This subject comes up every year and it’s funny because I always thought I was in the minority by not ice fishing. I did it quite a bit as a kid but never really enjoyed it. It’s a ton of work if you don’t have the right equipment. On a boat if the fish aren’t biting you hit the trolling motor and go to another spot. Ice fishing you pack everything up on your sled or trailer go to a different spot drill a few holes through ice that’s probably 12 or more inches thick, drop your transducer (if you’ve spent a few hundred dollars on one) in the water, if there’s fish great, if there isn’t repeat the process until you find the fish.
It would be fun if you were on a big school of walleye. My parents have a pond at their house and ice fishing there can be fun because there’s always action. Ice fishing is usually pretty boring. I think it’s just a thing for guys to get together on the ice and drink beer. You never have to worry about it getting cold. Google Tip up town Houghton Lake. If you ever come to Michigan in the winter check it out.