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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Our neighbor gave my wife an Oriole feeder a few days ago and she’s gone through almost a half jar of grape jelly! Eating all that sugar pretty soon they’ll be too big to fly.
  2. 0.00
  3. My parents had property in Nahma right on the Bay de Nocs so I grew up walleye fishing. I spent plenty of hours at the helm trolling at 3mph for those d**n fish. Probably explains why I’m not much into finesse fishing.
  4. Welcome aboard from central Michigan (Montcalm county).
  5. One of my coworkers is a big walleye angler and just ordered a couple Lowrance graphs and a Xi5. I told him Lowrance has a TM coming out and he said he knew that and asked one of his friends who’s sponsored by Lowrance and has tested the new Lowrance TM and he told him to get the Xi5. My assumption is the Lowrance TM isn’t all that impressive. Maybe our Garmin guy will chime in about the new TM, of course like @Glenn he has to be tight lipped, but maybe he’ll be vague and say something like “it’s awesome” or “you won’t be disappointed”. More competition is a good thing for us consumers.
  6. Good video and very nice organization! I might have to steal some of your ideas.
  7. Familiar face and familiar name. Welcome aboard! You stocked up on Senkos?
  8. I like your ‘bookends’ used to keep your spools from rolling away. ?
  9. It sure is! Are you ending sentences with eh yet?
  10. Oops! One of the lakes next door to me!
  11. That’s ridiculous! Just like the epipen deal. Out of curiosity how long will that last?
  12. We had an agreement you wouldn’t disclose my true identity.
  13. Yeah I don’t want to talk about that. I was all set and ready to go chase smallmouth Saturday morning and we got swamped at work so I had to work until 11, so no fishing this weekend. Hopefully this coming Saturday.
  14. I put the newly purchased power washer to work this weekend. After about 5-6 hours I’m 2/3 done, looks a ton better.
  15. Anybody know the scientific explanation for this? I’ve always wondered.
  16. Glad to see I’m not the only one who really enjoys chunky peanut butter. ?
  17. Completely forgot about Dottie! That had to have been a tough pill to swallow.
  18. Interesting I always thought the hook had to be inside the mouth in BASS tournaments.
  19. Oh I could eat them everyday too. Have you tried taking a tortilla shell and making a PB&J burrito? Good stuff. Real men use crunchy peanut butter. ?
  20. Found it. https://m.bassmaster.com/news/show-me-money
  21. About 10 years ago Bassmaster magazine did an article about sponsorship. If I remember correctly Ike, Skeet, G-Man, KVD, and I want to say Marty Stone were all make over $250k a year on sponsorship. It seem like two of them were close to $1million a year. Who knows now, everyone says it’s not the same as it used to be.
  22. We lost my FIL 5 years ago last week. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  23. Valid point with the food. The big unknown is the sponsorship. What do these guys really make off of their sponsor’s? You read all the time it isn’t what it used to be, except for a handful of the big names. Most aren’t riding around in free trucks or boats. Most aren’t getting their $10-15k in electronics completely free, or their truck loads of baits free either. Most are getting them at a discount now, at what discount though? I’d guess a lot of the younger guys couch surf or live in their parents basement when not on the road. I think Seth Feider said he couch surfed right up until he won on Mille Lacs a few years back.
  24. True, but some of the Elites are still paying to fish the Elites correct? The BPT guys are not, and you still have your travel, gas, lodging, and food expenses no matter which tour. I always wanted to fish professionally at some point but as I’ve matured and really looked at it closely it’s way too much of a gamble and I’m not a gambling man. Even with the no entry fees it seems you’d have to have at least a few top tens to make any money.
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