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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. You still have to catch them. You still see pros almost every tournament blank, or not catch a limit. They’re just another tool like everything else.
  2. Saturday and Sunday are high of 42 then the bottom drops out for us too. I’m thinking a trip one of those days are my only chance. Rifle season is next week for us. The wishful thinker I am was hoping the inevitable 50-60 warm up would show up sooner than later. Not looking like it’s going to happen. But maybe.....?
  3. Sheesh, that is a rough couple weeks.
  4. I’m still in denial.
  5. Yup not looking too good for the home team. I’m getting closer to throwing in the towel.
  6. Good video as always. Surface temps are getting pretty low down here as well. I’m still holding out hope for a little warm spell yet this month.
  7. Jerry Mckinnis has passed away. A true icon in the bass fishing community. I https://m.bassmaster.com/news/mckinnis-fishing-legend-passes-away
  8. Jerry Mckinnis has passed away. A true icon in the bass fishing community.
  9. Well Trick or treating didn’t last long. 6poundbass had a friend over and we took them around our lake. They only made it to 5 or 6 houses and threw in the towel. The wind was blowing hard, rain changed over to snow, and the windchill was in the 20’s. We ended up with around 2 inches of snow. Thankfully it was all gone by the end of the day yesterday. I’m still holding out hope to get another trip or two in.
  10. 12poundbass


    Nicely done!
  11. True for the FLW. You had to earn your way into the Elites.
  12. The rivers around here don’t freeze until January-February. They’re really shallow, our rivers are what most of you would call creeks. I imagine there are some fish in them, most of the fish go back to the lakes. There are plenty of bass that are caught through the ice if that’s your thing.
  13. There’s not too much around Michigan that doesn’t freeze, even rivers.
  14. It’s raining like nobodies business that’s for sure! ?
  15. Oh you’re MIL says “like nobodies business”? It didn’t even register with me because that’s something we say. Lol I thought she said “hood of snow”. Is she from Michigan? Maybe nobodies business is a Michigan thing, or a midwestern thing? I hear it all the time.
  16. Hood of snow? Im not sure either. Looks like you have a bullseye over local lake Menderchuck.
  17. I’ll probably end up like my dad. He retired 3 years ago. He’s still working 40+ a week. He’s his own boss now though.
  18. And to think you just got back from Mexico. Earlier than past years, you could’ve gotten out of this crap for a week.
  19. Sounds like a rough life. I can’t wait to get there (eta 30 years ?).
  20. It’s hard seeing your kid sick. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
  21. If I had a choice of anyone on here to be the first to reply, I’d choose you Raul! Us northern guys can always count on you every winter to rub it in! ?
  22. Well I didn’t think even for Michigan it would be this early, but it’s time to fire up the winter weather thread. We are under a winter weather advisory, accumulation 2-4” by Friday am. ? The snow isn’t going to stick around, it’ll be gone by mid to late morning Friday. I’m still hoping to get a trip or two in yet this year. So what’s your winter weather conditions? Happy winter!
  23. Right out of the box the Garmin (in my opinion) has better images than the Helix SI. If you were to upgrade the Transducer from the compact that Humminbird supplies to the HDSI through their exchange program ($80) the images are about the same maybe an edge to the Helix. Like I said though it’s $80 for the upgrade after you send the unopened stock transducer back and they send a new HDSI. For me personally the Garmin Echomap had all but two of my lakes on it, where the Helix had zero, something else to consider.
  24. Yup I’m an idiot. Apparently reading comprehension wasn’t my strong suit yesterday, for some reason I was counting Saturday and Sunday for PTO days. Lol
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