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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Here’s a PSA gentlemen.
  2. Yeah money talks that’s for sure. It’ll be interesting to see what he does the next few years, I imagine he’ll have plenty of big money offers in the future. I’ve been following him since he started at WMU. He’s got a good story, a ton of energy, and it seems everyone around him buys into his Row the Boat.
  3. Exactly! Maybe I can dye my hair, grow a mustache, and be his stunt double too.
  4. They just resigned him this past week thru 2026. I don’t remember the specifics of the deal but they don’t want him going anywhere. I do remember it was $1million per year left on his contract but out if he left. Here’s Flecks new contract @greentrout https://watchstadium.com/news/minnesota-coach-p-j-fleck-signs-extension-through-2026-salary-buyout-incentives-11-07-2019/
  5. “Hey folks Glenn May here Bassresource.com” I’ve got it down pat. ?
  6. Great games yesterday! Minnesota/Penn st and Alabama/LSU. Keep an eye on Minnesota’s head coach PJ Fleck over the next couple years and beyond. He took a nothing Western Michigan team and took them far. Now the Golden Gophers are turning into something after all these years. It’s pretty amazing what this guy has built from basically nothing with two schools now. I think in a year or two they’ll consistently be a top 15 or top 10 team.
  7. So two PSA’s in one. You had a PSA to describe what a PSA is. I like it! ?
  8. Nice write up A-Jay! I’ll be adding quite a few of these to my future purchase list.
  9. If I hadn’t taken a couple swigs of reality these past couple days this would probably make me cry. It still pains me to see those temps in November. There’s still an opening! I’m pathetic.
  10. I did go to Lake X once, but that was with my son, his friend, his friend’s dad. That was over Labor Day weekend, I was off by noon, still crazy busy the last hour. Lake X is on hold for now. Talking to a kid on my lake and an old friend I ran in to, there’s a lake less than 5 miles as the crow flies from me that holds smallmouth. I never knew it did, I knew it had rainbows and lakers, but not smallmouth. So “sneaky lake” is my target lake now. We fished it a few times, no brown bass only green ones. I’ll be hitting it quite often next year. I was hoping to one last time this weekend but the temps and especially the wind made me throw in the towel.
  11. Dang I completely forgot about you winning the truck Catt! Is that the one you got to take him?
  12. Well it looks like I’m giving up the fight and putting the boat to bed for 4-5 months. I’ve been thinking about the year as a whole for a while now. It was an up and down year for me for sure. Here’s my year ‘hits’ and ‘misses’ on the year. Misses: The big one that really got me this year was the brown bass from at lake shut me out. I did get some out of the river, but none from the lake. Fishing offshore kicked my @$$! There’s no other way to put it! I did a ton of reading, watching, and conversing about structure fishing but blanked! The next few I’ll just group together, because the cause we’re all the same. I didn’t get out nearly as much as I wanted to, the wife and I only got to fish twice this year, I didn't get enough time with my Garmin units. Life just got in the way this year. My expectations I suppose were way too high when I set them last winter. Hits- I finally upgraded boats! I finally got some quality graphs! I finally tried pitching jigs and absolutely love it! I learned a ton. This season was very frustrating and the brown bass out of the lake eluded me, I still learned quite a bit. Probably the biggest hit of the year, watching my son grow leaps and bounds as an angler this year! After watching shows with me and watching YouTube videos last winter and throughout the year he’s morphed into a fishing machine! Jacob Wheeler and I know they get a bad wrap around here but The Googan Squad really taught him a lot. Last year he didn’t want to listen to his dad, he watched these guys for a few months, then all of a sudden he’s asking me questions all the time about using this and trying that. He’s watching his line, he’s pitching lures, he’s changing his retrieve, I’ve been really impressed with his progress. All in all it was a decent season. I didn’t get the fish I was after, or have the season I was expecting, but a lot of good came out of it. I’ll be working harder this winter to learn from mistakes, study maps, watch videos, and converse on here. So let’s hear your hits and misses on the year?
  13. Only 4-5 months to go for me. Hopefully the same for you. Historically it’s usually longer for you, but maybe next year will be different.
  14. Only 4-5 months to go for me. Hopefully the same for you. Historically it’s usually longer for you, but maybe next year will be different.
  15. I looked out my back window and there’s ice around the edge of my lake. Forecast for this weekend is high of 40 and windy. I think I’m going to concede this battle to Mother Nature. ?
  16. Go on Garmins site or look on EBay you can find them for less than $100 for your standard transducer, it’ll get you SideVu and DownVu and 2d sonar.
  17. There’s a guy on here I think @jaimeastin who made his own hub for his Garmin. Seemed like it worked and was super cheap. Maybe he’ll chime in with how he did it.
  18. ? I’m a MLF fan, but that one got me! ?
  19. I saw that, pretty creative!
  20. Don’t worry, makes for easy clean up. It’ll come up in one giant piece in no time, just make sure you book the crane ahead of time. ?
  21. Most dip net them here too. I’m pretty sure they catch them through the ice too.
  22. Do you guys have smelt? I’m pretty sure you can use several hooks here in Michigan for smelt. Can you in Minnesota? If yes how would that be different than an A-rig?
  23. In my travels this morning I went by a swamp that was 90% covered with ice. Most likely it’s melted already, but 22 degree lows and it won’t be long. ?
  24. Sums up my GP Hank to a tee!
  25. I know all to well my friend! There’s winter, then there’s construction season. Right now it’s a mad dash to wrap it by the end of the month.
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