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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Your example echos what I’m was saying. Human error is the main cause of gas (since there was a tank I’d assume it was propane) explosions. Anyone that works with or around gas should have the proper training and know that flipping a light switch or turning anything on is a big no no. Every three years I’m required to get re-qualified to on gas, I imagine that’s a national standard.
  2. I’ll bet the Mrs. doesn’t like it though.
  3. Maybe I can ease your mind a little bit about explosions. I’m a utility locator. I’m a contract locator for the largest natural gas company in Michigan. Most of the explosions you read about or see on tv are from a damaged gas main or service outside the house. The main reason the house/building explodes is because the gas that’s leaking underground seeps into the sewer which finds it’s way to the house. Just last week in North Carolina a contractor hit a gas main while boring underground and hit the gas main, the gas made it’s way into a strip mall and caused an explosion killing one and injuring over a dozen. My point is very very rarely do houses explode because of a gas leak inside the house. Almost always gas explosions are due to human error or total negligence. There are plenty of other things that will kill you in your house way before gas does. Hopefully this helps.
  4. The pressure needs to go somewhere. Lol
  5. Natural Gas is way cheaper, more efficient, cleaner. You may have never seen a house explode from fuel oil but when I did heating and cooling the joke was if you got a no heat and it was an oil furnace you ask the home owner how many times they hit the reset button so we knew how far away to park the van. Lol
  6. My son was 6 at the time and when launching my 14’ boat on a secluded lake I let him hold the rope while I backed down the dirt launch. I didn’t mention to keep and eye on the extra rope. SNAP!!! The rope gets under the truck tire and the boat goes floating away. I had to wade through muck and swim about 50 yards to get it back. We still went fishing that morning.
  7. Watching the video I immediately thought “that was really dumb not having a kill switch”. But then again if it weren’t for this site 2 years ago I never would’ve worn a kill switch or a PFD while the outboard is on.
  8. After it was all said and done we ended up with 6 inches of the white stuff. The roads were good and it’s supposed to be around 50 today so it should be gone by the end of the day or tomorrow for sure.
  9. That’ll be a 2 minute fish eating penalty for your pups. ?
  10. That’s a ton of line! How long is line good for on the spool?
  11. Swung by one of only two (well 3 but the third is connected to this lake) smallmouth lakes in my area. Today she’s blowing 30mph and gusts close to 50 so I’ll have to wait. Soon....very soon!
  12. I’m not familiar with Lowrance but the Helix units with MEGA imaging have Auto Chart Live which allows you to create your own maps with 1’ contours. ***Note*** The internal memory on the Helix is only around 8 hours of recording so you’ll need a zero lines card which run you around $75-100, that’ll give you more memory than you’ll ever need.
  13. I’m with you on that. I’m not a fan of ice fishing at all! I’ll do it for my son, and now that I live on a lake I’m curious what kind of toothy critter I can pull out, but I still dislike it.
  14. You can dress for the cold and stay warm. I was sweating this winter when it was -5 and I was snow blowing. When it’s hot and especially humid there’s nothing you can do to cool down besides stop working and get in the A/C
  15. I’m not a big humidity guy. Dry 80 heat I’m good with. You’d think after working outside for around 20 years especially the past 9 in my current profession I’d be fine. It doesn’t help when you have to wear jeans, steel toes, cotton shirts, and safety vest on those hot humid days. Oh well I survive every year.
  16. I watched a little the past couple days on my lunch and that’s it. Did Rojas screw himself by backing off?
  17. Give us northerners a month and some humid 80 degree days and we’ll be wishing for fall. We’re never happy! ?
  18. Our house we sold last year we were surrounded by trees. My neighbor had a blower like your red one, man that took care of the leaves in quick fashion! It was lacking in the maneuverability department but did the work in a quarter the time.
  19. The wind is howling something fierce now. Thanks to the wind the snow has all melted. Supposed to be 55 by the end of the day. Have you heard any ice reports in your neck of the woods to see how much or how little there is? The next few days our overnight lows will dip below freezing so I imagine you’ll be colder which doesn’t help your melting situation.
  20. 4 days ago it was 68 sunny and I was on the maiden voyage of my G3. This morning it was 29 and we got 2.5 inches of snow over night. ?
  21. I predict a two week spring then straight to summer like last year!
  22. For you or me or both? I haven’t watched the weather since Sunday morning.
  23. I’ve seen the wintery mix predictions and I’m not too happy about it. It’s 60 here so anything that falls I’d suspect will not stick to the ground/roads. The other night when we first heard of this storm I reminded my wife that last year we had an April snow storm. Sure enough she went through her phone and April 17 last year we got a few inches on the white stuff, then a couple weeks later Summer showed up and I was sweating my arse off chasing turkeys, no real spring. Hopefully that doesn’t repeat this year, because I’m way behind the 8 ball with my brown bass plans. ?
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