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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Someone was extra hungry this morning, so much so he jumped in bed to let me know it was past his normal feeding time.
  2. 6poundbass has his 10th birthday on the 2nd. He received a couple Basspro gift cards. This was his haul minus a couple back ordered items. The Googans aren’t a fan favorite I know, but he’s learned quite a bit from them.
  3. So, are illegitimate children uglier? ? lol
  4. I’m still thinking about it.
  5. Wait a minute.....you only get 90’s or upper 90’s? What about humidity? Once the dew point gets above 65 it gets real sticky. I’m not meteorologist, so I don’t know about humidity and dew point, and how they affect each other. Example today was 81 and dew point was 57 and it was absolutely perfect. Yesterday it was 84-86 dew point about the same and again, perfect. I can handle that kind of weather.
  6. The wife came home Thursday and threw 11 pounds of spare ribs on the counter and asked me to cook them Sunday. Who am I to argue with that? So I cooked them up. Filled the Pit Boss right up! I forgot to take a picture of them done. Oh well. My dad finally got to try my ribs.
  7. Nice work!
  8. Nice work!
  9. You really can’t go wrong with any of those. Take a look at the Garmin Echomap units, they’re excellent and you get a lot of bang for your buck.
  10. My tow vehicle has remained the same and will for quite a while. It’s a solid ride. The wife on the other hand is in need of another vehicle, a bigger ride. Money well spent and smart spending/saving has put us in a fortune situation. A new SUV/ grooming vehicle will suite her very well!
  11. A cold front came through, it’s now 78 with 90 humidity, and 75 on the dew point. I’m not sure how you southern boys resignate the humidity but but anything above 60 is sticky for us northern boys. Thankfully there’s a breeze.
  12. Water temp was 89 yesterday and Saturday. We were pitching craws around brush and isolated patches of Lilly pads in 2-4’ of water. We didn’t do too bad.
  13. Big bass award goes to 6poundbass. We hit the water for a couple hours and landed 8 bass and 4 warmouth.
  14. I’d say rock bass too
  15. Thankfully and I don’t understand why, but our humidity is minimal right now thankfully! It’s still sticky but not what it normally is when it’s 80-85.
  16. I agree, RAM mounts are the way to go. As far as the units go, it’s a Ford vs Chevy vs Ram deal. The more the consumer educated themselves the better off they are.
  17. It’s 95 here in Michigan and the water temps are pushing 90 on my lake. I fished a bit during mid day and then the wife and I spent 2 hours from 5 to 7 fishing. We both melted! The fishing was good but I don’t know how you guys do it! We have at least another week of this ridiculous heat. I tip my hat to you southern anglers!
  18. Launched our boat at our lake. 6poundbass is across the road pontooning on another lake, so I snuck out and fished for a bit. Pitching to a ten foot stretch of brush produced these two and three warmouth.
  19. Nice fish, congrats to him!
  20. Coeur d’Alane? I’ve never heard of this lake.
  21. This is what sets Wheelers apart from everyone else, he thinks about every aspect, every detail of his fishing, including the wrap on his boat! Chalk another win up for this guy.
  22. 6poundbass and I went to my mom and stepdad’s today and fished their pond. He caught a ton of bluegill and a few perch. He could have spent all day out there.
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