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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. He was out on our lake fishing. Friday is usually ‘date night’ for the Mrs and I, Saturday or Sunday are when 6poundbass and I go out.
  2. Finally the weather cooperated and I was able to get Mrs. 12poundbass out on the G3. We tried one of our small state land lakes. I was a little worried about pulling it out because of the sandy launch, but it was came out just fine. And yes I’m posting this because I got skunked. ? The Mrs. got 3 dinks.
  3. Yup Garmin Striker series. I would recommend getting at least a 7” screen. My boat came with a Helix 5 and that thing is so tiny, that was the first thing to get taken off.
  4. Oh yeah I completely forgot about them.
  5. Motorguide, Garmin,and.........?
  6. Two Michigan schools in the top 12!
  7. Well dang I don’t do either. Any way to broadcast it live on here?
  8. July 8th it says so 2 1/2 weeks
  9. Ok I concede it’s not that bad. Decorations added, new area rugs here or there, a hair cut have been missed a time or two.
  10. I noticed something tiny like that but my wife rearranged the living room and I didn’t notice for days. Go figure. ?
  11. When the pads start to die in the fall that’s some of the best frog fishing. The week before that I was on the same lake doing the same thing, spent 3 hours just throwing a frog to the pads and catching them almost every other cast. I’ve never experienced anything like that before, it was awesome.
  12. My PB smallmouth came a few weeks ago hopping a jig in a river down the road from my house. 3 lbs 10 oz My PB green bass I got doing my favorite type of fishing. I was throwing a frog around lily pads, the frog got to a small opening and the water just exploded 5-4! That was about 12 years ago early October cold, windy, and pretty breezy. My wife and I only caught 4 or 5 that day but the smallest was 2-8, the rest were over 3. That was a good day for Michigan.
  13. If all goes according to your plans congrats on the Vexus! They are pretty sharp looking boats and I’ve read nothing but good things about them. If you can’t get the picture thing figured out shoot me a PM and I’ll give you my number and you can send me the pictures and I can post them for you if you like.
  14. They allow the pitcher to wear a batting glove, or was the ump asleep at the wheel? Back in my day we weren’t allowed to if we were pitching.
  15. Well done you two. Glad to see her out schooling the smallmouth guru on green bass.
  16. Mrs. Blue won more tickets eh? Surprised she didn’t win an actual monster truck! ?
  17. Way to go Lynn! I always get my hind quarters handed to me by my better half.
  18. Anybody need dog fur? The winter coat is gone. The joys of owning a GP!
  19. My wife rescued a female Pug, we only have two now. She is a feisty little thing. Pugs usually are like that but she has her moments where she’ll flip out on our male Pug and even my Great Pyrenees! She doesn’t on any human at all, but other dogs she can be crazy. I broke her and the male Pug up and I got my finger bit by one of them. Didn’t break skin but man was it sore for days. If my GP ever got into it (never would he’s a big baby) there would be nothing I could do.
  20. Hardly a step backwards. That little unit has a lot of good technology in it for a really cheap price. A lot of the lakes around me don’t have maps so units like this are a great option. It’s cheap and I can create maps for the little lakes I fish.
  21. The Striker units don’t have contour maps, but you can create your own maps using QuickDraw. It does have GPS you can mark waypoints on the blank screen.
  22. Getting to know the ‘neighbors’
  23. Early Father’s Day gift. My wife and son picked them out on their own. I’ve never used Kastking before, so far I’m impressed with the feel and smoothness.
  24. I don’t know how the population is where you are but that’s a common site here, however with work they’ve alluded me the past couple years otherwise they’d be jerky right now! They are so fun to hunt!
  25. I thought the same when I saw those records a few days ago but Illinois and Indiana both go further south so warmer weather. It sure does!
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