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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. 5” last night with another 5-8” coming tomorrow night into Saturday morning.
  2. @A-Jay you forgot the Indian River where the state record smallmouth was caught. Everyone should focus their attention there. 😎
  3. I need counsel on how to properly use them. 😂
  4. What came first, the quail or the egg? 🤔
  5. @A-Jay looks good! I do have one favor to ask of you, you have an odd number of rods. For the sake of my OCD, can you add one more to make it an even number?
  6. There’s rumors he could be headed to Minnesota. The Raiders are interested in Sam Darnold and Devante Adams might go to Minnesota which he and Rogers seem to be attached at the hip. @gim have you heard any of this?
  7. 6 years 10 pages Over 45,000 views Well done!
  8. Did they do away with their web site?
  9. Like previously stated above, you really can’t go wrong with either. I’ve used both and for me personally, Garmin is more user friendly.
  10. You could always switch to Abu rods. They don’t have an ugly spider.
  11. No hate here. I’ve tried them and I’ve been impressed. The rods, not so much.
  12. Makes the time go by faster.
  13. Ii had an electric steer albeit and wireless and I did not like it at all. I’d go with the Ultrex or if you’re going all Garmin take a look at the Garmin Force.
  14. Any thoughts @Todd Driscoll?
  15. I’d buy another Garmin Echomap so you can link them together. I’d put the new one at the counsel.
  16. Welcome to Bassresource
  17. It looks like a Barred Owl. Screech and Great Horned owls have ‘horns’ we’ll call them. This guy looks like he’s missing those.
  18. What JDM sites are you all using?
  19. I'll post this for you again. Hang in there bud.
  20. Watermelon Rage bug, 3/0 EWG Gamakatsu, 1/4-3/8oz tungsten weight, 40lb Smackdown braid.
  21. @GreenvilleSC_fishing nice rig! The AVX is on my short list of next boats.
  22. Not lactose intolerance but a little over 10 years ago I started getting cramps, gas, followed by a dash to the bathroom after eating certain foods. I was finally diagnosed with IBS. I learned my trigger foods were eggs, garlic, and spicy foods. IBS medication isn’t the best for you long term so I started taking peppermint pills which has helped quite a bit. I love eggs but I rarely eat them. Sometimes I keep them but more times than not I only borrow them for an hour or so. 😂 Garlic in moderation is no big deal. Spicy foods 9.9 times out of 10 are no big deal anymore. I do find it strange that after 20-30 years of eating these foods you develop issues with them or develop things like IBS or lactose intolerance, but the human body is a very complex machine.
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