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Everything posted by 12poundbass

  1. Wait a minute..... I thought Elvis was living in Brazil? ?
  2. Ha, glad to see you’re back on here! Congrats on the win!
  3. Lake St. Clair will be nothing but nasty this weekend with the predicted winds.
  4. Cool pic Paul! It’s a good week for some big waves on the big lake. You’re supposed to destroy your sweatshirt as soon as your boat sold. ?
  5. He does seem to be the real deal. He appears to be a good guy, which is good because my 10 year old son looks up to him, which is scary these days with a lot of athletes.
  6. That’s about as good of a deal as you’re going to find or at least that’s been the case the last few years. The Striker Plus units don’t have maps but some do have QuickDraw.
  7. Awesome for those guys especially @everythingthatswims. Thanks for posting, and remembering this thread!
  8. Pictures or it didn’t happen.
  9. The cinnamon in your rib rub recipe is absolutely awesome so I may give it a try in Chile.
  10. My mom adds a little sugar to relieve the tartness. I don’t add sugar to mine, but her way is good. My recipe is the same as yours, except I use a decent amount of chili powder.
  11. Fitting, I just saw this yesterday for the first time, and got a chuckle!
  12. Hello from Montcalm county! What part of the state are you from?
  13. Holy smokes that’s toasty!
  14. Silly me, I’ve completely forgotten where you told me you put your keys to the Lund. I forgot to ask, did you put gas in it or did you want me to? ?
  15. Take care, spend all the time you can with the ones closest to you, and just remember, your daughter will be there waiting for you when the time comes. We’ll all miss your stories and insight.
  16. Happy birthday!
  17. New PB, that I know of. I hate the snot rockets! I’m sure this is my pike PB. My bump board is 22” and he hung 4-6” beyond that.
  18. That’s a big house cat!
  19. Let’s fire this back up! I heard this song this morning on my way to pick up groceries. Great tune!
  20. They’ll be handed out by women’s health centers in the rural Midwest and they’ll be an Asian baby boom. *BREAKING NEWS* Recycled Vietnamese condoms weren’t properly sanitized.
  21. Wow! Nice fish. I had one of those strange good, but expensive days earlier this year.
  22. Those words have never been spoken to me! ?
  23. Years ago it would have fishing I’d give up for sure. Over the past few years I’ve started to lose the hunting bug. I still go for my son. I enjoy it, but I’m not bummed if I don’t get out. He harvested his first deer two weekends ago, which was really cool to see him do! I might get the bug again now that he’s able to hunt.
  24. There should be an edit button at the bottom of your post. There used to be anyways. Yup, it’s there.
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