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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. If the feces were ever to his the fan I could walk out my back door and catch my dinner (I live on a lake). I’m not a big fish eater though. I could walk across the street and hunt deer, turkey, rabbit, whatever I needed. Everything is running pretty smooth around here. I’m working overtime and the wife’s business is picking up new clients every week. The only thing out of sorts is my son not having school and us parents having to be teachers, while trying to work our normal jobs. We’ll survive. I might even launch the boat this weekend.
  2. Spring is here, the ground has thawed, and we are swamped! By the time I’m done Friday I’ll have around 55 hours. Our CEO sent our an email stating, interviews for new hires will be postponed or if possible done via Skype, training classes over 10 people are postponed, corporate people that can work from home will do so, and for those of us out in the field it’s business as usual (thankfully). We haven’t seen a down turn in incoming work as of now.
  3. Shows my age! Lol Still won’t be the bread winner right?
  4. It’s like Montana leaving the 49’ers and Favre and Reggie White leaving the Packers. It’ll be weird to see him in a different uniform.
  5. I don’t follow the Pats much, so maybe you all knew it was going to happen, but I sure thought he was there for good.
  6. Just read where Brady said he’s leaving New England. What happens next @A-Jay?
  7. Yup Friday morning is supposed to be around 60, by Friday evening low to mid 30’s.
  8. Holy BLEEP! I can’t believe anyone lives in that state.
  9. Is this a one time fee or yearly? Our trailer plates are a one time fee. The trailer for my 17.5’ G3 is $70 one time fee.
  10. It’s never too late Brad. Start now and hand it down to your son, that’s what I plan on doing. My son is 9 so he’s already learning, but he’ll get it eventually.
  11. Hank had a burst of energy. Now he’s passed out in 6poundbass’s bedroom. When Hank gets a burst of energy it sounds like we have a horse in the house!
  12. Good thoughts your way sir! Keep putting check marks on that list!
  13. We woke up this morning to a dusting on the ground and skim ice on the lake, it’ll be gone by the end of the day but still a reminder that this is still Michigan and Mother Nature is still in control.
  14. I just started making a “bass book” as I call it. I have it broke down into pre-spawn, spawn, post spawn, and have sections for the lakes I fish. I’m thinking about just jotting down notes for each trip, what lures worked, weather conditions, etc. Do you keep one or have you over the years? Any suggestions on things you’d add? I’ve thought about this the past couple years, just never got around to it, hoping this will add a few more pieces to the puzzle.
  15. I drove by my local smallie lake and as I had suspected it still has ice on it. I’d say it’s about 40% open, and of course the ice is in front of the launch so even if I wanted to go out there I couldn’t. The bright side the ice appears to be on its last leg and I’d guess gone in a few days.
  16. My smallie lake still has ice on it. I’m thinking by this weekend it’ll be open.
  17. We’ll keep the Beavis and Butthead theme going....
  18. We’ve been at or below $2 for a week now. It’s been really nice.
  19. And so it begins, there is a confirmed case in our county. An international traveler they’re saying but won’t say what town this person lives in. The wife heard rumblings yesterday from a nurse friend of hers that there were two people at the hospital getting tested. Today is the last day of school then they are shutting down for 3 weeks! We still have toilet paper. I will trade someone a couple rolls for an Ultrex. ?
  20. The third was recovered this morning in the same vicinity. Thankfully the family will now have closure and start the healing process.
  21. Word on the street is in order to prevent the spread to the brown bass, they will not school this year. Good luck pal. ?
  22. I have OQ testing for work I have to get done tonight. 6poundbass on the other hand....
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