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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Is there a trout pond there? Just kick the kids out and fish the pond. ?
  2. We have squeaky snow folks! I know, I know nothing for for some of you, but it’s the first time we’ve had it since probably November, early December. Initial temp reading when I started the truck to warm it up was 0, we’ll see what it is when I leave for work.
  3. Stalker!!!! Lol Just kidding. I have an I-Phone 10. Hmmm
  4. Hmmm, not seeing it here, unless you’re homeless, are in a desert, and never caught a bass. ?
  5. I’ve hunted them a few times. I’ve tried the meat a couple times. I didn’t care for the texture. They’re fun to hunt though.
  6. No Polar Plunge for A-Jay? ? I spend a good majority of my day outside even in the winter, so when the weekend comes around I want to stay inside. Of course at 9 years old Liam wants to be outside playing in the snow.
  7. 16 here, got about 3” of snow, and the windchill is hovering around 0. Tonight and tomorrow night we might see below zero temps, back up to average and above average temps by next week.
  8. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do until I was 15. I worked at the local lumber yard like most kids did, and I did construction at times thru high school. I decided I wanted to design houses for a living. My last two years of high school I was able to take CAD classes at the career center for the first half of the day. I graduated high school and went to college for this. Six weeks in I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and had to drop out. After my treatment was done i needed time to recover and I had to wait for fall classes again. By this time I had went back to work at the lumber yard, got a loan for my first jon boat and just never went back. To be honest I never cared for school and taking a year off was no good. I just wasn’t mature enough. After going through other jobs and them not working out for various reasons, I’ve found a career I love! I’m a utility locator and have been for 10 years now. I love the job almost every day and I’m climbing the ladder. I may not stay a locator forever but I will stay in the utility field. Looking back now I don’t think I could sit in an office everyday in front of a computer designing houses. I like being outside, I like being around heavy equipment, and being in the utility field. I’m not in one spot very long and this work can be like a puzzle and work your brain. Just yesterday I was head first in a trench no wider than my shoulders reaching down to hook up to a gas main we were having a hard time locating. That’s not an everyday occurrence, but I don’t mind getting in the trenches and getting dirty once in a while.
  9. Our long range outlook forecast is showing well above normal temps and above average rain/snow. Prediction for the end of next week upper 40’s. ?
  10. This is the second one. The first was him at the console.
  11. Time will tell. I think the weights would be different.
  12. He has two recent videos he posted on his channel, explaining what they are, how he utilizes each one, and why he chose each one. I’d post them but my phone is being stupid. He even says he paid for each one out of his own pocket and I believe he explains why he did that as well.
  13. I’m sorry but that’s horrible compared to the real fish. Had the painter (I call him that because a true artist would have done a much better job) matched the lines and detail you’d probably be happy with it. It looks like he just did what he wanted and what he ‘thought’ looked good, instead of matching your pictures. Sorry you got the shaft.
  14. It doesn’t sound like anyone is offended here. It does appear that you’re a little taken back by the lack of support.
  15. I know you have more, but we only have 3-4” of ice. This time last year we had 10”.
  16. We got about 5” yesterday afternoon, which caused the first snow day of the school year. Driving around today for work I’m not quite sure why they canceled school today, the roads aren’t bad at all. I think they might have jumped the gun last night, I saw they were closing around 9 o’clock last night. We’re supposed to get more snow later this week.
  17. Reading up on him a little bit it sounds like he’s OCD. If my wife had more than one rod her deck would look like his, me not so much.
  18. Garmin has served me well and is quite easy to use. Install was a breeze as well.
  19. I’d say it’s worth it for sure. Quite the upgrade.
  20. Here we are the eighth of February and the ice is thick enough to get out on. At 3-4” it’s not as thick as I’d like but it’s getting thicker by the day. Either way 6poundbass was happy to get out. We didn’t get anything, we didn’t stay out too long. I’m sure we’ll try again tomorrow. My idea of ice fishing is setting tip ups and looking out the window waiting for a flag.
  21. You poor soul
  22. No doubt the grocery store shelves are empty there.
  23. Miller Lite guy here. I don’t venture too far away from that. I did have a Killians last summer at a baseball game and enjoyed that, I’ll have to grab some more. I’ve tried others but not a fan. My brother is a beer snob, my dad likes to try other types. I stick to what works for me.
  24. That’s wild! You come 2-2.5 hours south to me and it was 35* warmer!
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