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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Just got home and all that’s left is this iceberg and the frozen bay/cove where the launch is.
  2. There are some lakes in Michigan (not sure about the actual Great Lakes) where the red ear was introduced a couple decades ago. The cross bred with bluegill so a lot of what we have now is a hybrid red ear/bluegill.
  3. That’s a crazy schedule James, I don’t know how you guys do it.
  4. I’ve been around boats since I was about 7. I bought my first boat a 14’ flat bottom with a 15hp tiller when I was 19 or 20. I got another 14’ flat bottom a few years back, then a year and a half ago I finally upgraded to a 17.5’ G3. Take a big branch from a tree and carve it out into a canoe.
  5. Just got home. The south side of the lake is still iced which is to be expected. The little ‘bay’ where the launch is, still has ice, so no launching. I can see the G3 getting wet this weekend....maybe. 6poundbass got home from school and was already looking for a spot to wet a line. The kid is hooked on fishing.
  6. I spy a lake that appears to be completely open. It’s a private lake though. The ice out report from the wife states the main part of our lake is open. Too bad the boat launch still has ice.
  7. Good catch. I fixed it.
  8. I got an email this afternoon from Huk. They have 50% off select fleece.
  9. It’s a Michigan thing.
  10. Came home to this nice surprise. We’re heading in the right direction. Warm temps, rain tonight, and breezy the next few days should eat a lot more. Unfortunately the overnight lows in the upper 20’s will slow the melt. No fishing this weekend.
  11. Easily a 9” Echomap.
  12. I’m a Garmin guy and I’ve used Humminbird. I have no experience with Lowrance. All three are great products from the research I’ve done. Do your research and educate yourself on the different units and what sets them apart from their competitors. The more you learn the better you’ll feel about your purchase and the quicker you’ll learn your particular unit. Good luck.
  13. Hello from mid Michigan (Montcalm county). Go Blue!
  14. Up until a couple IPhone updates ago I just emailed the pictures to myself to downsize.
  15. I’ve done a zip line but nothing like that. That looks to be a ton of fun. Too bad they don’t last very long.
  16. I’m outside burning brush, enjoying the sunlight, and watching the channel open up. With these temps over the next seven days there’s a possibility my lake might be open next week. Fingers crossed.
  17. That’s a pretty cool picture.
  18. Your’s looks similar to mine last year. My transducer was bad and ended up having to get a new one. I’m not saying yours is because your image goes out quite a bit further than mine did. Your’s could quite possibly be an alignment issue.
  19. All that is left here are snow piles (and all the crap snow plows catch and pile up).
  20. My dad isn’t into fishing, so it was my grandpa who took me bluegill fishing the first time when I was (guessing) 4-5 years old. My stepdad came along a few years later and he’s a big walleye guy so that’s what I did growing up. I didn’t really get in to bass fishing until I was 16 or so, now it’s all bass. Fast forward 20 years and I have a 9 year old son who’s in love with bass fishing. He’s like a sponge and soaks up everything Jacob Wheeler has to say.
  21. Oh great, he’s going to give us anglers a bad name! Pretty soon will be nothing but a bunch of hoodlums! ?
  22. Mid 50’s Saturday and high around 60 Sunday. Still 4-5” of ice. I might not be over on my prediction. The extended forecast looks very promising.
  23. X2 on the graphite, that helped me get 2nd place.
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