Can’t please everyone. “Use your best judgement” no longer works because common sense is extinct and if someone were to get hurt, sink a boat, or even die it wouldn’t be their fault it would be the organization’s fault. Along with common is accountability in the extinct category. It’s always someone else’s fault.
Remember the FLW event last year or the year before on Big O? A co died, that pro has to live with that the rest of his life, replaying the moment they both went over, and playing what if the rest of his life. If a boat went flying down Chickemauga and hit an object barely submerged because of the flood and the angler was ejected and killed, everyone would be up in arms saying it should have been postponed.
You can’t make everyone happy and at the end of the day, they’re just fish. I don’t need to fish tough conditions or a flooded parking lot to prove I’m a man.