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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Sheesh! I wasn’t aware it wasn’t out yet. With no Humminbird units anymore and a $1200 price tag, I’m not complaining. Looks pretty cool though!
  2. Birthday suite works well for and dries pretty quick. The only downfall is when you can and can’t use this suite, and the biggest downfall is you need to be really careful around treble hooks!
  3. Yup Friday night into Saturday. We’re looking at 4-6”.
  4. January 19 was when all he-l-l broke loose last year. I’m going to continue enjoying this weather too, but in the back of my mind I’m prepared to cry when reality hits.
  5. ~UPDATE~ We got power back on about 10 minutes after I took melatonin. ?
  6. We’re on well water too. We always have drinking water on hand. I have access to a generator but since it won’t be too long We’ll just tuff it out. I think tonight is a good night for an early bedtime.
  7. ~UPDATE~ Power won’t be on until 12:30 am now. This sucks!
  8. Happy birthday to you and your mom! They’re saying 6:45 the power should be back on so it’s looking like you will have to wait to see me in a toga.
  9. We were going to stay the night, so ham sounds good tomorrow.
  10. We got a ton of rain over night, no snow as of yet, and I’d guess by what’s on the tree by our front door 1/8” of ice. Apparently enough to break a pole somewhere close by and knock power out for 1800 of us. I’m loading the family and dogs up and we’re heading to your place @slonezp. What’s for dinner?
  11. Annnnnd there goes the power. ?
  12. Today is catching up on DVR shows. I might do a little fishing later....PlayStation 4 fishing.
  13. We got a ton of rain last night and now we’re getting freezing rain and sleet. Everything is covered in ice and the roads are slick. We’ve got everything we need for today and tomorrow so we’re going to be reclusive for the next 48 hours or so.
  14. Pretty cool to see! The Bassresource family is a good one that’s for sure!
  15. The wife comes home and here’s the “guard dog”.
  16. It’s 45* as I type this, with a high of almost 50 today. The forecast for the next 48 hours says there’s a great potential that we’re in big BIG trouble! Some areas of West Michigan are looking at almost 4” of rain. The Grand River is already flooded. In my neck of the woods we’re looking at close to 3” of rain and 1/2-1” of freezing rain! I’m hoping the temps stay a little warmer than they’re predicting because even a half inch of freezing rain is bad news. The roads won’t be treated because of the rain we’re getting all day today through tonight. We had about 48 hours of a cold snap that had froze the first couple inches of ground, so the rainy will have nowhere to go and the dirt roads could turn into a skating rink. After tonight it’s time to batten down the hatches and not resurface until Monday morning. Hopefully we don’t lose power.
  17. It never gets old seeming those pups in the snow.
  18. Hunting licenses are down in Michigan. Fishing licenses I’m not sure about. I see boats out all the time in my area fishing. Last summer I took my son and his best friend out fishing. We were right in front of this house and they were hammering the gills and trying to catch the catfish that kept popping it’s head out. This old guy (late 70’s) came out and stood at the shore just looking at us. I finally said hi and he smiled and said he had been watching those two for a while (I was just the guide that day) and said he was so glad to see them out fishing and having so much fun doing it. He gave me a wink and a thumbs up. That was a proud dad moment for me. I’m doing what I can to keep hunting and fishing going in my household.
  19. Good luck with the tournament! Besides the rain sounds like some good weather.
  20. A drill and this works for me. I do like your contraption though. If I stripped as much line as you, your’s would be more handy.
  21. I find myself not as into it as much either since I already know who won. But we aren’t the target audience either.
  22. I think this idea could work and have a little ‘drama’. To add another twist what if they limited the amount of times they got a Scoretracker update? You can only do say three scoretracker updates, that adds a little drama because you may not know what size everyone else is catching, so are they on a 3 lbs average so you don’t weigh the smaller ones? Are you throwing away weight because you aren’t weighing 1.5 pound fish? That’s a gamble you have to take because you can only weigh 25 fish and you can only do 3 score tracker updates so you only get a small glimpse into what everyone else has.
  23. Nicely done! In front of our house there’s ice but the main part of the lake is wide open. The other lakes around are open too. The weather is miserable though.
  24. Start loading up on ice fishing gear. If you’ve created a monster like you think you’ll be ice fishing in a couple years whether you want to or not. Ask me how I know.
  25. Just had Christmas with my dad and stepmom a week late because I had the flu. I think I made out pretty well. Down sizing blurred things a bit. The rod is a Speed Demon flippin’ stick and the reel is a Spartacus.
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