that anything would survive an electrocution like that. He reassured me the raccoon wouldn’t make it long because the electrocution like that would continue to cook him from the inside out. So you’re half right so half of zero points will be pm’d to you. ?
  21. I like this idea a lot. Looking at the 10 day forecast is giving me hope we’re turning that corner and I’ve been thinking a lot how I’m going to load my boat. I’ve watched a couple videos which have given me a few ideas. The more the merrier, looking forward to it.
  22. Ok that makes sense because the area cleared for the hotel is really small. The save a lot is a decent sized building and parking lot.
  23. I’m a glass half full guy, I’m shooting for Halloween! ?
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