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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Congrats on the third place finish, that had to lift the spirits! Keep fighting and keep making those memories.
  2. Sturgil Simpson puts out some good tunes as well!
  3. 88 right now and muggy. Heat index is around 95-97 according to the radio. Really? Does it get muggy in Tennessee?
  4. Our son just start in person school last Wednesday. Thankfully there are only around 115 or so kids at his school K-8 grade, so the classes are very very small, lunch is in their own classrooms and recess is split amongst several grades and if you’re not in the same class you must social distance. His school recently upgraded their Apple computers and sold the used ones dirt cheap so if things go south and remote schooling begins we’ll be prepared.
  5. I thought it was common knowledge for the past couple years that the magazine was in shambles, I know it’s been discussed on here a few times.
  6. They’ve pushed high school and rocket football to spring. They’re supposed to start in March, problem is March in Michigan there’s equal chances of nice weather for football or 12 inches of snow.
  7. Bassresource the TV show. ?
  8. My son was about 5, I had him hold the rope while I launched the boat. It was his first time and wasn’t watching the rest of the rope, I ran it over and it snapped, I didn’t realize this. The boat launches and proceeds to float away! This is a tiny lake so we’re the only ones on it. I strip down to my skibbies and make my way out to my boat which is now about 50 yards away! I’m in waste deep water with knee deep muck, then swam (I hadn’t swam in probably 10 years) to the boat and finally was able to bring it in. Thankfully it was a warm summer morning so I didn’t freeze. While swimming I was quickly reminded how out of shape I was. Lol
  9. September? So we have to wait another two week minimum?
  10. This was pretty funny too, I completely forgot about him.
  11. The worst boss I’ve ever had, he seriously drank himself stupid! You could not understand a d**n thing he said especially when he got ***. The story goes he got pulled over one day and became of his slurred speech was asked to perform a sobriety test. Well he failed but passed the breathilizel. Hilarious, because he drank himself stupid and you couldn’t upstanding a d**n thing he was saying, but he’s the only person I wouldn’t slow down for if I ever saw him crossing the road! I have broad shoulders Paul, you know that. Lol
  12. Josh Blue is a pretty funny guy.
  13. Don’t throw anything at the windows!
  14. 55 yesterday morning when I left for work at 6 am.
  15. You’re good, I doubt anyone was offended by anything you’ve posted.
  16. Our lakes around here are 400 acres or less. A lot of the houses are vacation homes around here. The lake I live on is different, almost everyone is a permanent resident.
  17. I’m not afraid of scaring the fish, It’s the homeowner that I’m mindful of. I live on a lake, if I had a pontoon and someone banged a jig off a toon or my dock I wouldn’t care. My bass boat or the cowling of my outboard, I’d get a little ticked.
  18. It’ll be a long time before I launch any of my lures towards aluminum docks or any type of boat. Woods docks, sure, they don’t make much noise when a lure goes crashing into them.
  19. The roll cast is what they all recommended to do, and what I’m using. The backlash is getting less frequent and when I do it’s minimal. I’m using a Tatula and I have the brakes set on 16, I started on 20 and I’m slowly backing off on the brakes.
  20. My best skip was probably 8-10’, accuracy was non existent, but I’ll work on that later. Zona said similar to what you said @Hammer 4, when he was fishing 3 hour tournaments when he was younger, he’d go and skip docks and getting fish others weren’t, and winning money doing that.
  21. I’ve tried a few times to no avail. Today on my lunch I watched a Zona video, then I fell into a rabbit hole, and watched an Andy Montgomery video (that guy is crazy good), then I finished with a B-Lat video, all on skipping. I came home and spent some time in the back yard like I do most nights fishing with 6poundbass. The fish weren’t biting like last night so I decided I was going to give it a go again, this is a big plus to living on a lake, you can practice, practice, practice. Well I stuck with it and I’m getting the hang of it. Accuracy is poor but I’m not quite worried about that yet. 6poundbass saw me skipping so he decided to give it a go and now my 10 year old is getting the hang of skipping too! I know I have a long ways to go, but it’s quite a bit of fun skipping! The tip that finally clicked with me and got me over the hump was from B-Lat. He said when casting start low and end high. Once I started raising my rod tip on the follow through my blades jig really started skipping. Fun stuff!
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