Well it looks like I’m giving up the fight and putting the boat to bed for 4-5 months. I’ve been thinking about the year as a whole for a while now. It was an up and down year for me for sure. Here’s my year ‘hits’ and ‘misses’ on the year.
The big one that really got me this year was the brown bass from at lake shut me out. I did get some out of the river, but none from the lake.
Fishing offshore kicked my @$$! There’s no other way to put it! I did a ton of reading, watching, and conversing about structure fishing but blanked!
The next few I’ll just group together, because the cause we’re all the same. I didn’t get out nearly as much as I wanted to, the wife and I only got to fish twice this year, I didn't get enough time with my Garmin units. Life just got in the way this year. My expectations I suppose were way too high when I set them last winter.
I finally upgraded boats!
I finally got some quality graphs!
I finally tried pitching jigs and absolutely love it!
I learned a ton. This season was very frustrating and the brown bass out of the lake eluded me, I still learned quite a bit.
Probably the biggest hit of the year, watching my son grow leaps and bounds as an angler this year! After watching shows with me and watching YouTube videos last winter and throughout the year he’s morphed into a fishing machine! Jacob Wheeler and I know they get a bad wrap around here but The Googan Squad really taught him a lot. Last year he didn’t want to listen to his dad, he watched these guys for a few months, then all of a sudden he’s asking me questions all the time about using this and trying that. He’s watching his line, he’s pitching lures, he’s changing his retrieve, I’ve been really impressed with his progress.
All in all it was a decent season. I didn’t get the fish I was after, or have the season I was expecting, but a lot of good came out of it. I’ll be working harder this winter to learn from mistakes, study maps, watch videos, and converse on here.
So let’s hear your hits and misses on the year?