I’ve seen lightning do some pretty impressive things. I responded to an emergency gas leak one time. I arrive and the gas company was already there, so I talk with them. Lightning struck the house, traveled to the gas meter, down the tracer wire (plastic gas service) melted the service about 60 feet from the house, and created a fire ring in the front yard where it was leaking.
But wait there’s more! It also traveled through the phone line to the phone ped, which was laying on the ground, and the inside was black with soot. The phone lines were melted together!
Still not done. I get to the cable TV to locate that too. The lid to the cable TV ped is laying 15 feet away from the ped. It appears the ground wire in the cable TV ped did it’s job in saving the cable main, but the force of the lightning launch that lid in the air. These peds are locked by the way.
That’s by far the craziest thing I’ve personally seen lightning do with my own two eyes. I don’t screw around with lightning, especially working, considering the equipment I use is basically a lightning rod. Lol