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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. The edges of my lake are starting to open. Friday is forecasting storms, rain, and 50’s I’m hoping that’s the knock out punch for this ice!
  2. Our forecast is pretty similar to yours. The ice is leaving the shoreline. With the warm temps and predicted rain Friday I think I’ll be in good shape.
  3. One thing I’ve always wanted is to hear a mature bull elk bugle.
  4. I do everything through my phone so it’s easy. I email it to myself then save it to my phone, then on this site go to choose files grab the picture and you’re good to go.
  5. I’ve seen 5 ice anglers on 4 different lakes in my travels this week. I’m so desperate to get out I’ve eyed the Grand River to get out on. I never would at the level it’s at but I want on the water. Lol
  6. I email it to myself, problem solved.
  7. There goes 6poundbass on his way to Florida for spring break. Lucky kid might get to catch a bass before me.
  8. The Plus units add QuickDraw (the ability to create your own maps)
  9. The forecast for 50’s have been replaced with 30’s and low 40’s. Overnight lows are still freezing over just above. I’m still seeing plenty of ice anglers. There’s 50’s and rain in next weeks forecast, hopefully that’ll come to fruition.
  10. Nice catch
  11. Gotcha. I saw the two pictures and my tiny brain came to the conclusion you kept it at least long enough for someone official to physically see it and verify. Good deal and those 2019 Rams are pretty sharp looking!
  12. Was that a spotted bas @Catt caught with the tag? Or do they make some sort of exception regarding length when it comes to the tagged fish? It’s kind of funny they tagged an under sized fish and expect a poor soul to carry around an illegal fish to get a prize, granted I would for a new truck.
  13. I’m going to put the blame on @J Francho because he’s been talking about snow. We got snow last night, not much thankfully. Today was supposed to be upper 40’s, tomorrow mid 50’s, and Saturday upper 50’s. Nope not anymore, won’t reach 40 the next two days and only low 40’s Saturday. While I'm not surprised, I’m still a little bummed. Oh well, the ground has thawed enough that dig season is here so work is getting busy and overtime has begun. ?
  14. Congratulations @Catt that’s awesome! What is the minimum size for bass on Toledo Bend? Here in Michigan that 12” would be too small to keep.
  15. My 14’ is on loan to my friend this year. My G3 has been hibernating in his pole barn since November so it’s the least I could do. I imagine I’ll just sell it to him.
  16. Does buying at boat count since I already had a boat and added another? Lol
  17. Yup that’ll do it! Better you than me buddy! ?
  18. Are you reminding those of us on cloud nine what’s inevitable between now and the end of April? ?
  19. Must be nice! Almost 60 by Sunday but The ice will still be around. Not much longer though. One of my brown bass lakes I’m going to target I drive by almost daily. There is an inlet that has some pretty good flow and I see that is opening things up quickly around that area and same with the outlet. I still have to get my boat and get it cleaned and loaded.
  20. Pretty cool. Thanks!
  21. Yikes! Probably a couple feet of ice too.
  22. Take a really hard look at the Garmin Striker Plus units. You can get a good sized unit for a decent price, and they’re very user friendly. They have GPS but no pre installed mapping but you can create your own maps and save over a million acres of created maps. If I were you I’d bump my budget up another $100 and get side view. If you’re not familiar with Garmin SV stands for SideVu and CV is ‘down imagining’. Hope this helps.
  23. Our friends went out for a fly yesterday and snapped a picture over our house and lake.
  24. Yup I saw a couple guys ice fishing yesterday. Friday I did see a side by side on the ice which I thought was quite stupid. The mouth of the channel out from my house is starting to open up so I get antsy looking out my window. You still have plenty of snow up there?
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